Ryan, Sanchez and Holmes have to get on the same page now or Tannenbaum's going to be in huge trouble with the owner.
Try to get a 7th rounder and move on. As much as Sanchez sucks, and is to blame for not getting him the ball, for 2 top teams to want nothing to do with him says all you need to know about him
I'm not sure Holmes is as untradeable as some people think. If the situation was as toxic as LT claims, Holmes might consider restructuring his deal to get out of here.
You are ALMOST as bad as jetsown22. If it weren't for your acceptable grammar, you would be as bad. EVERY post is somehow negatively directed at the QB of this team. Believe it or not, there are people who are able to express their displeasure for Sanchez without using the words suck, garbage, pile of shit, etc. What could an NFL QB possibly have done to you for you to express this much absolute hatred towards him? I wonder what you will do if Sanchez and the Jets come out swinging next year.
Exactly... They really only have three options: A) Rex and Tanny agree to move forward and work relentlessly on getting the locker room fixed. B) They eat at least 7 million and let Santonio go. C) Trade Santonio . B and C seem unlikely and B could signal the end for Tanny and his job security.
I must have been reading a wrong thing. I did find the article, but it doesn't say what I want to see. Link below: http://nyjetscap.com/2011_Post/toneholmescut.php EDIT: If Jets cut him before 2nd week of Feb, and some foolish team picks up Tone, THEN Jets are on the hook for 5 mil or so. Past the 2nd week of Feb, the cap hit goes beyond $20M. So... it's choosing lesser of the two evil: $12M, with an option for 5, or $20M. For the record, Tone's cap number this year is $9M.
Maybe all of the media attention and hysteria are enjoyable to Santonio. He seems like the type of guy that enjoys attention no matter if it is positive or negative. This media burst could be boosting his ego - "Everyone is talking about me!" type of mentality.
Again, I don't think Holmes is as untradeable as some people think. If you look at the Albert Haynesworth situation, it was just as toxic as our situation with Holmes, he had a monster contract, he was older than Holmes, had a highly questionable work ethic, and a trade still got done. If Holmes is willing to restructure his deal to get out of here, some team will take a chance on him. We prolly won't get more than a fifth round pick for him...but he can be moved.
Haynesworth's contract wasn't bad at all comparatively, Washington had already paid most of the guaranteed money, There was only 5.4 million in guarantees left on the deal when the Patriots got him. Holmes will have nearly 4 times that much over 2 years come February.
Robinson has established perfect chemistry with Romo. That connection is a TD machine. Plus they got him on the cheap. Why on earth would they trade him to us for Holmes' ego and bloated contract?
I've been on board with this trade all along I want him OUT! Get the last pick of the draft and move on I want to see Sanchez make WR better not WR making Sanchez better( / Sarcasm )
Holmes is younger than Haynesworth and less of a gamble in terms of what you're going to get on the field. I'm guessing someone would bite if the Jets let it be known he's available.
byz has the right idea. we would need to try to trade for a WR that exceeded their late round draft position and is still under their rookie contract (Edit: no good examples). so in Essence, eating the 8M would be like paying the new WR 8M plus their peanuts rookie contract. unfortunately it would have to be the perfect storm of opportunities.