Yeah, ESPN pays this guy good money to lie and start nothing but drama. Righttttt. Whatever you say Sanchez fan.
Youre retarded. This deal was a great deal. If he turns out to be great you signed him for less than hes worth. If you realize you want to go another way. He can easily be cut the way tanny structured the deal. I love when people post their opinion when they dont know the entire story
Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahahahahahahhahahahahshhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahhahahhahahahahahhahahahah You are as naive as middle aged parents who think there kids dont drink and smoke weed. Let me guess you believe ESPN First Take is all improv
Actually, there isn't anything Smith said that wasn't true..granted he has an irritating way of saying anything but the Jets are a joke with what they did here. First, at the end of the season they let it leak that they are evaluating whether he even belongs on the team, then Tannenbaum says he was disappointing and did not do what was expected of him last year and then after Manning tells the Jets to eat shit they give Sanchez a 3 year extension...there is no other way to describe the Jets than as a joke after that. Really? Do that for a 6 million dollar salary bump?
I don't know who IS worse Stephen A or Skip Bayless Has any one ever passed by the death trap FIRST TAKE on Espn 2 when these 2 are on? It is absolute torment and should not be legal to have that on television
just a quick peak, but his sanchez stats aren't true. so i question how much work actually went into writing the article. edit: i guess he took that part of the article out.
Really? Please show me the quote from someone in our FO who says they were contemplating cutting or Trading Sanchez Tannenbaum said, "Sanchez didn't progress this year as he hoped." What was he supposed to say, that he was okay with all of the interceptions? Just because you were disappointed with a players progression for one year doesn't mean that means the entire FO has given up on the player. I'm sorry I didn't realize thats what happened. I don't believe the Jets ever really wanted Peyton, but like Tanny says no matter what the situation is he needs to do his due diligence. You obviously didn't even look at that salary restructuring. What a joke
pretty funny how dumb and universally disliked smith is. i mean the guy is paid to write and he has basic facts totally wrong and is unable to grasp that Tanny just brilliantly improved the team's flexibility and capacity to sign free agents. LOL at how stupid smith is - amazing that he gets paid for that garbage.
You actually made a true statement, on accident. They say a clock is right twice a day. You are like the Mayan calendar. Right once every few thousand years.
Apparently some Jets trolls think a well written article is one that gets even the most basic statistics incorrect while hastily drafting an uninformed and hype-driven piece of literary dogshit. Go figure.
I don't understand it. I was pretty harsh on Sanchez at the end of the season. But the truth is that after QBing the team to 2 afccgs,and then having one bad year,mostly due to lack of oline quality,we're suposed to bail on the guy? Sanchez atleast has a bit of mobility,can you imagine what would be left of Mannings neck behind our oline? And Stephen Asshole Smith is fucking awful. I couldn't evenh listen to his hood slang if he said something worthwhile
Do you still not get it? Peyton was not going to come here, period. Don't worry, when "your" QB signs with AZ you can go root for him on their boards and rid us of your ignorance.
WAIT! You mean ESPN actually reports Sports news and NEVER Sensationalizes stories? You mean they never hire half-wit "analysts" who act no better than some of the posters in TGG??? Oh my Gosh.....
Don't understand how he can rip Sanchez a new one whenever he feels , yet Amare gets a free pass. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD