Jets to hire Tony Sparano as Offensive Coordinator

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Poeman, Jan 10, 2012.

  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Parcells is an all time great coach but he's a mediocre evaluator of talent. he had Rex in for an interview and chose Sparano over him, that's really all we need to know.

    I hope they run a good offense, I hope we have a good OL #1. If that happens this O is going to take off no matter who the OC is but this year the fans will be happy then a year from now if things aren't going well they'll want another new OC.
  2. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    That's not really all we need to know....

    Parcells and Sparano already had a relationship and Sparano could be a lot closer to a puppet for Parcells if he wanted that. And we all know that Rex isn't everyone's cup of tea..... Football knowledge aside - I'm not sure Rex's style and Parcells style mesh. I take that back - I"M DAMN SURE THEY DO NOT!@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So, NO. That actually tells me nothing at all....

    To me, picking a Head Coach is a Wild Card. There is just so much involved and like I said, you need to wear a dozen hats and be a psychologist - Heck, sometimes little actual Football knowledge even matters (See Herm Edwards) for some success....

    To me, Head coach is a different animal.....

    I'm DAMN SURE Tony Sparano knows what the #### he's doing though when it comes to Football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Again, He's no Brian Dabol.... I think you can have more success taking a shot in the dark at Brian Dabol being a delegator / organizer / psychologist to be a Head Coach over being an OC....

    Yeah, I said it, I think your coordinators need to be better FOOTBALL Geniuses than your Head Coach.

    Of course though, it would be best to have a Head coach who is a Football Genius AND can Handle all the other #### like Bill Belichik learned to do after a Sparano like HC stint.
  3. ugggghhh

    ugggghhh New Member

    Nov 14, 2011
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    From a Dolphins fans perspective, here are some positives and negatives on Sparano....


    Players like and Respect him
    He has a passion for the game and his players
    Really works hard and enjoys coaching
    Players coach
    Limits turnovers and penalties


    Cant develop a quarterback
    Was supposed to be an Oline coach and our oline always sucked
    Bad in game manager
    Doesn't use tightends....uses them for blocking mainly
    Doesn't go deep, again, conservative
    Too concerned with minor details, players can't play freely
    Fist Pumps haha

    Bottom Line: I liked sparano as a person, but he just wasn't a good head coach. It's possible he could be a good OC but alot of the things he did wrong in Miami have to do with the offense and what he prefers (Ball control, limit mistakes, grind it out type game). He did a horrible job of developing Henne, which I know isn't all on him, but regardless he turned Henne into a robot. That wasn't Henne's own doing. And he was supposed to be an Oline coach and in 3 years with some good players they always sucked. He never let the Oline mesh and grow together
  4. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    If he wanted a puppet he would have coached himself, his reputations was on the line as a GM type and now his reputaiton is tarnished forever.

    Belichick learned when he got Brady to save his career.
  5. dr.velociraptor

    dr.velociraptor Tired of BS

    Jan 3, 2012
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    If Rex thinks he's going to grind out wins with a defense that isn't top 5 in the league and has no pass rush at all he's crazy. This is a QB league and if Rex has so little confidence in Sanchez that he is going to hire an OC known for very very conservative play-calling and being terrible at QB development stop wasting our time and cut Sanchez now. We have to find out what the kid really has, if he can play QB in this league, and Sparano is not the guy who is going to do that.
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    So what exactly is Sparano's track record that gives reason to think he will succeed as the OC with the Jets?
  7. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Man some of you people are fucking amazing. This fanbase is never happy unless they have something to bitch about. We just got rid of one of the worst OC's in the game, someone who has a 7 year track record of producing below average offenses... and we replaced him with someone who had a 5th ranked offense the last time he was an OC and was responsible for bringing one of the most unguardable offensive schemes into the NFL.

    Sparano was not a good head coach. Luckily, we didn't hire him to be a head coach. When he was in Dallas, Romo took over midseason. He CATERED to Romo. He used two tight end sets, he got the run game going (and NOT up the middle all day), and he set Romo up to succeed. That was Schotty's biggest problem! He had no clue how to cater to what he had on the field. With Sparano, I believe we will see way more of what he did in Dallas and Miami than what some uneducated fans want us to do and throw the ball downfield all day.

    I think we will see Sanchez rolling out, I think we will see an outside the numbers running game, I think we will see Keller get a big boost (see: Witten/Fasano) and I think we will play EFFECTIVELY. Look at the dog shit Sparano had to work with in Miami since Chad left. He dug up the Wildcat to nullify his shitty QB. When he had Pennington, he catered perfectly to his talents. They STILL had a potent offense despite being one of the worst teams in the league for the two years following that!

    And if we can add Haley, that's just a bonus.

    This is a good move, but I wouldn't expect the Jets fanbase represented on this site to understand or accept that.
  8. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    the thing is that if he is the OC and in charge, he WILL create plays base on Sanchez strengths. Because if we see something similar to slants, slants, and more slants all day again, hes out the door after 1 year (Jet fans will run him out).

    He will have to blow the doors off this season and I think he will. But as mentioned already, we first need a deep threat WR.
  9. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    There's at least 4 threads on the front page with an answer to this question and more. Time for u to do some reading.
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    we always need something to whine about.

