17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    What about this statement

    Note: For 300-level season ticket accounts that renew and are in good standing, there will be a relocation process this Spring for those season ticket holders who wish to move to new seats in the 300-level. More information will be provided on the timing and process in the coming weeks.
    If you have any questions, please contact a Jets Client Relations Representative at 800.469.JETS (5387).
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yeah, I called yesterday and this is what they told me. They will "see" if they can upgrade, but you have to pay for your season tix first. Then they "will look into it."

    Hmmmm.... let's see. They're trustworthy, right? I mean, they've been so in the past. Nothing shady... nothing underhanded... never any misrepresentations... half-truths. And certainly we've never known the ticket office to lie to any of us. So yeah, we should pay the bill in its entirety and then wait for the upgrade. Mmmmm..hmmmm.

    Not a bad thing for anyone renewing anyway. Nothing to lose. But if you're on the fence and you'd like an upgrade or you'll consider walking, well here we are again, back to being coerced. "Pay us first and we'll think about it."

    More like, "Pay us first and once we know you're on the hook again for this year, there's really no reason to upgrade you."

    "Hey Manny... man the phones and if someone is on the fence, upgrade him if you can get him to pay his bill right then and there. Otherwise, fuck 'em if they've already paid. Let them fucking call 'till their blue in the fucking face and DO NOT fucking upgrade them. We're losing seats left and right up there, so reserve the better seats for the ones who are holding out and MAKE SURE YOU FILL UP FROM THE BACK ROWS FORWARD. If somebody is fucking stupid enough to pay his bill ahead of time, tell him there is nothing available when he calls you... everything is taken from Row 16 on in. And if that prick 227 calls again this year like he did last year BEFORE he paid his bill, give him a fucking upgrade but make him give you his credit card right there on the phone like we did for him last year. That fucking prick has our number."
  3. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I called up yesterday too and got the same crap pay and then we will upgrade you. I told them I'm not getting a screw job again this year. I said I'd love to return but only if I get the seats I want. Otherwise I will stay home and he said we don't want that. I basically said I'd love to come back but only if I get the seats I want and that if they get something I want to call me but I won't pay without an upgrade.
  4. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    That is excellent strategy for now and Good For You! I got the same line and he put me on a list, but said I should pay the bill and then they will consider. I am SO FUCKING TIRED of these people you guys have no idea. So I just yessed him to death for now, but I did NOT pay my bill yet.

    Last year I called BEFORE I PAID them and they gave me the upgrade. It was a girl and I can't remember her name but she was very nice and said she would look into it and call me back. I told her if I can have prime, call me back and I will give you my credit card on the phone.

    I hung up expecting never to hear from them again and bingo, she calls me back 15 minutes later and I score, so I gave her my credit card. Now this year is this year. So they are starting out again from a position of, "Let's see how many of these fucking stupid people we can talk into paying up front." If you do, I swear to God, you are fucked. YOU WILL NEVER GET THE UPGRADE GUYS! THEY DON'T HAVE TO AT THAT POINT!

    So I am taking a wait and see. I will call back after I think they have enough assholes sold on Row 12-18... sold on the idea they're going to get a call back for an upgrade (chuckle).

    I think I may play chickie with them again, just one more time. Upgrade me and I give you my CC right now. Otherwise, sorry guys. I'm getting tired of the games and the point is, I've given this whole season thing a thought or two over the lull and I'm thinking there will ALWAYS BE upper deck seats available for ANY game ANYTIME I WANT THEM, no Preseasons attached.

    So I'm willing to let them play their little fucking games again and then wait until they've held back on the good seats (and you know they will... thi sis the way they roll), and then I will give them the ultimatum again (nicely of course). I just can't justify going back to my old seats... so I need an upgrade and then I know I have it and then I will give you my CC on the phone. Comprende, Manny?"
  5. sect105

    sect105 New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    Received the email the other day and got my invoice today.....

  6. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Okay, so what are you saying? We like to know what other STHers are doing. Please spell it out... TIA.
  7. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    227 and the rest it sure feels like GROUNDAHOG day no ? Been here before and done that huh ? Be careful of your expectations all,,,,,,,my experiences showed me the Reps are " less than straight forward " Best of luck to all of you guys regardless of what choice you make .

    cbg < -----" no longer on sg3 's permanent ignore list because sg3 is once again banned for 7 days. oops my mistake he was reinstated today / and lasted about an hour and is now banned for another 14 days
  8. sect105

    sect105 New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    I am sorry, I know that this thread has a million posts. Tickets have been in the family since 1970 and in my name since 1995.

