Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow Tebow (merged several times)

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by RocklandJetsFan17, Mar 19, 2012.


Do you agree with the Jets in trading for Tebow?

  1. Yes

    277 vote(s)
  2. No

    379 vote(s)
  1. MoWilkShakes

    MoWilkShakes Active Member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    oh i forgot we have access to a machine that can make the season start right now.
  2. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    I can't believe people are wasting their time arguing with this guy.

  3. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yeah I'm serious. I've been watching the Panthers and Fox for the past decade and live 30 minutes from Charlotte. Watched every single Panthers game under John Fox and watched Fox last year with Denver. You know more about Fox than me?

    It has NOTHING to do with Tebow. He's always had this issue. Go ask ANYONE that knows John Fox.

    I love Fox as a coach. One of my favorite coaches in the NFL, but he is the most stubborn SOB you will ever meet, especially offensively. He lives and dies by running the football even when it's clear it DOES. NOT. WORK.

    He believes in out-executing no matter what. He doesn't believe in changing strategies, even when it's apparent execution has hit a wall and the team cannot out-execute a defense. He still wants you to out-executes. That's him. That's his mentality. I thought he would change in Denver. He didn't.

    Peyton might be the only soul on this planet that can change that about John Fox.

    You know what Fox's favorite saying is about passing? "There's 3 things that can happen when you throw a football and 2 of them are bad". I have heard this from him over and over and over, waaaaaaaaaaay before Tebow was even starting in college.
    #3043 whichfan, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  4. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    you guys are talking about two different sets of adjustments.
  5. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    I'm laughing at your assinine statement that Tebow was able to read a defense like no other rookie before him, what do you base that on? Proof? Even more ridiculous when one realizes Cam Newton's coming off the best rookie year by a QB ever. And then there's that guy P Manning....

    I dunno, I'm done for tonight. Tim Tebow is the greatest football player, person, and citizen there has ever been. Until tomorrow, troll.
  6. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Cant help it man, I see a stupid statement, I gotta correct it.

    Where's junc when you need him? Junc vs whichfan would be great.

    And I'm still waiting on your top 30 QB rankings whichfan. Lets see 'em.
  7. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    I dont think that the purpose of signing him was to trade him.

    However I think the chance to trade him, is going to be strongly considered.

    I mean after all Tebow is on a rookie deal for 3 years.

    Which means he has 2 full seasons (plus pre-seasons) to show that he can actually do something.

    Now I realize that during games hes likely to run it 7-8 times while only throwing it 1-3 times.

    But again, over the next 2 years how many blowouts will there be ? Either us crushing another team, or another team crushing us ? No point in playing Sanchez when were down up or down by 30 in the 4th quarter. Hell same thing with either week 16 or 17 games that dont mean anything.

    The fact is Tebow WILL get a shot somewhere to play as a starting QB. Whether its for an entire game, an entire half, or even a full quarter, hes gonna see significant playing time at some point.

    And if he keeps working his ass off in practices, OTAS, or with Jesus eventually thats gonna pay off and he could reasonably expect a trade.

    I think the 3 years left on his contract for a low rate just drastically improves his chances of getting traded before that contract expires.
  8. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    i am genuinely curious about tebow's following. it's fascinating.

    what makes people gravitate towards him like this? it's definitely not all about football.

    is it him being a proud christian? even then, i find it hard to believe that him being a devout believer is enough for all of this.

    whatever he's got.. i want it..

    .. so i can abuse it. i'd abuse it sooooooo gooooooood.
  9. RobertTheJr

    RobertTheJr Member

    Dec 2, 2009
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    Jaw line and late adolescent beard.
  10. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    This is a great question. He's not the first guy to win two BCS titles is he? I don't understand it at all. It's gotta be a religious thing.
  11. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I guess you missed the part where Fox changed his enitre offense from a modern NFL offense to one from the fucking 1940's to give Tebow a shot in hell.
  12. bicketybam

    bicketybam Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2010
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    What's sad is that I like Tebow, but these insane arguments for him just make me want to hate him. He puts up a perfect passer rating and that means he has the ability to be a perfect passer? I feel like I am arguing with my son when he was 12.

  13. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    I already did.

    He's already put up a higher passer rating than Sanchez ever has, like it or not, he has a better NFL QB career passer rating, he has a rushing ability Sanchez does not have, and his ability to protect the football and not throw interceptions is better than Sanchez. As far as character, leadership, and everything ELSE that it takes to be a quarterback in the NFL, I don't even think it needs to be addressed. Without those things Tebow wouldn't even be on the map. He was on a record setting pace last year as far as interception efficiency. His career interception % and his TD-to-int ratio is higher than Sanchez.

    That won't change, because it is a part of Tebow's fundemental approach to football as a quarterback. He displayed this same discipline in college and in the NFL. He's inconsistent in completion % but VERY consistent in interception % and td-to-int % which does happen to be more important. Scoring and not turning over the ball are more important than completing passes. Might not sell as many tickets or look as pretty offensively, but it does WIN football games.

    Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers, and a lot of other elite QB's have the same approach to the game and yes Tim Tebow have the same approach. Their primary goal and the way their brains are wired is as follows:

    1) avoid the pick
    2) complete the pass

    That is what makes them winners and makes them different from gunslingers that costs you games. It's that discipline that a lot of guys never develop. It's one thing to base everything you learn about being a quarterback ON TOP of that mentality, and another thing to try to develop it later in your career. You can always improve your passing. Breaking bad habits, is hard to do.

    Many other quarterbacks who learn how to pass the ball, then go back to try to eliminate bad habits and stop throwing picks never accomplish that. They eventually end up on the bench, because they have never developed that mentality to start off with.
  14. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    First of all I'm talking about in-game adjustments WITH Tebow.

    Second of all, :lol:

    That was the most retarded attempt of trying to run the spread option offense I have ever seen in the NFL. You wanna see it done right? Go look at what Chud, Newton and the Panthers have done.

    You can't fucking run the spread option offense WITHOUT tight ends and a SHORT PASSING THREAT! Only John Fox would try to do it. It's like if you want it to fail, that's what I would design.

    That was a perfect example of how NOT to run the spread option at the NFL level. It wasn't a true spread option offense. It was a hybrid between a traditional passing offense and a spread option using the WRONG personnel.


    Who was Tebow's short passing option? Do you know? Cause I don't know. Nobody knows. Tebow didn't know. Nobody knew on that field. And please don't even say Willis.

    Fox let Tebow improvise a lot. They ran very few designed, set plays that actually made any freaking sense.
    #3054 whichfan, Mar 22, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  15. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    No its all about football.

    He reminds me of Roger Staubach and a greater memory I can not have.

    From the "he wont make it" (Staubach was older and came into the league after years in the Navy .. it was not because of mechanics)

    To the leadership and presence.

    To the Roger the dodger running

    To the incredible improbable comebacks.

    it's all there.

    except the Superbowl (but Tebow is only a first year starter) but looking forward to that one , one day.
  16. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    ^Everybody outside the Jets fan base has been saying Sanchez sucks balls since day 1. He's been leading 4th Quarter comebacks and benefitting from good run game and good D his first two years as well. Yet Sanchez sucks, and Tebow is a winner. Dumbfounding, makes no sense.

    Sanchez can at least throw a consistent spiral. :lol:
  17. RobertTheJr

    RobertTheJr Member

    Dec 2, 2009
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    100% truth right here.

    By the way, when will TGG cave in and photoshop Tebow into the NYC skyline?
  18. whichfan

    whichfan New Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    And he can consistently throw interceptions too.

    Career Stats:

    interception %
    Sanchez: 3.6(1414 attempts, 51 interceptions)
    Tebow: 2.5(353 attempts, 9 interceptions)

    TD to Int ratio:
    Sanchez: 1.07 TD's per interception
    Tebow: 1.89 TD's per interception

    TD to turnover ratio:
    Tebow: 1.81 (29 TD's, 16 turnovers)
    Sanchez:1.05 (77 TD's, 73 turnovers)

    Honestly, Sanchez has turned over the ball as many times as he's scored touchdowns. And I could care less about completion % when compared to those stats. Touchdowns/turnovers matter more than a freaking completion percentage which has just as much to do with your receivers. Interception % is at least very much a quarterback stat, not a team stat.

    In terms of career stats, Sanchez is at the bottom of the NFL when it comes to interception % and td-to-int ratio. Tebow's up there with the best of them.
  19. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    I'd take the guy that took a team to 2 championship games over a Joke who got lucky.
  20. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    whichfan still waiting on your QB rankings 1-30 before we go any further.

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