lol..never saw that!! Very interesting. I like how it asks how many snow days you have had so far to take that into their chances. Good find!
Get ready to use it more cman...the tides are changing..starting with next weekend..on or around superbowl sunday. Major storms brewing between the 6th and 15th of February. Possible 2 storms. Best chance for something major in what has been a very dull winter. Will keep you updated as we get closer.
Nothing like A DAMN SNOW BLOWER CMAN. Totally agree. latest models continue to show a 50/50 shot at a snowstorm for Superbowl Sunday..give or take 24 hours. Then they show another one for the 9th of February. Would be cool for a Superbowl snow storm. Will keep you guys updated. click forums. In the forums they have the maps of upcoming warm spells..cold spells...extreme weather..and of course storms. The storms are broken down into date category. In the date category, we discuss the models for that specific time frame. For example, the Superbowl storm would be in each model about 168 hours out. Anyone can go in there and read these discussion..interesting stuff to me. Pro Mets come in and weigh in with their thoughts but amazingly these amateur people do a great job of reading the maps from arouind 7 different models. Some models go out as far as 350 hours. Some finer models like the NAM go out only around 84 hours. I will post the link for this particular storm so you can see what Im talking about. edit: the link...they are discussing two different storms for this time frame..needless to say, something big might be brewing. When you read these threads you see a lot negative stuff...which in a winter like this is normal. These are intense little fellas.
and here is the link for the main page where they have many threads of anything that might be in the future.
Thread of the year? Howabout abortion of the year. Thats what this is. What a disgrace. Now the Superbowl storm models have a chance of showers. This winter is a joke...but man oh man...almost turned on the a/c in the car today. 63 degrees. Nothing brewing..close this puppy out until I see something solid.
I'm thinking this winter is already over Jay. In Fact, it was stillborn as it never really did get cold east of the Appalachians. Perhaps the folks in far northern NE got a winter this year but the rest of us will have to wait until 12-13 for our next shot as I suspect March will come in like the Winter Hamster and go out like the Easter Bunny. Oh well, time to get the fishing gear out...
man i have peeked over at those forums and let me tell u some folks are pretty intense over there about things..... when a snowstorm doesn't pan out on the models it reads like after a SOJ kind of game. very entertaining
God that's gonna suck... Wonder if we are gonna get 100 degree summers... We are also due for a bad hurricane...Past 5-6 seasons have been huge duds...
A guy I really really respect in the those forums made a great point. There has been nothing...I mean NOTHING on the models since the Halloween storm. Now...the first 3 weeks of February looked promising. But every time a storm showed up...poof...when it got within a week it just vanished. NOW, there are still two chances cman. Around the 12th to 15th of February has been something pointed to for about a 2 weeks. But heres the deal. You are totally correct. Its over if nothing happens there because the long term for March is mild and milder. For snow lovers, hopefully the models are wrong there too...but you are correct. Hey..Im with you. An early start to the fishing season would be a God send.