Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow (merged several times)

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RocklandJetsFan17, Mar 19, 2012.


Do you agree with the Jets in trading for Tebow?

  1. Yes

    277 vote(s)
  2. No

    379 vote(s)
  1. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    This is an objective take. Deathstar ain't a Sanchez apologist.
  2. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    My gut tells me that this won't work but Tim Tebow is a member of the Jets family, we all should welcome him and root for him to be a great player for years to come.

    Unlike Brianna Favre, Tebow is serious about football and isn't going to act like a clown off the football field. He will take his Jets tenure seriously and that is all anyone can ask for.
  3. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Tier 1. Brady, Aaron.

    Tier 2(yes tier 2). Peyton, Brees

    Eli(he's moving up)

    Tier 3: Ben, Rivers, Flaco, Stafford, Ryan, Romo, Schaub, Hasslebeck, Smith(he moved up last year).

    Tier 4: Cutler, Moore, Dalton, Yates, Palmer(he's on a down slope though)

    Tier 5: Vick, Tebow, Newton(rushing threats set them apart)

    Tier 6: Everyone else. Sanchez is in here. Sorry but he's one of the worst in the league right now with the least upside.

    However you wanna number it. Brady's 1 and Aaron's 2. Beyond that the exact numbering is debatable.
    #3063 whichfan, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  4. reverseapachemaster

    Mar 18, 2012
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    No kidding. People who point to how the Broncos did last year as Tebow's success gloss over how weak the schedule was after Tebow stepped in. They played a bunch of mid-low level teams. Several wins came in OT on a field goal. During Tebow's time, they played two teams that went to the playoffs. They lost to the Lions and lost to the Patriots. They beat the Steelers in the playoffs, again in OT. Not exactly a stellar record.

    Had Tebow stayed at the helm in Denver this year teams would have been defensively prepared. Just three points in several of those games swings Denver into a serious losing record. A few offensive plays go south and Denver doesn't make it to OT to make the FG. Denver doesn't even get in the hunt for a wildcard.
  5. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Lots of teams lose to the Patriots. That means nothing. And they could have actually blown out the Steelers in the playoffs had it not been for the refs saving Ben's "lateral pass fumble". Did you even watch the game? They didn't "get lucky" against the Steelers, they dominated them pretty much the entire game. The Steelers were the ones that had to tie the game.

    Let's not act that they lost in the playoffs to just any team. It WAS the Patriots, and had they been matched up with anyone else, like say the Ravens or Texans, who knows what would have happened. Pats made the Superbowl, remember? Tebow would have had no problem playing as ugly as Brady did to get past the Ravens that is if Denver's D would have played as good as the Pats D did. Brady's 0 TD, 2 INT performance and 57.5 rating wasn't exactly stellar. That certainly didn't prove you need to be an "elite passer" to get to the Superbowl. Brady sneaked in for a TD, something Tebow could have probably done much better.
    #3065 whichfan, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  6. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I am psyched to have a much better viable alternative than drew stanton as the back up QB. It's definitely not about football????? Are you insane? Were you living under a rock for the past football season? It is all about FOOTBALL.

    In 2011 the Broncos were 1-4 and left for dead when they switched QBs to Tebow. The team then went 7-1 (including beating the Jets) and went on to Beat the Steelers in the playoffs in a game in which Tebow threw for 316 Yds and 2 TDs including and 80 YD TD PASS IN OT TO WIN THE FKNG GAME.

    What is fascinating are the Tebow Haters like you who ignorantly ignore his skills as a football player and a leader and pretend that this guy isn't a winner even though he has been a winner his entire life. The dude is a HEISMAN TROPHY WINNER and NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP QB who holds massive numbers of collegiate QB records. He is an incredibly tough and talented football player who has continued to improve.

    The absolute stupidity and ignorance of some fans who sit there like doofuses and say its not about football is frankly shocking. IT IS ALL ABOUT FOOTBALL. HE IS A GOOD YOUNG FOOTBALL PLAYER THAT HAS BEEN A WINNER AT EVERY LEVEL HE HAS PLAYED AT.

    He is a much better backup QB than Drew Stanton is. Get over the stupid football ignorance and recognize that this is a highly talented guy we just got for a freaking 4th rd pick.
  7. TebowTrollCoach

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Not for me..in fact I sure wish he would just can it, and save it for Sunday after the game, in private with other people..

    That's why I like Catholics I guess..they really don't run around evangelizing and all that.

