Top free agents for next season

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by dcm1602, Jan 2, 2012.

  1. PennyRoyal10

    PennyRoyal10 Well-Known Member

    Aug 31, 2005
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    If you really want to break a TV over that idiotic ball drop/point thing, just wait until he does it in a hurry-up situation and the team has to burn a time-out while the official is trying to get the ball so Sanchez can spike it.

    If there was a guy that would be so selfish to something like that, it's definitely Santonio...
  2. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Then again as the case of Santonio how many stud WRs can you get for a 5th round pick ?

    I mean the alternative woulda been getting someone like Brandon Marshall for 2 2nds. And I mean dont get me wrong Marshall is a poor mans Calvin Johnson, and would make sanchez a helluva lot more productive, but 2 2nds is a lot especially since we gave one up for Cromartie last year
  3. JetsFanDoc

    JetsFanDoc Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2008
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    They have to stop giving up draft picks. Time to load up with younger talent.
  4. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    There's no disputing that getting Santonio for a 5th round pick was a great price for the Jets. He wouldn't have been available at any price, however, if h was really that good. He was only available because he is selfish, a cancer, and one screw up from being suspended for the season. He had become a gigantic headache for the Steelers.

    He has now become a gigantic headache and distraction for the Jets and quite possibly a divisive factor. Don't forget that even though he had a number of game-winning catches in 2010, he also dropped a lot of passes and almost caused them to lose in the playoffs due to dropped passes. He is selfish. I have seen the point made on this site that the offense was running much more smoothly and the ball was being spread around nicely in 2010 before he was activated. Once he was activated they started trying to force the ball to him and the offense stopped being as smooth. Their identity became more diffused. He isn't a #1 WR. He doesn't stretch the field. He doesn't block in the running game like Braylon did.

    At this point, for chemistry and team morale, I think he needs to go.
  5. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Exactly, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem that Tanny gets that.
  6. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Which is why OLB in the 1st seems like the best option more and more.
  7. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I wouldn't mind trading picks away - 1 pick per 1 player, I can live with that. You can consider that the traded player was drafted at said pick.

    It is multiple picks give-away that drives me nuts. You must always be mindful of how thick your squad is. You won't be needing HoF calibre players at every position (salary cap doesn't even allow that), which in turn means you can't have starter quality back ups at every position either.

    Especially, you can never have enough talent in the front seven of the defense, and the offensive line. (That is, at the trench - that's where the battle is won or lost.) That's the part that pisses me off seriously - Jets are depleted in that area as of now. Especially the front seven; the talent level at the front seven is so completely depleted that it magnifies the weakness at safety spot.
  8. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Trading down is another attractive alternative - especially if Cincinati bites with 2 of their 1st round picks.
  9. laxin

    laxin Active Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Cinci’s 1st pick is 17, we are 16... So there’s no way there giving up another first rounder to move up one spot. Trading back is an option to help stockpile draft picks and fill the voids at WR, RT, S, and OLB. Realistically, I dont really see it happening; Tanny isnt one to really trade back. There will be talent at 16 that can make an impact day 1, our best bet is to see who’s there come draft day and pick BPA at a position of need.
  10. I Still Heart Chad

    Oct 8, 2009
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    This has to be the single most annoying thing that any player, in any sport, on any team I root for, does.

    I also agree with most S and RT are our first priorities.

    For the people that want to get rid of Santonio (and I admit I am not a fan of him in general) What is the rush with letting him go ? If we have to take a huge cap hit to do so , why not give him a chance to make it though camp and hopefully work with a new OC and see if he can make a change for the better ?

    Edit: because I needed to add this .... I have envisioned that nightmare too
  11. I Still Heart Chad

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Isn't it possible when you go to the AFCCG, the F.O thinks "Oh wow we can win now" then you go back, and they just keep trying to get "established" players because we are so close...

    I think the F.O. will make more youth oriented decisions this off-season, to build a team for the future(no rebuilding per se, but just having more depth) and not try to be so much like the Florida(Miami) Marlins.
  12. jilozzo

    jilozzo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    well these things do not occur simultaneously. a shift in philosophy can have at least a 2-3 year lag effect on the roster so i do not think we will see any radical change.

    i do not see them going into any future draft with less than 6 picks - u need to have them come draft day cause u have no idea what may happen.

    that being said i can see a continuation of quality over quantity - just maybe a bit less aggressive. the rookie salary structure will also dictate strategy as some teams may be more prone to moving up in the earlier rounds and snatch that guy cause they dont have to pay as much.

    teams that like to stockpile (pats) may be given even more of a chance to do that. it will be neat to see how it plays out going forward.
  13. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Well, we certainly saw this past season the downside of too little quantity, which in this context means paying attention to the entire roster. But it is to be clear not the case that the Jet FO HAD to choose too little quantity in some key respects.

    The Jets in fact were under the cap when they chose not to do anything significant to deal with Turner's season ending injury in pre-season. This failure was clearly one that had serioud and direct consequences when Mangold got injured, and the related effects on the whole offense was huge.

    It would have been one thing if the Jets were literally not in a position to do anything, having previously used up all their chips on quality moves. But that was not the case here.

    I also am not so thrilled with some of the recent higher round picks, like Wilson and VD, not to mention putting together picks to get Sanchez. In fact the only recent move of that sort that is beyond question favorable at this point was getting Revis.

