Top free agents for next season

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by dcm1602, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. Mr. Green Pants

    Jan 17, 2011
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    Maybe you ought to bail, if it's so hopeless.

    SKIBA-JONES New Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    would dwight lowery be a good idea to pick up in the off season to bring back in to help with depth in the secondary. we have to make some moves eric smith has to go. there are acouple big name FAs out there.
  3. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Could be a long term attractive alternative to Pouha. Bigger and 5 years younger.

    Real ? Is how much $$$ will he demand

    SKIBA-JONES New Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    J.Co and Bray would be great pick ups in the FA market. I also agree with bringing back LT. there is an old saying. "if it aint broke dont fix it." we tryed to change it released J.Co dumped Braylon. swaped lt and greene. traded Lowery and coleman. the core players we had for a while and tried out other options and it blew up in our face
  5. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    LT is useless. If we resign him we need a 5th hb
  6. tommytom

    tommytom Banned

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Peyton Manning if healthy. Get him or keep trying to determine if Sanchez is worth it.
  7. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Cmon Sparano, sign this beast
  8. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Being a career back for a decade after half a season is something
  9. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    He was very good in 09, poorish in 08
  10. xjets2002x

    xjets2002x Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The only guys on that list who will probably be reasonably priced and fit ground and pound...

    Jared Gaither- Former Baltimore OT who had some health concerns early in the season but played extremely well down the stretch

    Vernon Carey-what Kurt said

    Reggie Nelson-Not a great run defender but he has much more speed than what we have in the secondary, he tackles well, and he's really become a good player the last few years.

    Joel Dreessen- former Jets draft pick who is a major asset in the Houston passing game and can run block. We need a second tight end who keeps teams honest and allows us to get more creative with Keller.

    Otherwise, meh all around. Laurent Robinson looks like a classic overpay. We don't need a guard as much as we need a tackle, and Anthony Spencer is ok, but if the Jets like him, Rob Ryan will probably want to retain him.

  11. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    DCM, you made some valid points about the other AFC teams having their own FAs to sign. But I think you are wildly optimistic if you think you are going to be able to sign anything more than low level FAs this off season. Posts that call for getting Mario Williams, Manning, and other high end FAs are nothing more than delusion.

    1. I can't speak for the other AFCE teams, but I will tell you that the Pats might have some FAs to sign but they have a lot more money that they can drop than the Jets -

    So here is some knowledgeable speculation about what the Pats might do with their own FAs - IMHO they have to sign 3 Carter, Welker, and Connolly. Welker will cost them around $8MM/yr. Carter around $4MM, and Connolly around $4MM. That's takes care of 16MM of cap space leaving the Pats around $6MM left.

    However by NOT keeping Koppen,($3MM) Ocho ($3MM), Branch ($2MM), Bodden (3MM) Wright ($3MM) and Ellis ($4MM) the Pats will save approx. $15-18MM (depending on dead money). So Bottom line is the Pats can sign their 3 key FAs and still be over 20MM under the cap and able to be in the hunt to REALISTICALLY go after a Mario Williams or a Dashon Goldson. While the Jets, even after they try to squeeze the towel dry one more time, are going to have to settle for the Braylon Edwards, and other cut rate FAs of the world

    Now there IS a light in the tunnel. 2014 will set you free. But until that happens I think the rest of the division is going to be able to use FA to get better. The Jets will have rely on having 2 super drafts, if they are to keep up.

    If I'm wrong I'll want to hear how..
  12. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Well theres several big things the jets can/will do to save oncap. Restructuring deals like Pace/Sanchez very possible, as well as same or dumping Scott.

    That and backloading contracts for 2014 or later can let a ton happen.

    Dont get me wrong the Jets are the most handcuffed in FA in the afc east (well Miami wants a franchise qb so that can be big money), but we also have like 7.5m in carry over credit from this previous offseason that we can apply.

    The Jets wont be able to go nuts, but one big ticket FA is possible, multiple are doubtful unless Tanny does hardcore magic.

    And it helps Braylon will be INSANELY cheap imo

    Id say this situation is FAR better than that article implies imo

    And i truly think Williams is one of the very few names thats truly unrealisitic

  13. Jets don't need to make drastic changes. The holes they have are certainly acute but addressing them is doable. They need a coverage safety who can match up with Tight ends down the seam, Speed/explosion/pass rush in the LB corps, stability at Right Tackle & a deep threat on offense. Most of those needs do not require an impact high priced free agent w/ the exception of perhaps RT & Pass rusher. The team can basically afford either one prime FA or 2-3 mid level FAs.

    Other than that, the Jets need better depth. With an ample amount of draft picks, Players like Jeff Cumberland & Rob Turner returning from IR,the quality of depth should be better in 2012.

    Meanwhile impact players Revis,Harris,Brick,Cromartie, & Mangold are all in their prime & all signed long term.

    Jets can & will get better this offseason. Whether that translates to the field remains to be seen
  14. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Pats have 10million in dead money too i think BEFORE cuts

    8 million alone in warren/cain/bodden
    #254 dcm1602, Jan 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2012
  15. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    This is the reality of it all. The Jets dont need a huge move this offseason. They need a couple of mid tier FA’s and then to hit on their picks. We dont need to go out and sign the biggest name under the sun. IMO, an offseason with Michael Griffin, John Carlson, Braylon Edwards and/or Robert Meachem and Matt Moore looks pretty awesome.

    We need to build an actual team instead of chasing the biggest named FA.

    Addressing multiple wholes is the way to help this team.

    SKIBA-JONES New Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    maybin & westerman

    Can westerman and maybin set the edge for us in the future there hasnt been much talk about these two. both have great speed but not size. Will rex try and mold them into the pass rushers we need, or was maybin a one hit wonder on third downs for us.
  17. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    If Jets improve their DL play, both can be a very viable option for the OLB position, especially Maybin. So far, DLs were not able to set the edge for Maybin even in passing downs, and he had to rush through the tackles more often than not. For all the talk about Rex Ryan defense this and that, this defense couldn't even create the most basic fire zone for the OLB. Go fucking figure. Count how many 'free rushers' you saw out of Jets blitz this year. I haven't seen any. I don't care how many agrees with me on this issue, but Jets defense problem starts from up front, with dismal performance all around.
  18. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Also ochos cap savings is less than half that, wrights is 2.5 and those other guys arent under contract so theyre not included in that cap number. You cant 'cut' ellis, so im perplexed how you got 4million for him and such

    Pats cap is 94 million atm, after those 3 resignings around 110million, after cuts 106million, plus any other resignings they need
    #258 dcm1602, Jan 24, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2012
  19. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    According to jets cap we can save 17million, WITHOUT pace/scott involved, involve them and it can be more. Jets current # is 123 which would give us almost the exact same # as the pats, sounds decent to me
  20. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    I think you are right about Ellis. We are paying him 4 MM this year and won't next year, so I assumed that 4MM less. My mistake. But lets take your numbers as gospel. Say that AFTER the Pats resign Welker, Connolly and Carter the Pats are $106MM. And lets assume a $123MM cap. The Pats are $17MM under the cap, plus another $8MM if the carry over thing is real.

    I guess what I'm saying is even if the Jets can finagle some cap space with all kind of hocus pocus, all their division opponents can do MORE. ESPECIALLY the Pats. THey have fewer holes to fill, more cap space AND better draft picks to do it.

    How exactly do you expect the Jets to "close the gap" on the Pats, while at the same time keeping ahead of the Bills and Phins.

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