LT rips the Jets...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Mambo9, Jan 18, 2012.

  1. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    It's funny how quickly people forget about what Rex did with a rookie and 2nd year QB in '09 and '10. All because of one bad seed in the locker room.

    Getting rid of Rex without giving him a chance to clean up this years mess would be a massive mistake. He's at least earned the right to try and fix it.
  2. Thesanchize81

    Thesanchize81 New Member

    Dec 22, 2011
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    LT, you bastard. This was all dying down. Why, why? We look dysfunctional to the rest of the league. I have always had the suspicion that he was bring that Ravens mentality to our team, but gave him a long rope. That defense vs offense strife is bad for any organization.
    Rex should have just one season to foster a good chemistry in that 'crazesty'. If he can't do it, lets try hard and get Cowher or that guy on MNF.
  3. Thesanchize81

    Thesanchize81 New Member

    Dec 22, 2011
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    What did he really do exactly? Those accomplishments that did not lead to anywhere have been overrated for far too long. Look at how we got into the playoffs in 09, granted we really did well in 09. In '10, we got very lucky throught out the season, then against the Pats, we could have been blown out the first few quarters.
    All the shit I have written above is of course ifs and what ifs, but his approach never works, he does not have to look far to see why it is not good, he can go and research his dad. It was fun while it lasted but deep down I knew a day like this will come and it will not be funny anymore.
  4. StreetFighterJet

    StreetFighterJet New Member

    Aug 19, 2008
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    Its a combination of weaking the locker room by letting guys like Cotch and S. Ellis walk, while at the same time bringing in a whiny little bitch face like S. Holmes.
  5. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    hate to say it----Blow it up from top to bottom----start over NOW not a year from now :sad:
  6. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    I agree. But he has to realize he doesn't have guys like Lewis, Suggs and Reed who can control the locker-room like in Baltimore.
  7. PennyRoyal10

    PennyRoyal10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2005
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    Keep Sanchez and Tone. Every workplace across the country has people that hate each other, but have to get on board and work as a team. They'll be given a clean slate by Sparano and I think he won't be as tolerant (hands off) as Ryan is because he isn't trying to be everybody's best friend.

    First though, there has to be a legitimate backup QB on the roster next year. Sanchez should still be the starting QB, BUT, his decision making has to get better. Hell, SD drafted Bree's competition in the first round. I'm not suggesting anything like that though. I like the guy and believe that with maturity he can be a very good QB. I don't believe he'll ever be elite, that's OK, he just can't be a liability. Hopefully the lesson has been learned and the way this team needs to be successful is not having Mark throwing 62 times in a game.

    I love the fact that LT is man enough to say what he said and put his name on it. Maybe it was because he isn't coming back and he knows it, whatever the case, he owned his comments.
  8. NotSatoshiNakamoto

    Oct 6, 2011
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    I don't know about you, but I enjoy watching the Jets play deep into January. It's not something we get to see every year.
    #48 NotSatoshiNakamoto, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  9. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    Because Rex was asleep at the wheels and MT is a capologist moonlighting as a GM.
  10. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    the only way to fix this is if we get rid of Holmes if not get ready for this next year when we lose two in a row which we will at some point.Theres no way around it he's gotta go we don't need him he can be replaced. If the Jets want anyone to come and play here they need to send a message and cut the problem. The Patriots cut Moss before the problem got started because there smart and didn't let it snow ball out of control this is why the Patriots are always number 1 in the division every year
    #50 LongIslandBlitz, Jan 18, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  11. gangjet

    gangjet New Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    LT is just telling it like it is, I am surprised he is telling it now. When things go bad, this is how it turns out; some players (Holmes) are team players only when the team is winning. Most sport teams go thru this type of situation, only that playing in NY with the kind of reporters that loves controversy plus little internal leadership, it is hard to keep it together. This i something that had to be taking care of from day one by Rex and he did not do it, so the team paid for it. Now, is time to regroup and take care of it the right way from the begining and not let it drag into the start of the season.
  12. Roger Vick

    Roger Vick Banned

    Dec 18, 2011
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    I've always had a lot of respect for LT. And, if he returns, I'll respect him even more for having said this stuff.

    But, if he's saying this publicly on his way out the door, I will lose some respect for him.
  13. wfresh

    wfresh New Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    i have lived through Walton, Kotite, Coslet, herm, etc...i was a big rex fan, but this is the worst i have felt as a jet fan since i can remember- which either means my memory is going, or the level of disappointment thinking same old jets was finaly put to rest....but are again the league's joke... while Giants are having a dandy time.... is friggin horrible. I would give him another year (Rex), but would prefer to blow it up now. Cursing at fans, opposite players, and all the rest...i hope he has a coughlin awakening and really cleans up his act and turns this around.
  14. gangjet

    gangjet New Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    I completely agree. I strongly believe that Mark and Shoan Greene will have and excellent season. Rex has to get on Holmes and having play hard again; if the team decides to get rid of him, they should trade him and not let him go, otherwise, he'll be wearing Pats uniform next season. I loveRex, but now he has to show me if he really is the leader I believe he is. This is the time to show the true colors of who you are.
  15. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    When I read this story 2 things immediately came to mind;
    1-Tomlinson's days as a Jet are over

    2- Rex must go

    This isn't a team that any respectable player is going to want to be a part of. This team is going to be comprised of malcontents and thugs that other respectable organizations are going to want to rid themselves of.
    Peyton Manning? Yeah right
  16. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Please get rid of Santonio Holmes. Please Jets,send that mother fucker packing. I know he is not all to blame,but we don't need a freaking Leon reciever.
  17. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Why is everyone saying get rid of Holmes, why cant people see this is more about the Golden Boy then anyone else. This team will never win anything with Mark as its QB.....
  18. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    If you take LT at his word Rex is the one who needs to go first. Then everything else can get settled.

    I'm not wanting Ryan gone but LT is saying some things that tell me that Rex did a terrible job of coaching last year and that as much as anything is why the Jets wound up where they did.
  19. Mr. Green Pants

    Jan 17, 2011
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    No, that's the reactionary fan response. It's the kinda dumb, kneejerk reaction that would have had a coach on the verge of going to the Super Bowl this year (Tom Coughlin) out the door after he "lost" his team at the end of last season. At the very least, Rex has earned an opportunity to try fixing this mess.
  20. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    definetly disagree. I'm not happy with Sanchez' play this year,but he can be good if surrounded by a good oline and run game like he was before. It's pretty clear that Holmes was the mouthy spoiled overpayed cancer of the locker room. And it's well known in fotball that if recievers aren't getting the catches they will make everyone unhappy

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