Didn't want, care, nor ask anything of you. Fuck the giants and the pats. Rex can say what he wants, when he wants. If you don't like it, follow another team. I give you my permission to do that. Sent from my SGH-T589 using Tapatalk
this is fun. so you can tell people that rex can say what he wants, you obviously think you can say whatever the fuck you want... yet if someone else says what THEY want they should go follow another team. you're an idiot.
I know it is awesome isn't it. To have a coach who speaks his mind and is not afraid of what people think.
Not an idiot, I just don't care what you think. Very big difference. That was kinda the point of the post, and you obviously weren't smart enough to read between the lines, so guess that makes you the idiot. Sent from my SGH-T589 using Tapatalk
It really wasn't the point of the post, you made a hypocrite post. Rex is allowed to say what he wants, but if people don't like what he says, they should go root for another team rather than saying what they want about it? Shut up.
I am really confused. By your logic,you should have just not posted and kept your thoughts to yourself instead of sharing them on a public message board.
Especially when it's proven to place too much pressure on the team to the point where said coach realizes it is a mistake.
The problem isn't that "we" don't know what's going on...it's that the "front office" didn't know what was going on. Ryan admitted as much. It doesn't really matter what we think, does it? I think we need a better pass rush. Am I wrong?
You REALLY couldn't just think of something to say that was relevant to this thread? Watch.... "As a non-Jet-fan, I would love to think that nothing will get fixed and Rex is full of shit" or you could even play nice... "I'm sure Rex and the FO are working on fixing stuff, they would have to be crazy not to" or even.... "Rex and his big mouth again.... "
i have no problem with him saying their fixing things right now. what else is he supposed to say? with that said i hope rex tweaks his approach going into next season. he needs to stay true to who he is but at the same time make some changes to his approach. i really hope the team flies under the radar as best as a rex ryan coached team possibly can. only guarantee i want from him is that the team is going to work as hard as they can to rebound next season.
I think this has to be the way to go The New York teams that do the best traditionally fly under the radar Of course, if the Jets start off fast, they'l never be given the opportunity to do their business quietly ...Rex will be hounded with SB questions..so he has a lot to do next year to get his whole approach in check.
and i hope that's not the case, if they get a favorable schedule and start 4-1 or 5-1 or beat the patriots at home early i'm sure rex is going to be tempted to pop off and reporters will be happy to give him the bait so he can do so. it's going to be a long humbling offseason especially with this super bowl. september 2012 can't get here soon enough.
I am usually cautiously excited for spring and the NY Mets. This year I cannot even slightly tolerate that nonsense. September please hurry.
regardin this mets season i'm expecting the worst and hoping for the best. i know their going to suck but i'm just hoping they play hard, are fun to watch and at least give something to look forward to for the 2013 season. if anything just some sort of hope or improvement as the season progresses.