Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow (merged several times)

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RocklandJetsFan17, Mar 19, 2012.


Do you agree with the Jets in trading for Tebow?

  1. Yes

    277 vote(s)
  2. No

    379 vote(s)
  1. RutgersJET

    RutgersJET Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Excellent read. Hopefully we can utilize the advantage a running/passing QB threat can bring us on 3rd downs and red zone
  2. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Am I the only mother fucker that is absolutely disgusted with all of this?

    I mean, I can't believe there are so many debates going on about this bullshit. So much drama already buzzing around and we haven't even got to the draft yet.

    There was absolutely no NEED to trade for a guy that is naturally going to stir the pot on this team. I don't think you could have gotten anyone else and have had the same reaction from it. I think this is the one guy that The Jets probably just could not afford to have on their team because of the shaky foundation that this team is currently standing on.

    Any other year, maybe this would be ok. Right now this teams focus should have been to avoid any potential disasters at all cost, while making this teams foundation stronger going into this season. They refuse to do that and are shooting their load out of complete desperation.

    It's bullshit and I hate that all this is forced into my lap as a fan. Fucking sucks.

    I know it is a choice to be a fan of this team, I have chosen to be a fan for so damn long and I will continue to do so no matter how bad it gets.

    It's still a crock of shit and It truly pisses me off.
  3. johnny

    johnny Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    That's the third time he's done that. First, in 1997 when he didn't come out, then when the Colts beat the Jets in the AFCG in 2010, and now this :).
    #3543 johnny, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  4. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Because that's what everybody else was using. Traditional stats. I was pointing out that even by the same traditional stats people use to judge QB's, Tebow has performed better as a passer. The QB passer rating works great when the QB performs like he needs to in order to rate great in the QB passer rating.

    BUT an NFL QB CAN perform great as a QB, and do everything that he is being asked to do by his coaching staff, and in his offensive style, and come out looking very bad in the traditional NFL QB passer rating.

    And that was not the only thing I used to support Tebow and make my argument.

    For example, Joe Flacco, has one of the best winning percentages in the NFL, right there with Tom Brady as a starter. He does just about everything he is asked to do correctly as a quarterback to run Baltimore's traditional balanced pass/run offense. Yet he is never seen on the same level as Brady or Peyton and never will be as long as Baltimore runs that offense.
  5. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    AYFKM??? Denver scored ten friggin points against one of the lesser D's in the league.
  6. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    You're an idiot. Learn something about football before you post. QBs do not beat other QBs "head to head." QBs play against opposing defenses, not opposing offenses.

    You need to cut the crap. You are a bandwagon Jets fan. The people here have been rooting for this team for years, decades. You know shit about the history of this team, or its roster. It takes some pair to talk smack to long time fans.

    Im indifferent to the trade at this moment. People like you are going to quickly turn me, and others fans like me, against it.
  7. deerow84

    deerow84 Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Man, there are so many tebow shirts out there already. This one is my fav so far: cool Tebow shirt

    Or the one that says "Jesus Extends Tebow's Services"
  8. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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    That's a great article. It should be a compulsory read.
  9. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    That was really good.

    Great explanation of difference between WC and Single Wing.

    I'm being redundant but Tebow in as TE for a handful of snaps will fuck defenses up.
  10. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Tebow will break all of Brett Favre's and Emmit Smith's records when all is said and done. Althewhile winning the SB every year because he is a winner.
  11. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Maybe you have to read it and complete a test before signing up for a new account?

    Good way to keep the trolls out...
  12. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    There is no logical approach to Tebowmania.
    #3552 whichfan, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  13. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    This post should be put in a frame!!!!!

    BB I know you and I have not agreed on many issues with the Jets, particularly BS, but you have scored many points in my book with this post, you're still in the negative but you scored big points....:wink:

    I would like to add one thing, I thought this team was heading in the direction of the Steelers and the Giants, making sound football decisions and letting the victories and success of the team be the main selling point.

    Now I just have my face in my hands and avoiding the circus until the beginning of the season, I don't even want to watch any of the preseason games I'm so disgusted by this move.
  14. GoldenShowers

    GoldenShowers Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
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    Perhaps one day, when the Gators go undefeated once, just once, and get over the fact that it took them 25 years to win one game against Miami, you will stop having an incessant need to ruin NFL teams in order to prop up your hero.

    The best player in the history of that school is a BACKUP QB on the NY Jets.

    As far as him ever being a starter in this league allow me to explain what most likely happened here:

    John Elway is a HOF QB, who understands that while a gimmick offense is good enough for a year, eventually that offense can no longer be your base offense. It can be a change up, but not the base offense. And Tim Tebow cannot run any other type of offense. Therefore, unless Elway wanted to see his team go the way of the 2009-2011 Phins, he knew he had to install a legit offense and relegate the read option to being a change up.

    If people care to remember 2008, the wildcat was the talk of football. Miami won MORE GAMES with it than the Broncos did with their gimmick. People were saying "it's the new wave in football". Guys like Pat White got drafted. A year later and basically no one ran it except one or two teams a few plays a game.

    The Broncos learned from history, and instead of fooling themselves that this gimmick which barely got them to .500 would sustain them, they used the exposure and success of the gimmick to get a REAL SYSTEM.

    The point of this is that the reason no team wanted this guy to be their starting QB is bc they understand that the only type of offense he can run is a change of pace offense that cannot be used as a base offense now that Denver has exposed it. The Jets, being the last team to still use the wildcat, and with their OC being from Miami, saw him as a perfect replacement to the missed Brad Smith. Period, end of story. Tim Tebow will NEVER start for this team long term bc the read option is a less successful version of the wildcat which itself lasted ONE SEASON as a base offense.
  15. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Oh I know he looked terrible I thought you were talking about all the points the Pats put up. I guess its a good thing Tebow isn't our starting QB then :grin:
  16. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    Yes, it will work but for how long...........I think we are taking a step back long term. I dont care what people say Tebow will end up starting this year at some point and I think when that day comes win or lose this franchise goes down hill. Top name guys will ask to be traded and leave.

    Yes this works in college and highschool but the pros will catch on only a matter of time.
  17. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Please dont make it seem like that playoff game was all of the defenses fault.

    Tebow had a 34% completion percentage, 136 yards, no TD’s and a fumble.

    The pats defense found a way to stop Tebow and sacked him 5 times. The stellar Pats passrush..

    You answered your second post with your first one. Tebow couldnt stay on the field and control the clock which was a major factor in the Broncos losing.
  18. Red Menace

    Red Menace Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    How many SB winning teams have this scheme in their offense?

    The Pats came up with the solution to this scheme, just go back to the playoff game last year, every team on our schedule will look at the defense that was used against it and the moment Tebow goes on the field they will know exactly how to defend it.

    Now we are going to put the offense in negative play territory and ask MS to come back in and get a first down on 3 and 15. When he doesn't come through the Jet fans will put it all on his shoulders as not being able to come through.
  19. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    No..At HB...You cannot defend third and short, with Sanchez under center, and T2 at HB, and 31 personnel.
  20. ScotlandJet

    ScotlandJet New Member

    Nov 10, 2004
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    Nice read Barry; pretty much how I feel right now.
    Any move is a gamble in this league but this gives lots of intangibles to this team and who knows. A decent draft and we could be set for a decent season.

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