Who do you think gets the axe? Mcelroy

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by thirtyoddfreestyle, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Utter BS. Whatever. You have the most screwed up perspective I think I've ever seen.
  2. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Well he's not the only one 'cause I think Greggie-Pooh just shat the bed here.

    although.....an interesting point was brought up :


    I think they might just keep him to see just how much competition he can give Mark in TC.

    Of course, he's going to get the hazing of his life thanks to his actions but we'll see....
  3. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Theres no way you cut a draft pick, who actually looked promising in his first preseason, especially when hes the ONLY backup QB we have period.

    Its either have him or that little shit Oconnel, and if he looked promising he wouldnt of been whored out throughout the entire afc east.

    The fact is were a team who has an unstable #1 qb with a shifty oline, you dont start cutting the little depth you have.
  4. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    What i believe will happen is Rex will finally act like a Head Coach and confront the little cockaroach and tell him off for what he did.....then he'll say "Okay, "Genius". You think you can do a better job than Mark? SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!"

    And, as Ralph Cramden would say, "and awaaaay we go!"
  5. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    To think that you give credit for Holmes not talking to reporters during the season and hate on Mcelroy because he told the truth to some small fucking Alabama radio statio is fucking retarded.

    Yes. Lets get rid of the high character people and keep the fuck ups that dont give a shit. Honestly, your perception couldnt be any worse.

    Dishonor? Do you know what that is? How about when our multimillionaire “#1 receiver” throws a tantrum on the field and practically sits himself? Or when this same person talks back to Mark in a meeting, causing clear problems and doesnt show his face the next day at meetings? Or how about “cant wait” flips a reporter off? Or when Rex begs the team to stay together and our the “team” collapses?

    Was it Mcelroy’s place to say this shit? No. But did it need to be said? Yes.
  6. Mr. Green Pants

    Jan 17, 2011
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    Holmes was called out by a teammate during the game, benched, and then called out again by several veterans after the game. The media was already all over him and the Jets' obvious chemistry issues. Why was it necessary for McElroy to discuss the situation further in a public forum? What good purpose did it serve?

    I'm not enraged by it, don't think McElroy should be cut if TPTB think he can play, but there's nothing commendable about what he did. This is a rookie speaking out of turn and saying something that could have further damaged the team. He shouldn't be praised by anyone.
  7. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    How much further could he of damaged this team? The media’s and fan’s perspective is as if we are picking #1 overall. Like I said, I dont think it was his place to say this.

    It was some small time radio station in Alabama, its not like he was on ESPN ripping on the Jets.

    I do not commend what he did. But I sure as hell hope this makes Tanny and Rex realize what needs to be fixed. They build a locker room of low character players and lack leaders. Not the best idea in NY, let alone anywhere.

    The problem I have is that we are all focused on Mcelroy talking, and not what lies beneath what he said. We are all calling for his head and saying he must be cut immediately. How about Holmes? He deserves it. Not Mcelroy. No one is focusing on what was actually meant by it. How are we not enraged that this team’s cohesiveness is that off gas molecules. Being a team sometimes outweighs talent. This team lacks talent, and isnt cohesive. In order for this team to be a contender or even improve, the “team” aspect must change first, because if the attitudes in the locker room are the same so will be the record.
  8. Mr. Green Pants

    Jan 17, 2011
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    Cap'n Wonderlic is certainly smart enough to know that a radio interview in Alabama can reach a national audience if something provocative comes out of it. He should have kept his mouth shut.

    The chemistry issues are apparent to everyone who was associated with or followed the team this year. It will be a point of focus until...well...the team is winning and we hear good things coming out of the locker room again. At this point, it's not something ANYONE can sweep under the rug.
  9. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    lol epic fail
  10. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    McElroy knows what it takes to win a championship, because he has actually done it. Any other player on our team ever done that? hmmm...... Maybe that's why Holmes gets so angry because our Offense isn't designed to win.

    Fire Schotty , and everything starts getting better.
    #30 TNJet, Jan 10, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2012
  11. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I really dont understand all the hate McElroy is getting? I give the guy props for what he did. He didn't name names he simply pointed out that the atmosphere around the team was corrupt.
    This is something that had to be said. LT called Holmes out. I don't give a shit that the guy was a 4 string QB, that only shows that nobody else was willing to step up and say what had to be said.
    Rex is supposed to let his guys say what's on their mind. If they cut McElroy they are hypocrites.
  12. tdoublee

    tdoublee Active Member

    Mar 18, 2006
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    This. Everyone dumps on McElroy who gave a general statement, but LT gave specifics about Holmes and no one even blinked. He'll be back and I bet the only ones that will give him any real problems in the lockerroom will be the ones that think he was talking about them.
  13. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    sack everyone, apply to become an expansion franchise and take two players from the roster of every other team
  14. greenbeanz

    greenbeanz Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2007
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    How can anyone give mcelroy props and agree with what he did?

