Whatever. He was probably the cheapest option. I really dont care who we sign as our backup because Sanchez was most likely going to be the starter all along. Just sign Nelson please!!!
Why would Braylon want to come here and catch passes from a MSU QB? If this costs us Braylon I'm going to lose it!:grin:
This is good. I was worried we'd end up overpaying someone just to give Sanchez competition, which isn't even necessary.
I like the move. Stanton is a backup that can throw it around enough to win us a few games as a fill in and he is not someone that the fans will clamor to start after mark has a bad game. He is certainly better than Brunell. I know some argue that Sanchez needs to be "pushed" but I feel the opposite. He is under a ton of pressure you don't want to bring in someone who is not a permanent solution at QB but just good enough to maybe want people to start him if Sanchez struggles. So then you have a QB controverssy on your hands and your team is split between two QB's that both aren't playing well. Then when you have two QB's we all know you really have no QB's. My feeling is you work hard because you want to win period. I think Sanchez understands that he is fighting for his job and his career this season and will work harder than ever to improve his game. Last season had to be a wake up call to him.
You gotta realize we cant spend all our money on a backup QB. Honestly I can give 2 shits who our backup is, we arent going anywhere without Sanchez anyway imo.
I liked Stanton coming out of college... other than that cant say ive seen him play much, but i like the idea of an upgrade from old man river. Chaz Schilens would be great as a deepthreat, 6' 4 with some serious speed. Plus no one knows him better than our wide recievers coach who im sure put in the good word. I think that this might be a pleasant surprise, however we should still draft a wr somewhere from round two on.