Your team's idiot fans were chanting 'Yankees Suck' during the Duckboat Parade of 2001-2002. None of those chowder slurping tards gave a shit about football until after the second Super Bowl. Or maybe after the Red Sux got the monkey off their backs.
I think this whole locker room mess is overblown to begin with. Teams don't have to like eachother to be effective.
it happens to every team. its just more media friendly because rex's mouth put a bulleye on the jets.
He wasn't a genius until he stepped in shit and got a great QB out of a 6th rounder. Before that, he was part of the old boy network of failed coaches.
Yes, let's all learn the Patriots way: cheat when things start to falter after a couple of championships. We all want to learn to be classless cheaters. The Pats only have a tiny bit more class than the Jets, so you should relax over there.
I moved down here to florida and everyone down here is from somewhere else. I have yet to find any people from any state other than mass that likes the pats. They all hate them, the bandwagoners are all from new england. I dont here the hate towards the jets like I do towards the pats.People are sick of the sweatshirt and girlyboy.
Ummm... Back on topic for a minute. I thought that interview was classic Rex Ryan. "Can Do" attitude, super optimistic and depending on the time frame he's using, perhaps even reasonable when it comes to the issues being 100% fixable. I noticed he didn't guarantee anything at all let alone getting all these things fixed by opening day 2012. I guess did learn something after all. I think Rex has what? 2 years left on his contract including the extension? That's not alot of time in football years left.
Ya but if he evolves as a HC you don't think he will receive more time? I mean how many coaches are we gonna go thru till we stick to a identity
Sounds to me that most of you guys are like the New York media, you hang on everyword Rex says and hope to make anything contoversial. Would you feel better if he said we can fix 75% or I'm not behind Sanchez. Rex has the best record,ever, of any Jet coach. If you liked Rex when the Jets went to the AFC championship why not now. Maybe he can be run out of town and the Jet's can hire Jane McManus.
You are full of it! No one heard of the tuck rule when the call was made. At that point, the general understanding was if your arm had finished going forward and you still had the ball, it was a fumble. And, the truck rule interpretation in the case of this game, was, in the opinion of many, incorrect, because Brady had clearly trucked the ball back into his chest In fact, if IIRC, the officials didn't come up w/the tuck rule explanation until after the game, and after the review, simply said that Brady's arm was going forward on the play(which was even more of a travesty) The Patriots are clearly one of the luckier, more favored teams in the league, being bested in that category only by the Giants, who won SB42 not because of the Tyree catch, but because Samuel dropped the interception. Seriously, though, good luck next Sunday. Because if there's any fan base who deserves a VLT less than the front-running, spoiled, know-nothing Patriot fans, its the even more front-running, delusional, condescending, even more unknowlegeable Giant fan base.
That's a big "IF". Rex is stubborn but not stupid so I'm hoping he shows improvment in '12. He's going to have to in order to get more time as I doubt Woody is gonna continue tolerating controversy after controversy. Especially if the Giants win the SB. If that happens, the pressure is on Woody to keep his investment out of a Giant shadow. To do that, Rex and Tanny will have to have a great offseason. That includes the draft too and what scares me is Woody overreacting and trying to make a splash by trading away the future for Peyton.
I feel you on that one... Hopefully it doesn't happen I'm good with Sanchez to build for the future( not necessarily with him in it ) But to not mortgage our future away
Funny U sound like a true homer. RR feeds you a little pablum & all is well in the NYJ nation. Let me ask U a question did RR actions this past season bring shame or pride on the NYJ organization?
you guys seem to be shredding him over the interview, but i thought the most important part was the last sentince..."we havent accomplished what our mission is, but we are gonna give it our best shot" i think that says a lot about where he is as a coach and where we wanna be as a team.
Ok,so now you've turned on this organization too? Will you ever be a fan of the jets? Since i've been here we've had a lot of changes and i've never seen you support anything.
It's just one interview but, I liked that Rex showed optimism without his usual brashness. We'll see how the off season pans out but, if Rex is the engine that moves this Jets team forward I think he's off to a good start.