    I take it some of you guys have never played team sports, because if you did, you would understand that what happens in that locker room, STAYS in that locker room. no exceptions. thats sacred ground, especially in football.

    now do you cut mcelroy for this? that is an entirely different question based on the state of this team. i think you bring him to camp and let him compete. i think you also bring in a couple of other guys to compete. i also think since he is a rookie and "doesnt know better" that you let him face his teammates and apologize, like a man, and give him a second chance.

    but lets get one thing clear, what he did was very wrong. you do not under any circumstances sell out the locker room like that. thats your team no matter what. you man up and deal with it internally. not in the public eye and to the media. that is a cowardly way to go about it, and hopefully the kid has learned that and will grow from this.
  15. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    I really dont care what there saying in the locker room especially if its true. Everyday there is something new I hear that happen in the locker room. WTF was Rex doing? Nothing about it!!! And watching the, "not give a shit attitude" game against the Fins pisses me off still. Sanchez sitting on the bench getting shaded like he was f-ing king of NY. What BS!!! And it was going on for weeks.
  16. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Yes. The real problem here is the need for the CS to better control the atmosphere in the locker room. It will look hypocritical to start, after all the bs that has gone on already by players who have not been good teammates to take it out on the guy who publicly says he wants the atmosphere to improve by having players be more team oriented. In fact if they can McElroy at this point, I will lose more respect for the FO and Ryan.

    The posters saying that teammates should never talk outside the locker room miss the point. There has already been much talk, most of it anonymous, and the truth of what McElroy said has been evident from the team's behavior for some time now. And LT has been saying things already. In other words it is past the point of this kind of general notion of no one saying anything outside the locker room.

    The more important issue now is that Tanny and Ryan need to address the morale problem. I have no idea how well they understand this, and to the extent they do not fully understand it, things like what McElroy said and did help in the sense that Tanny and Ryan are reminded of this need. That is why I think it is potentially a good thing with no real downside.

    That and that I thought McElroy showed promise in the pre-season games last off season. Cutting him would not only be hypocritical. It would be cutting off your nose to spite your face.
  17. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    I'd really hate to see McElroy leave because of this. I think he can be a good QB and definitely a good backup.
  18. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    Pennington was better even then.
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    What about now? Chad is not playing. So?

    McElroy essentially played two pre-season games. But he led the league in preseason stats for rookie Qb's before he got hurt.

    In the first game McElroy went 23 out of 39 attempts for 208 yards and a TD. I don't think there was a turnover, either. The second game he had 6 completions in 9 attempts for 59 yards, one TD, and no turnovers.

    Those are the only objective facts we have about him. I don't know, call me crazy, but those numbers are pretty impressive. Not so much the ypa but the comp percentage and especially two TD's no turnovers.
  20. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You are right and wrong in this statement...to a degree. In most cases, in team sports, you most absolutely keep things "in house". Airing dirty laundry can be quite detrimental. Here's the twist...Holmes pulled what he pulled on national TV in the last game of the season...when the team needed him the most. He left his teammates, coaches, city and fans hanging in the breeze. What McElroy said NEEDED to be said as the questions would never stop coming until someone stepped up to the plate. Now, I agree with those that said it shouldn't have been him...it SHOULD have been Sanchez. Your QB calls you out on the mat like that after humiliating himself and his teammates on national TV. Much like Peyton did with his stupid kicker a couple years back. Holmes is a cancer and, unfortunately, we are into this guy for a guaranteed $24 million so, sadly, he goes nowhere. No one is going to take this guy off our hands. Period.

    Now, I like McElroy's balls...he did what Sanchez should have done...but he's going to take some heat from it. Should he be cut, no. He definitely should be spoken with by the CS and I'm sure it will happen. Besides, I'm in agreement that we may have something special in him. I watched the same pre-season games you all did last year and screw wins/losses/3rd or 4th stringers. What I saw was a kid who saw the field well, tossed a mighty nice looking ball and was ACCURATE. That will carry you a long way in this league. Time will only tell.

    What I would do with Holmes for that stark embarrassment...I would, personally, talk with him in the off-season and see where his head is at. Use our 1st pick in the draft to bring in a TRUE #1 to, not only, upgrade the team but send a message to his selfish ass. If that didn't work and the attitude adjustment didn't happen then I suspend his ass for the first 4 games of next season. An in house suspension. He may have guaranteed cash but that will definitely screw with his bonuses and escalators. Give him the "Keyshawn" treatment ala the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

    As far as McElroy, I like his balls and he will be dealt with in-house....maybe. I'm willing to bet a good chunk of that team quietly gave him a pat on the back...on the "down low."

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