    By the way, we avreaged 15.8 in pts scored over his 6 years so we were slightly above average this w/ a QB off of 2 shoulder surgeries, Kellen Clemens a primary start, Favre in a new system and we got him a month before the season, then a raw rookie and young QB w/only 16 college starts. Not bad when you dig further thant he rankings.
  11. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    It's actually pretty bad when you look at what Pennington and Favre were before/after being coached by Schotty. So yea, that whole "digging past the rankings" thing you were talking about...

    Edit: Oh and where did Pennington go to REVIVE HIS CAREER? That's right, Sparano's Dolphins.
  12. LoyalJetsFan

    LoyalJetsFan New Member

    Sep 2, 2004
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    (This is what I foresee next year)

    "The Jets will try a 20 yard FG with Nick Folk"

    "Heeere's the snap"

    "the placement is down, the kicks on its waaay"

    "Aaaand it's good! With 2 minutes left to go in the first quarter, the Jets take a 3-0 lead."

  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Chad was w/ Brian immediately after his SECOND surgery on his throwing shoulder, the Jets weren't even sure if he could play in 2006.

    We got Favre in a barnd new system for the first time in 16 years and did so w/ less than a month to go before the start of the season.

    Chad was HEALTHY in 2008, 3 years removed from shoulder surgery. How did Chad do in '09 & '10? how about Favre in '10?
  14. RevisIsland18

    RevisIsland18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    what's wrong w/ taking the lead?
  15. sorryaboutyour

    sorryaboutyour New Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    I'm a Dolphins fan. As ecstatic as I am at this news, I'm not going to gloat or troll. In fact, and I didn't think this was possible, I actually feel for you guys. You just got jobbed.

    As another Dolphins fan pointed out, Tony does have some good qualities such as being a likable guy and a hard worker. Unfortunately, that is really about the extent of it. I can't believe the Jets hired him. I realize Schottenheimer sucked (and indeed, I'm absolutely scared shitless of him coming to the Dolphins), but Sparano is a really bad hire.

    I'm just going to warn you that this guy is in way over his head. He is not smart, he is not innovative, and he just doesn't get it. I do not have a high opinion of Sanchez, but if you really think he's a QB you can develop and work with, then this is the worst possible hire for you guys. Here are some of the bullet points that I think sum up why you guys should be very upset right now:

    - Conservative to the point of making John Fox and Marty Schottenheimer look like riverboat gamblers. This is a guy who once refused to throw a hail mary at the end of regulation in a tie game because he was afraid it would be returned for a touchdown.

    - Absolutely does not believe in taking chances once inside field goal range. Once you have a high percentage shot at 3 points, Tony believes you should play for that. All this talk about Miami 'opening up the offense' this season was entirely the result of pressure from our ownership. Up until it became public that we were courting Jim Harbaugh, Tony was all about "staying the course" with more of the same -- when the Dolphins had the 31st ranked offense in the league.

    - I realize that Chad Henne was never going to be a great NFL quarterback, but he was absolutely RUINED by Tony Sparano, who actually had it set up so that an incredibly loud whistle would go off in practice if Henne held the ball for 3.0 seconds on a pass play. He is going to destroy Mark Sanchez.

    - Is supposed to be an offensive line specialist, yet the Dolphins offensive line has been a mess for his entire tenure here. Pass protection has been poor and so has run blocking, even though Miami has four first round draft picks on that line and has invested more money in that unit than anywhere else. We gave up the second most sacks in the league this season, and Tony micromanages that unit. He is the guy who wanted Marc Colombo, former Cowboys trash and the worst starting RT in the NFL.

    - Likes to throw people under the bus, especially young players and assistant coaches. He has no qualms about scapegoating people, especially rookies, so watch out.

    - He's also done absolutely nothing to develop Miami's young, raw players like Clyde Gates and Sean Smith (who probably just sucks) during his time here. But I think that goes on the whole coaching staff, and not just Tony.

    - Oh, and he absolutely can not figure out how to compete with the Patriots. I guarantee you that Patriots fans are on cloud nine right now.

    I'm legitimately offering you guys my condolences. I honestly can't understand what in Sparano's history qualifies him to be an offensive coordinator, much like I couldn't understand what qualified him to be a head coach (other than the fact that he was willing to let Parcells roam the sidelines and play coach the first year they were together in Miami).

    I realize Schotty sucks, but you guys have jumped from the frying pan into the fire. I think it's a crushing irony that we might just wind up trading trash as there are rumors that Fisher would want to bring Schotty to Miami with him. I guess that's your silver lining. You guys might have wound up screwing us over, too.
    #175 sorryaboutyour, Jan 11, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2012
  16. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    Thanks for the post. Fortunately, most of the things you said point to his deficiencies as a Head Coach, not an OC. Couple that with the fact that Haley will most likely be brought in to manage Sanchez and the WR, I think we will be fine. No chance he settles for 3s here with Rex in his ear.
  17. BamaZeus

    BamaZeus Member

    Dec 19, 2002
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    That absolutely has to stick as his new nickname. It's too good not to use. :breakdance:
  18. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Umm, the whole idea of being out of coaching but, having the most influence possible is hiring a puppet or lets just say someone you are familiar with and who has similar style.

    Parcells doesn't even let people talk to the media and now he's going to hire Rex Ryan???

  19. deathstar

    deathstar Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2010
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    Lots of Jets fans are being delusional...

    Somehow you seem to be the only one that knows what's coming...

    Maybe its your time spent on FH...
  20. BroadwayAaron

    BroadwayAaron Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Yes, Tony Romo botching a hold on a field goal is Tony Sparano's fault. What a stupid argument that was junc, seriously, try a little harder next time.

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