Not really entertaining in the slightest.. What idiot spends his time making a 3 minute mockery video of our QB comparing him to the GOAT. As if anyone here is so disillusioned that we think he is as good as Peyton Manning. 25 years old, a locker room that he wansnt able to control, FO took away the veterans that could...what did you expect from the kid. He looks shaky at times , but no one was complaining in 2010 when he led 4 fourth quarter comebacks to win games in the second half of the one questioned he had ability in him then. his worst season as a pro is easily a little success makes the fanbase forget the yesteryears of wishing for mediocrity.
That was pure punishment to listen to. Horrendous is a word that first comes to my mind. I'm hoping that music is a hobby and not a career.
[YOUTUBE]"][/YOUTUBE] Lets try this for a change. How did we go from that ^ to where we are now... I'll tell you how:
this is stupid...i can easily post sanchez's highlight reel can say he's the best thing nyj ever had..
abyzmul, i am not sure what u posted since youtube is blocked at work, but if they are the highlights, thnx
LOL....i can't wait to watch it when i get home...does it include him throwing darts at sanchez's head?
ya it sucks balls that i can't watch the clips at work unless someone posts the link and then i can type it out on my iphone and watch it lol
I thought the lines were great, but I can't hear it here. "He's got crazy butter fingers..." Outstanding.
I don't know how long it takes to put something like this video together, but someone actually spent SOME time on this. That amazes me.
And there lies the problem, all his highlights wwere in college.just like Ryan Leafs and Jamarcus Rusells. To make it worse 1 year of college. Here you go, something Leaf or Russell never did.