I don't know which is worse. Insecure Pats fans trying to avoid the drafting questions by bringing up overall record or the 3 threads on Peyton Manning. What poison should I choose :wink: Anyways, how much can the Jets realistically get with their cap room? 3-5 million has to go to draft picks so 5-3 million are left to free agents. It doesn't seem to me there is a RT in that range, so we do incentivize Braylon's contract and Landry's contract and take risks?
Who would give them guaranteed contracts? Braylon I don't see getting one since he played for an incentive one last year because he couldn't get guaranteed and got hurt/cut last year. Maybe Landry will get some though.
Unfortunately, your subpar reading comprehension is to be expected. I didn't come here to "brag" about how good "my team" (I don't own them) drafts. I just made a post comparing the teams, and I thought my analysis left it pretty ambiguous who's done a better job. I never called Stevan Ridley a success, I said he showed promise in a small role. What are you giving me crap on Julian Edelman for? I said the guy was a JAG. I used such a large list of players because I think when you talk about team building it's important to look beyond the stars and "starters." Every team has and needs role players, and the better teams have better role players. If you want to pair down the list to only include higher quality players that's fine, I just have a couple of issues with your list. First, why do you leave Gostkowski and Mesko off the list? Kickers and punters are players too, and believe it or not they have an impact on the game. Second, If you're gonna put Wilkerson on the list, there is no reason to leave off Love or Deaderick. Wilkerson may end up being the better player one day, but right now he hasn't shown an ability to play at a higher level than either of them, and both have played more snaps. I don't like to judge players based on where they were drafted, I judge them on what they do on an NFL field. The success a team has over the course of a 16 game season comes down to a hell of a lot more than the best 11 players on offense and best 11 players on defense. The sooner the people on this board realize it the better off you'll all be.
I frankly haven't thought much about what other teams might be interested in Edwards. But I would have to think there would be some. If he clears a physical I would hardly think we can just assume no other team would give him guaranteed money. I am not saying some team definitely would. I just don't think it's all that clear that none would.
Well I was going off last year when he was healthy and still nobody offered him a decent sized contract. Going off that, I don't see why a team would be interested in him anymore except thinking they could get him really cheap.
Yeah, Braylon Edwards is going to have a very small market this year. The 49ers cutting him spoke volumes about where his value is at. If they thought he was worth anything they'd have tried to get him into an economical deal off of his lost season. He's 29 now. The candle is starting to burn short and a sudden gust of wind could blow it out. I think he'll be begging teams for a shot by June. Well, begging is not his style but his agent will be.
Rotoworld suggested we could bring in Erin Henderson to replace bart scott, he was an udfa for the vikings, and is close with our new defensive line coach karl dunbar. He's young, healthy, low mileage, with plenty of upside and relatively cheap. This would be an EXCELLENT FA signing. Another possability, rumor is dolphins could cut Fasano to sign Benneit from the Cowboys, so Fasano would be an solid signing to complement DK
There is alot of old and young cheap guys I would sign them and then worst case cut them during camp. No up front money so its a win win
Shouldnt Gronkowski be holding out? He just came off of the best year a TE ever has, im sure he is due for a real contract correct? Hopefully he gets the memo.
Logan Mankins has honored every contract he has ever signed, he's no Revis. Plus the new CBA makes it pretty difficult to hold out and make it worth the players effort
edit: can we not have a separate official "this is why the Pats are great and the Jets are terrible thread" so that we dont keep getting every thread derailed by posts explaining why everything the Jets intend to do is terrible/doomed/impossible/short sighted?
We should make it a "Why the Steelers are great and the Jets are doomed" thread instead. The Patriots are going to collapse in a fetal heap as soon as Brady is gone and then they'll recover to a normal position in a year or two after that. Normal for the Pats being 8-8 or so. Belichik is stockpiling picks for one reason: he's going to make a Herschel Walker like offer for a top 3 QB in the draft as soon as he sees the opportunity and this coincides with Brady likely being in his last year or two. It's the only thing that explains the Pats draft strategies lately.
I am not a big fan of censorship or of too quickly banning posters who are fans of other teams, but this whole thread derailment thing is really annoying. Can't we have a discussion of Jet FA prospects here without Pats fans doing everything they can to divert it into a pissing contest over how the Pats and Jets compare?
if Phins cut Fasano, I say we sign him. solid backup to DK, and has history with Sporano. I also wanna Laron Landry. I could also see NY bringing back Braylon Edwards, he should come cheap.
What do you think of bringing in yeremiah bell cheap? Excellent chance phins restructure ot cut him. Hes not big money, and is old, but hes been above average. Also fasano is one of my fave potential signings
I don't think Kendall Langford returns to Miami. I would like to see Jets scoop him up. Wilkerson/Ellis/Langford lineup will hold up for at least the next 7 years - and Langford is pretty stout against runs while he is effective in absorbing the blockers during passing downs. Other than Langford, Fasano is another name I would like to see the Jets pluck away from Miami. Last, but not the least, say no to Yeremiah Bell.
Didn't even think of us graqbbing Langford, but that would be pretty great. Bell has been there leading tackler for much of the last few years, simply put he's a tackling machine. Albeit quite an old one. Your right tho, the other guys are much sexier signings