Yeah, I did, probably because they began every scene of the highway with a close-up of the groceries. Before they got there, Rick or Carl or someone said they should go back to where they left the 'supplies' for Sophia. They should have said 'commercials'.
They left that stuff if Sophia came back. And the note on the windshield "Sophia, stay here we will check daily" something like that.
This episode didn't suck but when you have a swarm of zombies descending on our heroes as they are quickly running out of ammo things are guaranteed to get turned up a notch. While the action was great, there were many holes in this one. First of all this was a great chance to lose any of the most annoying characters such as Lori, Carol, or Herschel. They got my hopes up twice. When zombies started tearing into Jimmy I thought it was Herschel until I saw him with the infinite ammo shotgun (at least he looked like a badass for once in his life). Also, I thought Carol got left behind only to find out that T-Dog and Lori could give two shits about Andrea (I know zombies were swarming but if Andrea mad it out of there on foot they could have swung around to see if she was alive). At least we lost two more members of Herschel's family not named Maggie. I am glad they weren't dumb enough to kill off Andrea. Looks like she got treated like crap so the writers could introduce Michonne. Meeting up at the point on the highway was common sense but if Rick and Hershel had to bug out before the rest of the group got there it would make things less predicatble. Running out of gas was lame but I don't see how else Michonne and Andre can catch up with them on foot. Hopefully Andrea gives someone a well deserved punch in the chops for leaving her to die. While the writing on the show has been a great disappointment we get Michonne and the governor next season. With any luck we also get to see Lori, Carol, and Hershel become zombie snack packs.
Ya I thought for sure Carol was gonna die, and was a little upset when she didn't. At least we got to see a barn get burned down.
Reading the comments on here, reminds me that the internet really sucks. [YOUTUBE]yRSYhLn4RCI[/YOUTUBE]
Product placement rarely bothers me. Damage would be done to the cars possibly rendering them unusable. They would eventually run out of ammo. Jimmy was mentioned just the other week when his girlfriend (or wife) almost committed suicide. He did appear here and there throughout the season. Agreed. Maybe it is Jets fans. On another forum I belong to there is not nearly this much hate for this show.
Why was there blood all over the front of the Hyundai? If they were worried about damaging the car they wouldn't have the blood there.
I did not record the show and I had to watch the encore presentation at 11:30. I was sleepy while watching it last night and don't remember exactly why blood was on the vehicle. Some zombies did get close to all the vehicles. When the herd appeared Rick, Carl, and Shane (or so the rest of the people thought) were missing. The rest of the crew had to kill zombies. I believe somebody in this thread suggested the rest of them should have driven away and saved all the ammo. Well, if they did that then surely Rick, Carl, and Shane would die. So they were not going to drive off. The writing has not been super crisp, but it is not as pathetic as some of you are making it out to be.
Most people seem to be complaining about the writing but the show has taken a different direction lately. Apparently Darabont (or whatever) fired all the writers after season one and was doing it all himself...they fired him after the break and brought in a new director and writers. Seemed to me that the show got a lot better after the break (i.e. not like 7 episodes looking for Sophia every day: boring!), obviously they had to mop up some of the storylines and stuff that Darabont had opened up but the episodes post break seemed a lot better to me. I would say people should give season three a chance. This part was the most boring part of the comics too but the prison/governor stuff was the best, IMO. Couple that with the writers and director having cleaned up all the loose ends and starting fresh and it should be a completely different pace and direction for season three. If they somehow screw up season three then even I'm going to tune it out but I have faith they will do a good job. Infinite shotguns aside.
I'd much prefer product placement in the show to having to suffer commercials. Thankfully, the DVR makes the commercials faster, for the meantime. lol I don't hate this show now, but they have had some big holes in the writing. And especially in that finale. You have to suspend some reality to watch this sort of stuff, so the infinite shotgun is what it is. And some of the people were going to have to get gobbled up... unfortunately, not all the ones I would have liked. The business with the Winnebago was dumb with how Jimmy gotten eaten. Lame. And that whole melt down by Lori when Rick said he had to put him (Shane) down... RIDICULOUS. They are going to have to solve their writer/writing issues for next season or all the product placement in the show won't keep them going. :smile:
This is a fine response. This is a show about zombies. When I was a kid, not long after Night of the Living Dead came out, I would have killed for a show like this. Comparing it to Lost is a mistake. Lost required thinking - this is a zombies show. Suspend belief a little and enjoy zombies getting shot. The action in this episode was great. Yes, there are issues with the writing, acting and continuity, but because zombies are involved - it's all OK with me.
i wouldnt care about the product placement if there wasn't a half hour of commercials. i feel like there wasnt even a budget this season, they were on a farm and in the woods for 12 episodes. what the fuck can they possibly be spending their money on? definitely not the writing staff... but seriously, this show is a complete let down after a great season 1. realistically ill probably watch season 3 and complain about the product placement of dove soap on a rope while they hide out in a prison.
This is why I am watching still. But to others saying it's a well developed and executed show, you are wrong.