2011 Fatcesa thread (Jets related only) - Revis owns fatty on 10/21/2011

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LoyalJetsFan, Mar 15, 2011.

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  1. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    I'm beginning to see why you were thrown out from the previous place, Roger. You're a true SOJF.

    Nothing but doom and gloom.

    I mean let's just ignore the success we've had recently and see that at least we have the Potential to even get to where we want to go.

    I still believe in Sanchez and I still believe in Rex. That won't change.
    #3661 Braylon4ever, Jan 23, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2012
  2. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    He just admitted he was wrong on Crabtree, man bites dog!
  3. Roger Vick

    Roger Vick Banned

    Dec 18, 2011
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    I'm not totally "gloom and doom". If I was, I would have committed suicide long ago.

    When the Jets do something right, I'm the first to point it out.

    For example, I think trading up for Mark Sanchez was smart. I think he will be a franchise quarterback and will win at least one Superbowl, probably more. However, I don't think that will happen until after Jets fans and the media have run him out of town.

    I think horing Rex Ryan was smart. I thin he'll eventually be a good coach, with another team, after Jets fans and the media have run him out of town.

    I'm actually a very optimistic kind of guy. I've just been a Jets fan for a while.
  4. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    LMAO!! YOU CALL *THAT* OPTIMISTIC? You really ARE a funny guy. [​IMG]
  5. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    HA! Now this is more up my alley.

    If you're gonna be a morbidly cynical bastard, you gotta at least entertain yourself with it.
  6. Roger Vick

    Roger Vick Banned

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Look, I've been through the ringer with this team.

    I fucking love them and I fucking hate them.

    I hate how they suck me in year after year, only to kick me in the nuts every season.

    But, I'm still a bigger fan than you, a better fan than you, and a more knowledgeable fan than you.

    And, don't you ever forget that.
  7. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Dude, that sounds very arrogant, self-centered, and condescending of you.
  8. Roger Vick

    Roger Vick Banned

    Dec 18, 2011
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    You seem like a good guy.
  9. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    I feel like you're trying to get some kind of satisfaction by/out of being banned.

    But if you actually believe as you do, I'd like to learn more about it.

    I have a pretty damn good fanhood resume. I'm only 25, sure, but the Jets have been a significant part of my life from day one. I've had season tickets since 1997 and have not attended a grand total of 3 out of the 152 Jets home games that have been played in that time span. I've been to 4 away games, though, so I cover for that.

    What makes you bigger and better? Just being older? Do you spend more time, more money on the team?

    I'm sure you know more about the Jets history you were around to witness that I wasn't, is that all you've got?

    And if you ARE so knowledgeable and passionate, how about you show it instead of telling us we're all doomed.

    He's just making obnoxious claims in order to push buttons, trying to fulfill the definition of a troll.
  10. dr.velociraptor

    dr.velociraptor Tired of BS

    Jan 3, 2012
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    What success? Getting your ass beat in the AFCCG two years running and backing into the playoffs is success? I bet the Bills are still reliving their glory days of losing four consecutive Super Bowls, they must be an epic dynasty by your standards.
  11. Roger Vick

    Roger Vick Banned

    Dec 18, 2011
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    I'm not a troll, nor am I looking to get banned.

    I'm a fan of the New York Jets. I have every right to express my dissatisfaction with the team without being called a troll, or being labeled some sort of inferior fan. If you feel the need to label me as such, then I will continue to point out that I am a bigger, better, and smarter fan than you and I will continue to make you look silly.

    I have violated no terms of service, unless blindly sucking up to the Jets' company line is one of the TOS.
  12. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    You don't have every right, you actually don't have any rights. This is a privately owned board that you choose to post on, and it's owner chooses to let you post on. That privilege is offered under the assumption you follow the board's rules.

    You said you're a bigger fan than ME, not someone who is calling you a troll or inferior fan.

    I've made no labels, and you've done nothing to make me look silly, so far as I can tell. Feel free to find where I said "you are a troll." I said you were making posts consistent with the definition of a troll, which is 100% true.

    A troll exists to annoy/anger others and to disrupt the board. Posts like these fulfill that definition:

    If the morbidity was outweighed by some actual productive discussion, this stuff can slide. But you haven't been bothering with any of that, you're too busy being completely miserable and unsatisfied until we're all completely defeatist as well.