    Personally, I had become disenchanted with much of football, between the criminal element, and the prima donnas , and the west coast pass oriented game plans, I could barely make myself watch a pro game. I longed for the days of smashmouth football , like ol Bill Cosby likes.. Anyway, I was a Gators fan, until they had issues, and for whatever reason this kid shows up... Tim Tebow, under the radar, because his parents kept him out of the public school system..so he didn't learn about being gay, and so on..

    But what really got my attention was when I was watching the ever routine Gators game on Saturday when this new young QB pushed an All American linebacker for the damn LSU tigers backwards about 5 yards one day..

    Then I started checking this kid out that Meyer was working with, and what was happening with the team...and it turned out he was a little like me, in that he had won the state championship in high school with almost a compound fracture in both his tibia and fibula..and he ran the last TD in on that broken leg.

    I don't go to church, and I am not *religious*... but I really like watching anyone who will fight through all kinds of crap to win, or whatever..and I have had to do things when I was injured and all that..and I know it takes a badass..and I think Tim is a badass, even though the only place he shows it is in football...

    Seriously, when is the last time you saw a QB , please name the guy so I can watch him..that pushes linebacker backwards and runs over them >> I think it is friggin awesome to watch it..so do a lot of other people..
    #3067 TebowTrollCoach, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  8. kubernetes

    kubernetes New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    "He's already put up a higher passer rating than Sanchez ever has..."

    Ever heard of a statistical outlier? Tebow hasn't had enough of a body of work either, so one game like that bumps up his overall rating in a significant, but ultimately meaningless way.

    Here's how I see Tebow: he can perform on a high level, but only for about 5-10 minutes a game. For three-and-a-half quarters he makes Blaine Gabbert look like a HoFer. And then (sometimes) in the last drive or two he executes like mad. That might work if our D was like the 2000 Ravens, but otherwise it's just not a sustainable way to win.
  9. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    These folks who are so afraid of hearing the fans calling for more Tebow - the answer to that is very simple - Sanchez needs to play great and win football games and not throw bad passes and interceptions. If Sanchez is successful there is no reason to think Tebow will be anything more than a wildcat option QB. If Tebow continues to improve GREAT !!! IF Sanchez steps it up and improves - GREAT !!! If Sanchez is injured or lays an egg - I'm glad that the Jets went out and got a backup QB that is a proven winner who can win football games immediately.

    I guess the haters here wanted Drew Stanton to be the backup QB in case Sanchez went down or failed to win and improve.... If that is what you wanted - Drew Stanton instead of Tebow - then just come out and say so - BUT you should be prepared to tell us all how Drew Stanton is a better QB than Tim Tebow is.

    Did Drew Stanton win a Heisman Trophy? Was Drew Stanton an All American? Did Drew Stanton win a National Title? Did Drew Stanton set the BCS single game record for total offense when he led his team to a 51-24 blowout win in the 2010 Sugar Bowl? Did Drew Stanton help lead his team into the AFC Playoffs where he helped lead them to victory over the Steelers???

    If you are so worried that Tebow is not as good as Drew Stanton - Please have the guts and football intelligence to make your case.
  10. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    So all of these are "statistical outliers"?

    Miami: 13 27 161 48.1 5.96 42 2 0 91.7
    Oakland: 10 21 124 47.6 5.91 29 2 0 98.1
    Sand Diego:9 18 143 50.0 7.94 39 1 0 95.4
    Minnesota:10 15 202 66.7 13.47 42 2 0 149.3
    Steelers:10 21 316 47.6 15.05 80 2 0 125.6

    And I guess if you want to count these two:
    Kansas City: 2 8 69 25.0 8.63 56 1 0 102.6
    San Diego: 4 10 79 40.0 7.90 31 1 0 101.7

    I actually see 2 statistical outliers, the KC and San Diego games.

    The other 5, are just games with solid or great passing performances.

    Tebow's started in 13 games, and in 6 of those he's had a QB rating of 91.0 or higher, and those are OUTLIERS?

    Man, I love the logic of some haters.

    Anyone with an ounce of common sense should be able to pick up on the fact that:

    1) because of Tebow's low passing attempts per game, each incompletion significantly affects his completion %
    2) because unlike dumbass quarterbacks, when Tebow goes out of his way to take a sack or throw the ball away, along with his low passing attempts, it makes his completion % look bad. But this is NOT a bad thing. This is a GOOD thing. This is how he went on a 5 game winning streak without throwing ANY interceptions.

