One thing that drives me NUTS is nfl teams full of morons who have no footbalk iq whatsoever. For instance the 49ers ran that last td all they had to do was slide in bounds, kneel 3 times, and kick a game winning fieldgoal. instead they ran it in and now likely lost their season due to people being morons. ill say its far worse due to the fact that they had called a timeout immediately before that play. How is it possible that i see such stupid shit like this literally every single week ? Ill add that the 49ers are actually coming back as i write this, but never the less it was still stupid
you watched that game and came away with the 9ers being morons??? well, i wish our head coach was as dumb as them i guess. that was a very disciplined team (win or lose)
They got LUCKY. Fact is all they had to do was slide and kneel for an easy win. Instead they gave Brees 2 minutes to score, which he DID, and got saved by one monster play from Davis. Eitherway they showed poor decision making and time minute by habing Smith run into that endzone on their first 4th quarter td
Just cuz it worked out ok, doesnt mean it wasnt moronic. I mean weve been known to have our share of stupid time managememt mistakes during the schitty and ryan dynasty
It was like a 32 yard run, he had plenty of time to slide. Why give one of the elite most QBs 2 minutes and 11 seconds to stage a game winning drive that hes done a million times, when you can effectively win the game on whats basically an extra point ? You just dont do that, and I dont get how these teams full of players/coaches don't have the common sense to know these things during a game.
If the Jets season was on the line, would you rather need either 1) to kick effectively an extra point or 2) Give a top 3 QB having his best season ever 2 minutes 11 seconds, + 1 timeout to win the game ?
It doesn't matter because they got in the Saints heads and stayed there. Harbaugh figured they might as well practice for a Superbowl with the D line and not worry about pulling lots of 3 and outs since they knew the Saints would smoke them any other way so they played to knock the shit out of them. It worked completely because they knew Saints would keep it close to the wire, thinking Harbaugh would try and take it to OT. Caught em off guard and gave Smith all the room with the prevent D. Defense wins again. Always.
I completely agree with you actually. He SHOULD have slid, but I think it's hard to expect any player to slide shy of a td unless a coach specifically tells that player to do so... that's what should have happened.
So what you are saying is, you would willing trade a shot at 7 points, for a shot at 3? If you have a chance to fucking score - YOU SCORE - PERIOD. If they had slid, then lined up and the kicker shanked the FG or it was blocked... can you imagine the hysteria that would have followed? Holy crap... some people just shouldn't judge other folks IQ...
Either way leaves about the same risk with Brees on the other side I think. If Smith does think to slide the saints end up receiving the kick off with 30-40 seconds left in the game with no timeouts. You don't think Brees would have a pretty decent shot at getting them in field goal range the way he was playing?
The saints had a timeout and the two minute warning at that point. If he slides, three knees still leaves Brees over a minute, only needing a field goal to win. If Smith had slid the Niners would have lost.
This is a loser's mentality. No points is a gimme until you have actually scored. Go and ask Romo about one simple snap/holder. You only do that if you are tied or in the lead not when a mess up can ruin your season and what ifs invade your dreams. They did the right thing. Brees did what he does, got lucky and Graham made a great play.