The draft forum isn't really getting many views right now, so I thought this should go here. Most people are wanting a pass rusher in the first as do I. A player I was thinking was Whitney Mercilus. The thing is, his value may be more in the 20-30 overall range. The safe thing would be to just take him there, but with as deep as the pass rushing class is this year, there is no need to be really safe here. I believe if we do move down, Mercilus will still be there. If he isn't, no biggie. Take Branch. Moving down will give us another pick and with as many glaring holes as we have, we need some higher draft picks. Thoughts?
If there isn't a can't miss/ immediate impact pick available when we are on the clock then I agree we should trade down.
Just some advice, it doesn't matter what is getting more views or not , if its draft related it goes in the draft forum. Anyway, trading down is possible but its way to early to decide, that decision comes draft day as as more of a spur of the moment move than something planned. Mercilus is looking like a one trick pony and unless we get desperate I don't see us taking him, even with a trade down. Picking at 16 is a blessing in disguise. Let's wait till draft day to decide these things.
Cant go into the draft with your mind made up before it even starts. Never know whose gonna be on the board @ 16
I agree. I like Hightower a lot if Upshaw isn't there. He will be there around 28-30. Trade down maybe get a 3rd or 4th depending on if there is a team who is really after someone available at 16.
Trade from 16 to 28-30 for a 3rd or 4th?? Id expect at least a 2nd AND a middle round pick to move down that far
The trade value chart suggests a 2nd and middle round pick. And that was created before the rookie pay scale, which makes it MORE expensive (trade value wise) to trade up.
To Trade down you need someone willing to trade up. You can't force people to trade-up and its not good business to offer and settle for much less than fair value. If you do that people will take advantage of you a lot. There are some blue chip players that may drop to 16. Ingram, Richardon, Decastro, Keuchly, Coples. Some may add Floyd to that list. If the FO likes one of those players and he drops I am sure they will take him. But if the blue chippers are gone and we are targeting someone like Upshaw, Mercilius, Branch, Hill, Glenn, Hightower, Wright, Perry or Barron then it makes sense to trade down if there is a trade partner available. The best case scneario for trading down would be if Tannehill drops to us. but again there has to be a team wanting to trade up who will give something close to fair market value. The FO cannot force teams to trade up.
Always have to see who's there. Every year there's a player or two that fall to at least 16 that didn't expect to.
Im pretty sure we're taking either DE\OLB or MLB in the 1st. Depends on whos still available... I really want Melvin Ingram as our DE instead of Devito... Ingram and Wilk would give us a ridiculous pass rush....
From your lips to gods ears. Still all depends though on a team around the late 20s or 30s falling in love with a player still available around our slot.
The Jets need a pass rush. In my mind the Jets can't be dumb with the picks they have. The Jets HAVE to address their needs. Pass Rush is definitely #1, then probably Right Tackle, then Wide Receiver?
The difference between the 16 and the 28 is the 56 or bottom third of the second round. I'd be happy if they traded down in this draft but I'd rather not trade down that far. I think Hightower goes somewhere between 19 and 22 or so. I think Perry goes between 23 and 26. I think if we trade down for Branch on the 28 that Belichik trades up a few slots and steals him from us.
Jets are supposedly high on this Luke Kuechly kid from BC... Would he be able to start at MLB right away?? Hes got a great rating on the big board...
Really? I saw on a lot of mocks Hightower going to the Pats at 31. Figured he'd be available late. Maybe trade down to a low 20s then :grin:
I think this is probably right although the Steelers have the strong possibility of Jason Worilds moving in at LOLB next season and would probably shift LaMarr Woodley inside at that point to sit next to Timmons. If Hightower is there then they've got a lot of options at that point.