    Did not go for PSL's 2 years ago. Moved from 105 in the old stadium and was only able to get sect 308 row 16 in the new. Moved last year to 307 row 9. I hate the new place and the seats for all the reasons most do. I have elected to cancel my season tickets and just go to the games and tailgate. Our L5 tailgate has been one of the reasons I stayed for the past two years. I will get a parking pass from ebay, and I know from this thread tickets are always available for much cheaper then having the "privelage" of the trek up mount everest.
  9. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    sect105 ,,I seriously think that you are one of many that are feeling this way. I have felt your pain and was in your exact same shoes-------don't sweat it about giving them up if that is your choice. I have zero regrets and have not looked back. There are as I and many others have said "OCEANS of seats available " best of luck

    cbg < -----" no longer on sg3 's permanent ignore list because sg3 is once again banned for 7 days. oops my mistake he was reinstated today / and lasted about an hour and is now banned for another 14 days
  10. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Also just to add to it I told the rep point blank I have friends who used to work for the Jets and I know the games the Jets and them play. I'm not falling for it again. I pay the bill I will be offered a shitty upgrade. I don't pay then I have a chance. I said call me after April 1st you get me the seats I want and I spelled out the specific row, seat #s, etc then I will come back otherwise adios.
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    105, CBG, 337 and others... these were gutsy calls on your part, guys.

    I have been a STHer since 1985 and like some of you, I went from Sec 227 to 342, Row 16. WTF? So then I bought 4 more in another Sec at Row 9. Still not what I wanted or expected. So last year I was able to upgrade to Row 3 using my "all or nothing" technique.

    So now I have the terrible choice to make... either stick to my guns again and hold out or possibly lose my Row 3s. I'm going to hold out for now and keep calling maybe every other week. If I don't get any movement, I'm going to have to make the final decision and it won't be easy seeing as how I've been there so long.

    But as I say (in my own words), tix are available and at very reasonable prices and you can cherry-pick. I just have to keep telling myself that. This is a really tough one. But I do know one thing... if I pay my bill now, I LOSE THE ONLY LEVERAGE I'VE GOT! These people have brought it upon themselves... the distrust I mean. Years ago I would have fallen for paying the bill now in return for waiting for an upgrade. Now it's like, I've been fucked around SO MANY TIMES that I take everything they tell me as if it's coming from a perpetual, habitual, serial liar.
  12. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    227 - What seats are you hoping for this year - Didn't like last years'? Row 3 seemed pretty good.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I told them I'm looking for Row 1. I know, I'm pretty close and should be happy. But I'm a stubborn old bastard and if they are saying they will upgrade people, I want to hold them to it. Principle of the thing I guess.

    Truth be told, I'm just pissed at the whole process and all the expense I've been through, so my thinking is, I want to see how far I can shove them back for all the nonsense the past 4 years.
  14. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    Thats gonna be tough im sure all row 1 people will there upperdeck tix.
  15. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Thanks to 227 I upgraded last year but they wanted me to pay first and they would put me on a list.... the very top. I told them no thanks I am done and hung up. Ten min. later 6 seats, section 340, row 8 and I gave them my cc. Last year they had no plan, each agent handled it different. This year, they decided to all be on the same page. I hope people stand up to them and make them blink first because UD'ers have all the power. Attica.... Attica!!!!!!
    #13315 sec314, Feb 15, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2012
  16. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    I wonder if everyone bails if 2 thinks happen. 1 jets do find people to buy tickets and sth are then screwed. Or they then issue a $500psl for upper deck to lock them in....we will see how this year goes.
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The UD guys can never be screwed. They always have the option of walking.

    Now, as far as a PSL upstairs, I've said all along they probably should have done that at least in the lower rows. From the start, had they offered me Primes with a $1,000 PSL required, I would have paid it in a heartbeat.

    But oh no, we had to go through the whole seniority-call thing and the holding off on lower rows, filling them up from the last row forward. Then there was the "Meet Your Seat" bullshit, which was really another sales ploy to make you WALK all the way up to the top in the hopes of sitting you down at the sales desk later on and selling you a PSL. Unbelievable.

    They owe me.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    I have 4 uppers im considering giving up. I dont care where you upgrade in the upper deck the seats suck. Its a scam pay us and then we see what we can do? Are they serious? The only way I renew is with a PSL and seats closer to the field. If not 20+ years and done.
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Okay this is what I'm talking about. Here's a guy who just joined and he's got 4 in the uppers. How many other guys are out there thinking the same thing we're thinking?

    I mean, the Jets are going to have a gargantious problem this year with UD defections. Wait until the deadline approaches and they find out they only have 30% renewals. Christ this can get ugly.

    GMCJETS New Member

    Feb 8, 2012
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    They are going to have to lower the prices of the uppers or offer incentives like free parking. In the old stadium the upper level wasnt a bad seat in the new poorly designed stadium the uppers are terrible. Id rather sit home and watch the big screen LCD HD TV.

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