Seems like some of us will not watch the game, I am going to be working my side job delivering pizza to avoid it. Might as well make a few bucks out of this deal. So the question is, have you ever not watched a Super Bowl up to now since you've been a football fan? I missed one, January 1988, Denver vs Washington. A bunch of us got tickets for Great White and Whitesnake at the Meadowlands Arena, turns out the game sucked anyway. Tailgating before the concert we heard it was 10-0 Denver, later on we found out Washington came back to kill them. You?
Ever since I started watching football, I've never missed one. I've recorded a few and watched it later that night, but never missed one. Too big of a football fan not to watch even if I hate both teams playing in it.
I made it to halftime of Super Bowl 19. Since that one I have watched every Super Bowl in its entirety except for Super Bowl 29 which I knew was going to be unwatchable garbage. I had no interest in seeing the 49ers romp. There were so many San Francisco fans in my New Jersey high school it was ridiculous. It made me hate the 49ers. I am expecting to go to the movie theater on Sunday night to see "Haywire" or "The Grey". I am certain both films will just be okay- nothing special. Still, I figure either film will be more enjoyable than watching the first half of Super Bowl 46.
Yep. Super Bowl 42 it was. I refuse to use Roman numerals. Just because the NFL continues to use them and be gay about it doesn't mean I have to use them.
LOL I - 1 V - 5 X - 10 L - 50 C - 100 D - 500 M - 1000 Put a numeral in front and it becomes lesser IV - 4 IX - 9 XL - 40 XC - 90 Not hard, especially when you're only dealing with double digit numbers. MMXII = This year Also if it helps with 100 & 1000. 100 in Latin is Centum and 1000 is Mille.
Yeah, I learned about them in grammar school and was ahead of the other kids because I had been familiar with Roman numerals because of Super Bowls. One time when I was in 3rd or 4th grade I brought a Topps sticker yearbook to show and tell. I told the kids about the players and teams and also asked trivia questions based on the leaderboards on the last page. Anyway, Roman numerals are queer.
I was nine days shy of 2 when the Jets won Super Bowl III. My hope is that I'm not nine days shy of dead and once again shitting in my pants when they get back and win another one. So I'm asking that they win one while I'm in this middle portion of life, where I can jump up and down over it. I've given them a pretty good strike zone here but I'm not getting any younger. As Marv would say, very nicely done. I would have skipped it but I was already committed to people coming over and cooking on the grill, so I couldn't get out of it. Typically the Super Bowl is one last "tailgate" as I have the grill and deck adjacent to where we watch the games. This time I saw Giants-Pats coming so I didn't commit to anyone coming over and made arrangements to go in to work. You know the expression...fool me once, etc. I would love to be in the one we have here in NJ in 2014, but as mentioned above I'm not going to be too choosy. By the way, I don't hear anyone ringing their hands over the potential blizzard we're going to have for that game. If it's weather like this we might get in the regular rotation for hosting the game.
It was nice to hear Marv calling Jet games on TV again this year, he's getting old and isn't the same but it was nice to hear. I actually was spending that week in Boston on business and I decided to drive up during the game so I wouldn't have to watch:grin:
First one I watched was Bears/Pats and haven't missed one since, we always had a big party and us kids used to be able to sneal into the basement with the booze. Just imagine the pain My mother loves the 49ers My step mother was a Redskins fan My brother was a Cowboy fan My aunt/uncle were Giant fans needless to say the mid 80's to the late 90's were awful for me and my dad. Did any other team win a SB in that time frame? Lol