    Yeah I'll take an extra pass thrown away or two if it means 0 interceptions because he's also avoiding making that bad throw. Some guys will force 2 or 3 extra completions, but those 2-3 extra completions also means an extra interception. It's never worth it. I'd rather he completes at 48% with 0 interceptions than 55% with 1.

    Case in point?

    Tebow against the Jets: 9/20 104 5.2 0 0 61.2 45% completion percentage
    Mark Sanchez with the Jets: 24/40 252 6.3 0 1 67.9 60% completion percentage

    Who won? Why? Who was smart and who was stupid?

    PS: Tebow had the only rushing TD that game. The other one was a pick 6 thanks to Sanchez. Just saying...THIS is HOW Tebow wins. He plays smart not stupid. That's not luck. That's conservative, smart football, but when you also have the rushing ability, it makes up for being a conservative passer. It's just that receivers don't like that too much.
    #3070 whichfan, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  11. JetsFanDoc

    JetsFanDoc Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow

    I remember when the Pats were playing the Broncos in the divisional round this year. I was with a bunch of buddies drinking beers and shootin the shit. I turned to one of my closest buds and said "boy, i hope this is the last time I ever have to root for Tebow in my life." At the time, if you asked me who my 5 least favorite players in the league were, number 1 would be Brady, and 2 would be Tebow. When I saw this news, my heart sank.

    However, this team has already tested my patience, and everytime i fight through it. Because thats what being a die hard is all about. Its about sticking with them through the bad losses. Its about dreaming of the day they finally bring it home. Its about being loyal to the name on the front of the jersey no matter who is wearing it. However, its just gonna take me some time. If Sanchez is benched for him at any point in the season, I may throw up though. Wouldnt be the first time they made me barf, and god willing it probably wouldnt be the last.
  12. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Still waiting for somebody that hates Tim Tebow to step up and tell me how on earth they believe that Drew Stanton is a better option than Tim Tebow as the backup QB.
  13. kubernetes

    kubernetes New Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    So all of these are "statistical outliers"?

    What about the games he went


    All this tells me is that he is wildly inconsistent. I actually like Tebow a lot, but he's got a long ways to go before he can be a long term starting QB.
  14. JetsFanDoc

    JetsFanDoc Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    Interesting and simple factoid...Mark Sanchez had the same amount of rushing TDs as Tebow last year.
  15. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I'm with you man. This is the most disagreeable transaction during my time as a NYJ fan, and there's been many. If it doesn't lead to a QB controversy and he helps out our run game, then we'll be fine. Doesn't help his idiot cult-following fans think he's an All-Pro at every position.

    The 2012 season lives and dies with Sanchez and the OL.
  16. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Thats fine and thats why he is not being annointed as the starting QB. He is the backup QB. If he improves Great !!! If not we already have a starting QB who also needs to improve and if Sanchez improves GREAT !!!

    In the meantime, who would you rather have as your backup QB going into the season - Tim Tebow or Drew Stanton??
  17. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Thank you for going on record. TJ Yates is better than M Vick? I'm anti-Vick as hell and think that's a putrid ranking. Hey, opinions are like assholes. We'll revisit this when the season starts and ends.

    Be sure to not dodge the 3 posts prior to this one.
  18. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Exactly. Inconsistent. Not unable. BIG difference.

    But how was even our "elite QB's" like Manning his first year?

    Sun 9/6
    L 15-24 21 37 302 56.8 8.16 42 1 3 58.6
    Sun 9/13
    @ NE
    L 6-29 21 33 188 63.6 5.70 22 1 3 51.1
    Sun 9/20
    @ NYJ
    L 6-44 20 44 193 45.5 4.39 22 0 2 39.3
    Sun 9/27
    L 13-19 (OT) 19 32 309 59.4 9.66 78 1 3 63.2
    Sun 10/4
    W 17-12 12 23 137 52.2 5.96 27 1 1 66.8
    Sun 10/11
    L 24-31 20 41 235 48.8 5.73 26 2 2 62.6
    Sun 10/18
    @ SF
    L 31-34 18 30 231 60.0 7.70 61 3 0 117.5
    Sun 11/1
    L 16-21 30 52 278 57.7 5.35 24 2 2 69.2
    Sun 11/8
    @ MIA
    L 14-27 22 42 140 52.4 3.33 18 1 2 47.7
    Sun 11/15
    W 24-23 26 44 276 59.1 6.27 38 3 2 81.3
    Sun 11/22
    @ BUF
    L 11-34 14 29 164 48.3 5.66 30 1 2 48.6
    Sun 11/29
    @ BAL
    L 31-38 27 42 357 64.3 8.50 34 3 1 105.0
    Sun 12/6
    @ ATL
    L 21-28 19 27 159 70.4 5.89 30 2 2 79.1
    Sun 12/13
    W 39-26 17 26 210 65.4 8.08 23 3 0 128.7
    Sun 12/20
    @ SEA
    L 23-27 23 39 335 59.0 8.59 53 1 1 84.9
    Sun 12/27
    L 19-27 17 34 225 50.0 6.62 46 1 2 56.6
    REGULAR SEASON STATS 326 575 3,739 56.7 6.50 78 26 28 71.2

