Firstly this argument is flawed by the assumption that Eli Manning is the main reason the Giants won either of the two rings Eli has. On Sunday the Pats were held to their lowest point total of the season, 17. Last time I checked, Eli doesn't play D. It's a team effort, he plays QB for the team that won. Both times, he did his job just like the 52 other guys, and the Giants won....and that's why Eli is a 2-time champ, not because he cloned 52 of himself, went out there and beat the Pats. In any case I would like to see a list of some of the things Mark Sanchez has shown he can do better than Eli Manning.
Stand up in front of the cameras after a bad game and not look hopelessly confused. People forget some of the legendary Eli pressers after he stunk up the join in his first couple of seasons. Looked like he wanted to cry up there but he was too big for that.
You mean the best. We were #1 in the league Try #4 in the league. above average? Um, try 5th best overall in the league. Where do you come up with this average nonsense? We're a safety and a good pass rusher away from 2009 status again.
Are you a bills fan? Calling the jets QB barely mediocre? Stick to worrying about the team you root for and the qb they just signed to a extension because about all he can do is make a presnap read then i'm watching a High School QB. People saying he isn't average or barely mediocre are complete fools. People who say age doesn't matter are fools. People who would rather have a matt ryan than him back there are fools. If you give the oline, wr's, rb's and defense a pass but can't givve mark a pass you are a fool. I know some people have said this but for some reason no one understands it, Sanchez was NOT the problem. To single him out the second the jets didn't make the playoffs makes you a fool who has probably never won a thing in their life so they have no idea what it takes. Seriously I am beginning to hate Jets fans more and more each day. It seems as if most of you are becoming a little more like spoiled uneducated pats fans that never watch the games or make their own opinions, its gross.
Well, then, it's really too bad that looking good in post-game press conferences doesn't get a QB into Canton.
Sanchez was the 23rd rated passer in the league. That's bottom third in the league. Cam Newton and Andy Dalton, rookies, both were rated higher than him. Calling him "mediocre" is being kind.
Not sure if you noticed, but he did throw for 4900 yards this year, more than Peyton ever has in a season. Obviously it is a team effort, and their defense put them over the top yesterday, but Manning is still a very good QB. He is certainly a big part of the reason they won yesterday, and I'd even call him elite now.
Man these threads are getting nauseating. This is going to be one looooong offseason. This entire team had a mediocre season, period. There are so many reasons that they struggled and yet there are still a bunch of knuckleheads who can find nothing else to do but whine all day about the QB. Did he have a mediocre year? Yes. So did the rest of the entire fuckin team save for Revis Christ. We have a young QB with potential who is going to get a shot next year with a new and hopefully more competent staff around him - show a little support for Christ's sake.
when I lose faith is Mark I watch his game winning drive vs Houston and realize how good he can be, get him back Braylon and big receiving TE and I think Mark is above average, get him better pass protection and he's very good, get him consistent play calling and a great QB coach and he's GREAT/ELITE
Yeah, you mention one drive from each game as if defenses are suppose to be tossing shut outs every game. This D was by no means great but they were very good compared to other Ds this year. Yardage is a much better indicator than your points allowed comparisons as well.
Mark can't see over the linemen....What do you do? Just continue to have him throw blind passes into the secondary? no...You move him OUT of the pocket! Why is this so difficult for you to grasp?
Moving a QB out of the pocket exposses him in other ways. You start doing it as a regular part of your O you start rolling your QB into pressure and open field hits.
Ummm.....Braylon wasn't on the team, Abraham. Where the fuck have you been? Now if you meant 2010(2 years ago), then you have a case. Although in the Playoffs, he certainly had a much better rating than 75 if i'm not mistaken...
It's not a hard concept. Mark Sanchez was a PART of the problem, but not the whole problem. The rest of the team, all 3 phases, played inconsistently, front office missed on their moves, and Rex did a poor job taking control of the team when it went spiraling downwards. Just removing Sanchez and plugging a different QB would not fix every problem magically. Same as getting Braylon back is not going to magically fix the team. The team has holes, but fixable holes. Mark Sanchez is not the highest on the list of problems, probably not top 5 even. I do have faith if we are down late in the 4th quarter, Mark can lead us to win. I couldn't say that about Pennington or many other QB's in the league right now. We can improve the team and win a SB if Mark doesn't become elite and becomes just slightly above average. No matter what our team looks like next season, we still need a complete team effort in all 3 phases and all 4 quarters to win, something we did not see this past season.
Last year = the previous season. Which im sure you already knew that and just thought you would try to act all cool tough guy.... Playoffs is your only defense? Seems that way. How good did he play in the playoffs this year? Oh, thats right.....