Oh, c'mon, man! The off-season is boring, and Rex Ryan and his ginormous mouth are much more interesting than quiet, circumspect Chan Gailey! Bigger target, too. :rofl2:
Beautifully put. Some people will complain about anything. Nobody knows what will happen with the Jets in the future. If you want to wallow about the SB contestants this year so be it. On the other hand, if you look at it from a positive frame of mind, you have to know that at least one fan base that you dislike as Jet fans will be disappointed with the results of the Super Bowl. Personnally, I think that as far as Rex goes some things will change and some won't. The things that won't change (and you saw it in this interview): 1) Rex will definitely be confident. 2) He will tend to praise his players and take blame himself in public 3) His goal will be to win the Super Bowl each year 4) He will use the term "there's no question about it" in every interview If he does learn to correct the issues have been mentioned numerous times as his faults, Rex has the football accumen (especially on D) and some of the positive personality traits to lead the Jets to success. Whether that happens is still anybody's guess.
2 things on what Rex says, A) I have absolutely no faith in Mark Sanchez at this time. I will say this, I think he can be a good QB but the fact that all these guys have come out and said he puts more time in the film room then anybody or he works harder then everybody else leads me to believe he isn't ready to lead a team to the SB because if the above is true then what we saw this past year with him (inconsistency, poor throws behind WR's, dumb decisions) is more of what we're going to get with him.With all this work he put in he should be able to read a defense like he failed to do on multiple plays and in many games this season. If he did put all this work in and just isn't a very good QB then Mark has reached his ceiling which isn't good for the Jets. That being said if Mark is lazy and doesn't work hard (which might be true) then with some work and an offense that is catered to him and the style Rex wants to play then maybe he can get better. I see it in the middle, I don't think he is this study geek who is always looking at plays in the film room but I don't think he is worthless and lazy either. In my opinion and I'm sure it is shared by others but Rex needs to go into the film room with Mark and break down defenses with him just the two of them so Mark won't be ashamed to ask certain questions and it will also bond the two of them. I know BelliCHICKEN does this with Brady and I think the Jets need to start to emulate what they do in Cheatsboro because regardless of your opinion of them they are in a 5th SB for a reason. I don't think I've ever heard this take place within the franchise as long as Rex has been a coach. If Mark has trouble reading a certain defense who better then his head coach who eats, sleeps and shits defense to help him read that defense. If Rex says he is going to be more hands on then he needs to start with his QB. B) The problems can be fixed but I don't think they can be done in one offseason. The issue is we are stuck with Holmes for the foreseeable future so we are going to need to learn to exist with him. I do believe a majority of the team is behind Mark but like all things in life the loudest voices come from the minority. Mark needs to step up and be a leader here. Yes Holmes is a bitch and a punk but Mark needs to address this issue on his own with Holmes, no coach is going to be able to get them to exist together so they need to patch up whatever issues they have together. I hope Mark has been on the phone with Holmes during the offseason trying to heal things but Mark wears his emotions on his sleeve and you can tell a lot about him by his body language. It shows in his press conferences and on the field. He needs to learn to fix this. I think fixing the issues within the team begin and end with him and Holmes. You can't expect Holmes to do the right thing so lets all hope Mark does. I think the other key to addressing the issues start with getting back to Rex Ryan football. We are a not an explosive offense and don't need to be. We need to win with defense and not screw it up on offense. I think Rex put too much pressure on his O this year and not enough on his D which made the offense pathetic and the defense vulnerable. Too many times this year the O put the D in a bad spot and unlike the previous two years the D failed in those bad spots. Example being the Denver game, we get the ball near mid field with 4 minutes to go and instead of putting the game away we go 3 and out giving the Broncos the ball and they go 95 yards and beat us. IMO the D shares as much blame in the mediocrity of this team just as much as the O because too many times they failed in big spots. If Rex doesn't see or address the issues on D then we are screwed.
what do people expect him to say? "I dont think I can fix this problem, i should probably be fired now?"
Don't be too hard on Rex, he admitted he had lost touch of the team. I think Rex was shocked to learn during that final presser that Shotty was still on the team....I think Rex just assumed Shotty was fired 3 years ago.
H'mm let's see if you have the courage to answer thw question of the day which is Did RR bring shame & degradation this past season or did he bring pride & respect?