    Not even as good as Tebow. People must have forgotten just how bad Peyton sucked that they actually were thinking about going with someone else towards the end of that season. And Brady?

    Sun 9/23
    L 3-10 5 10 46 50.0 4.60 21 0 0 62.9
    Sun 9/30
    W 44-13 13 23 168 56.5 7.30 38 0 0 79.6
    Sun 10/7
    @ MIA
    L 10-30 12 24 86 50.0 3.58 15 0 0 58.7
    Sun 10/14
    W 29-26 (OT) 33 54 364 61.1 6.74 26 2 0 93.4
    Sun 10/21
    @ IND
    W 38-17 16 20 202 80.0 10.10 91 3 0 148.3
    Sun 10/28
    @ DEN
    L 20-31 25 38 203 65.8 5.34 30 2 4 57.1
    Sun 11/4
    @ ATL
    W 24-10 21 31 250 67.7 8.07 44 3 0 124.4
    Sun 11/11
    W 21-11 15 21 107 71.4 5.10 26 1 1 78.9
    Sun 11/18
    L 17-24 19 27 185 70.4 6.85 27 1 2 70.8
    Sun 11/25
    W 34-17 19 26 258 73.1 9.92 41 4 0 143.9
    Sun 12/2
    @ NYJ
    W 17-16 20 28 213 71.4 7.61 46 0 0 93.3
    Sun 12/9
    W 27-16 19 28 218 67.9 7.79 23 0 2 61.3
    Sun 12/16
    @ BUF
    W 12-9 (OT) 19 35 237 54.3 6.77 40 0 1 63.6
    Sat 12/22
    W 20-13 11 19 108 57.9 5.68 23 1 0 91.6
    Sun 1/6
    @ CAR
    W 38-6 17 29 198 58.6 6.83 31 1 2 62.1
    REGULAR SEASON STATS 264 413 2,843 63.9 6.88 91 18 12 86.5
    Sat 1/19
    W 16-13 (OT) 32 52 312 61.5 6.00 29 0 1 70.4
    Sun 1/27
    @ PIT
    W 24-17 12 18 115 66.7 6.39 28 0 0 84.3
    Sun 2/3
    W 20-17 16 27 145 59.3 5.37 23 1 0 86.2
    POSTSEASON STATS 60 97 572 61.9 5.90 29 1 1 77.3

    Slightly better than Tebow. People don't remember. None of those guys started off consistent or wildly accurate. Those guys were just as inconsistent as Tebow. Heck it took Brady 3 years to put up a QB rating over 100 in the post season. And how was Brady seen coming into this league?

    How quickly people forget. The difference is Manning was brought in to pass, given the keys to the franchise and allowed to throw as many picks as his heart desired his first year. Brady had a Super Bowl caliber defense. Tebow had neither. He HAD to win just to earn his position, just like Brady. Peyton never had to deal with that. And he STILL chose the no-pressure situation by picking Denver instead of the 49ers.

    I'm going to LMFAO when Peyton and the Broncos fail this year.
    #3078 whichfan, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  19. 21stAmendment

    21stAmendment Member

    Mar 8, 2012
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    My buddy is a Gators fan. I've been talking smack about Tebow for years. I've been pulling for Manning to go to Denver so Tebow would be put out on his ass. Boy did that backfire.
  20. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Tebow is not the long term QB. they had just said he was a read option package QB and Sanchez was the starter! How many times does this have to be said?

    I think at 24 and on his first year starting he can be developed. Like any other young QB or is he being judged differently ?( it always seems he is, like if he has been in the league for 7 or 8 years)

    Here are 2 good stats , 3835 total yards 32 TDs 16 starts ( appearances in several other games) that's more production than about 70% of he other starters in the nfl in their first 16 starts ( starts include 2 post season games)
    #3080 CowboysFan, Mar 23, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012

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