    In regards to the Terms of Service, and my justification, I could easily rationalize a violation in either of these:

    Trolling. All trolls will be suspended and then banned with no prior warning. If you don't know what a troll is, you can read the definition here. (the "here" links to http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?TrollDefinition"

    Sabotage. If your actions are deemed to disrupt healthy operation of the forum, you'll be immediately banned. (The word sabotage is too strong, but the definition fits)

    Spam. Spamming will result in an automatic ban with no prior warning. (posting the same crap over and over again)

    Please make me look silly.
  13. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Mike has been pretty fair today, he basically said the Giants and Patriots are beyond fortunate to be in the Super Bowl and said the Giants were going to lose 14-10 if it wasnt for Williams.

    It blows because NEITHER team has any right to be in it. So frustrating.
  14. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Mikes the PUSSIEST interviewer, he was talking to Shane Conlan former Penn State Linebacker and he asked did you know anything about what was going on with Sandusky and he responded "ugggh, ugggh I heard, ugggh, hmmm, I wanna talk about paterno" then mike asked again and he like "theirs always rumors wherever you go...blah blah" and instead of asking what rumors he heard mike was like "oh I just wanted to ask the question, moving on..."

    Mike always says hes a good interviewer and how great he is and how has interviewd 100s of people but that was sad, Shane was about to spill the beans on Sandusky had Mike asked about the rumors, but instead Mike pussd out and sucked up to him.
  15. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    You still here? Don't you have a Patriots board to go and celebrate in? :rolleyes:

    I believe in Mark Sanchez and Rex Ryan. You don't and that's okay but don't expect me to turn around and say "Oh yes, sir. You are soooo right, sir."
  16. Roger Vick

    Roger Vick Banned

    Dec 18, 2011
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    I appreciate your efforts to try to lure me into making some sort of retaliatory comment that would get me banned.

    But I choose not to take the bait.

    I choose to simply be a die hard Jets fan. A fan who recognizes both the strengths and weakneses of the team, the coaching staff, and management.

    A fan who you may feel less than, but that is you choice.
  17. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    Hm, what bait did I dangle?

    The entire basis for my post and for arguing with you, is that I wasn't going to just take the easy way out and ban you.

    I merely defended myself and gave you a golden opportunity to prove yourself relevant, intelligent, and the amazing Jets fan you claim to be, but have not provided basis for yet.

    You can start by perhaps squeezing discussion of those "strengths" of the team into your posts, rather than telling us we're all doomed no matter what the team does.
  18. Roger Vick

    Roger Vick Banned

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Well, we're not necessarily "doomed" long term.

    But, we are doomed to failure next season as presently constituted. The Jets roster overall is too slow, too small, and too old to compete in the NFL. They do have some bright spots however: Mangold, Ferguson, Sanchez, and Revis. But, they are weak at pretty much every other position.

    The owner thinks they are a "win now" team, which is preposterous. And, as such, he puts pressure on the GM to bring in aged veterans while sacrificing draft picks and young talent. That has to change if the team wants to be successful.

    If they were to take a 3 year view of things, they'd realize that they could easily build a legitimate franchise on the back of what they have now, and they could be perennial contenders from 2014-2020.

    But they won't. They'll continue to chase the back page, continue to try to steal a headline here and there from the Giants and the Pats. Continue to scrape and claw for their 15 minutes of national attention. And continute to fail.

    Sorry if that makes you upset, but it's true.
  19. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    That's a sensible, legitimate opinion.

    I'd say I only partially agree with it, because nothing is in absolutes. There's no guarantee we get something out of any of the mid round picks we gave up for established players. Of course there's the chance we could have gotten diamonds in the rough out of all of them.

    I actually don't think we're far out of contention. Look at the Super Bowl teams and how many weak positions they have: Eli Manning covers up for his poor O Line. The DEs cover up for the poor corners and linebackers. The Patriots have mediocre RBs and limited WR depth, but they have Brady. Brady maximizes Welker and Gronk, who wouldn't quite be themselves on most other teams.

    No NFL team will ever be above average on all areas of the field.

    You can also never assume you're going to build a perennial contender. That assumes lots of successful draft picks, lots of free agents drinking the koolaid and staying aboard cheap, etc.

    We've had a lot of shit teams and a lot of high draft picks in the past, and never managed to build that complete contender. An elite QB or being elite in the trenches is the cologne for a lot of stink elsewhere.
  20. 2insane

    2insane Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    I don't think I can stand him polishing the Giants' knob for the next two weeks.
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