I think what he is trying to tell you,is that he was mocking what Rex said. And you took it as he was agreeing with Rex. As far as your question,i don't think he brough either. I think he talked way too much and it brought light to what was going on in the locker room,and i'm sure it goes on in plenty of locker rooms.
Nah I am looking for other posters HO if RR took the NYJs organization way down into the crapper or did he bring pride & respect to the organization :sad:
Really? The Giants and Patriots don't ever had locker room drama? Tiki barber? Jacobs? Moss? None of those ring a bell? it happens ALL the time in sports. It's just up to RR next year to squash the drama and get them playing like a team, and we'll see if he can do that. You say it doesn't happen to every team, then go on to mention that it has happened to every team in the AFCE. The biggest issue isn't so much Sanchez in my opinion as it is Holmes. It's not the whole team revolting, it's the diva WR's, and unfortunately the number one source has a contract that makes it extremely hard to trade, not to mention now that every team has seen his true colors, many probably will be hesistant to take on, especially with his contract. We sent Mason packing the minute he started causing drama. I'm not going to get into a long debate on Sanchez because it's futile and neither one of us will change each others minds, but at the end of the day -- you're a team, and it wasn't Sanchez who was starting shit, it was Holmes. It's also Sanchez who is the one trying to reconcile everything and get the team working cohesively, I've yet to even hear from Holmes after the "no comment" to the reporters. It's a shame that we're basically stuck with Holmes and these anonymous critics.
Call me a homer and I'm not saying he's immune to criticism but just because someone backs and believes Rex they can fix it, that makes them a Homer? I'd say in his 3 seasons here, he has brought us more Pride, for me at least, than shame.
I would say neither for this past season. Rich Kotite and Lou Holtz brought shame and degradation, not Rex. Rex has brought pride and respect back to the Jets since he's been here, however, looking at the big picture. Once again I point to his W-L record.
Champ I don't think Rex Ryan did anything this year to bring us down. Quite honestly, he did more in 2010 with Hard Knocks and the foot fetish thing Rex made a prediction about winning the SB. The Jets didn't win. The media won't let him live it down. It's good press. Rex said he didn't have the pulse of the team. You can blame him for this. Again, if the Jets went 9-7 or 10-6 and made the play-offs, instead of 8-8, none of this would be such a big deal. You go back to the 60s, as I do. We both want a VLT ASAP. You think Rex should be canned. I think we get a VLT quicker by keeping him around and letting him grow.
What excuse? Your first sentence implied that I was sipping the Rex-Ryan Kool-aid which I was not. But if you want an answer to your question, i'd say he did a little bit of BOTH. Brought Pride because he made the Jets relevevant again(2 AFCCG's) and then Brought shame when he made those SB predictions one time too many along with other boasts and ended up with Egg on his face, Egg on our face, and Egg on the Franchise.
If anything good,what this past year did was take us from the privilidged,back to the chaser. Which imo,is a better place to be. I'm not so happy about Rex and his talking,but it's now in the past. Lets just see what the responce is
This board cracks me up. People posting in here like they're around the entire team 24/7 and they know what the front office is doing and players and coaches are doing all the time. That includes the other team fans in here running their mouthes too. GTFO of here with that crap. Fact is none of you here should be suggesting anything about what's going on in a locker room, or insinuating you know from the shitty journalism that occurs in this day and age. Some of the posts i n here absolutely crack me up. Sent from my SGH-T589 using Tapatalk
Who gives a shit what rex says? Let me ask you this. Do I need your permission to be confident? Do I have to have your permission to express it? The answer is no, so if someone is that worried about him talking, they're pretty pathetic. Just two years ago the media was talking about how wonderful it was that rex is honest and refreshing, now popularity wants them to trash him, so they do. And idiots eat it up and run with it. So everytime rex says something, the media takes it out of context and makes it into a news story. I support rex and his talk, because we don't need anyones permission to talk or be good. Sent from my SGH-T589 using Tapatalk
And this year,we weren't good,and the talk wasn't backed up. So now we have other people talking. You don't go talking shit about the Pats and Giants,and then watch them both make the superbowl and not get some shit for it. No,you don't need my permision for anything,but i also don't need yours