    Anyway, going forward there appear to be so many positions on the Jets that could use some attention, that they might end up going BPA and NOT putting picks together to trade up, but on the other hand I literally think Tanny gets off on seeing himself as a great deal guy, when he really isn't. So maybe he doesn't change his spots.

    Before getting to what i think they should focus on, a few words of caution:

    RB. The Jets have spent a lot of attention in drafts on this position, yet have some real question marks right now that make a path forward less than clear. While I don't think the SG experiment has been a failure, ol no. 23 sure doesn't inspire confidence as a workhorse every down back. LT still has some gas in the tank, and is the only proven option on passes out of hte backfield. McKnight and Powell remain unproven. Maybe if some better option becomes available through FA the Jets might make that move, but I can see them standing pat here, bringing LT back, and see how much McKnight can do to spell Greene.

    Wideouts. This was not a very productive group last season, and Burress in particular did not live up to reasonable hopes. But I don't see all that much being done with this unit. The numbers make cutting Holmes prohibitive, despite all the justified anger felt by fans. Kerley meanwhile was the most positive development on probably the entire roster. I also think Turner came on as the season went on. I see Kerley, Turner coming back, and even Holmes, with the Jets trying to pick up either a real speedster or perhaps bring Edwards back.

    OL. While very disappointing compared to recent years, the answers going forward are not simple. First of all despte the antipathy toward Hunter, it was really Ferguson who concerned me most - how could a Pro Bowler play like crap? Slauson's development from the year before was not much. Moore graded out well but clearly is getting older. Meanwhile Turner will likely come back and give depth to the interior line, and maybe can learn to begin replacing Moore. VD sucks, so he's one reason to make a move on OL despite all else, but whereas I thought before that TWO players HAD to be added to the OL, I think now the Jets see Ferguson's slide as temporary, bring back Turner, and add a new tackle, which hopefully means cutting VD.

    Qb. For all my unhappiness with Sanchez, I figure he's not going anywhere, but a better backup seems indicated. Is that McElroy? Hard to say. But it is unlikely the Jets go Qb in the draft. More likely is going FA, and I would love to see Orton join the team. Probably doesn't happen, though, and they rely on McElroy and Connell.

    The D. I've posted before how I like Pace and Scott at LB, and acknowledge Harris is set although I am not so high on him as others seem to be. But overall speed at LB needs to be upgraded. The DL as a unit seems more stable than most others, so I doubt it gets much attention. Safety will obviously get attention as I hope we have seen Pool play his last game for the Jets and Leonhard is more likely gone than staying.

    Starters I see returning on D include Revis, Cromartie, Smith, Pace, Scott, Harris, DeVito Pouha and Wilkerson, so there's probably not much movement going on there. Wilson is a key bench player who will return, while Pool will not. Maybin, Westerman, Ellis, Dixon and probably Pitatoua will also return.

    That means the following are the areas that could see attention in draft/FA:

    Safety. In fact i could see the Jets picking up two, with Pool and Leonhard gone, but loyalty to Leonhard may mean he stays.

    OL. I would be shocked if the Jets do not pick up a tackle. Whether it is a high pick or not depends on how they feel about Hunter.

    Wideout. Since I think Burress is gone, he will have to be replaced.

    TE. I lost much of my admiration for Keller this year, and it is painfully obvious the reason the Jets put up with so many penalties by Mulligan is that Keller sucks in run blocking. Maybe the Jets sit tight here and hope Cumberland comes back strong, but I personally would love it if the Jets could get a TE who can run block and get open for passes. Probalby nothing happens here, though, other than Cumberland comes back and Mulligan gets cut.

    Punter. The Jets need a new one.

    Place Kicker. See preceding entry.

    OLB. This is one of the areas crying out for help. I think if they could get a linebacker who could cover the tough pass cathing TE's that bedevil the Jets time and time again, that might help even more than a pass rusher.

    I think that covers it.
    #113 Big Blocker, Jan 9, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2012
  14. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    That would be awesome, but I'd probably never live to see the results, because I'd suffer a massive coronary if Tanny actually traded down.
  15. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Let's see what this genius of GM can pull out of a hat.
  16. gizmo253

    gizmo253 Member

    Apr 15, 2009
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    Colston is an Elite big body talent who happens to have roots in the NY area (went to Hofstra). He also is a "true pro" whom would be great for the Jets locker room.

    Jackson could also be a good fit for this team but I just see him as having a bigger personality than I would like, and also it seems like he tends to disappear for stretches along the not sure he would be worth the money.
  17. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    And where is the money (read cap space) to pay one of them going to come from?
  18. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Shocked how incredibly thin TE and T is this year.

    Couple of tackles, none are great options.

    Martellus Bennett sounds like a pretty decent option for TE if we can pry him from dallas. Good run blocker, dual threat, shouldnt be commanding big $$$.
  19. Play Like A Jet

    Oct 13, 2010
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    I like Nicks a lot but I think the Saints will probably franchise tag him.
  20. DarrelleRevis.Human?

    DarrelleRevis.Human? Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2010
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    If Manning is not an option I say we still have to go with a QB.
    Brunell is old as snot.

    Jason Campbell - a good option price depending.
    Shaun Hill - I think would be a great #2 QB.

    Micheal Griffin - I agree he's a good viable option for us & can't be worse than Smith.

    Robert Mathis - This guy is a beast! Enough said.
    John Abraham - Bring him back if he wont cost too much.
    Cliff Avril - Great player but not sure if the 3-4 would suit him.

    Beast Mode(aka Marshawn Lynch) - We all know what he's capable of but there are character issues and I'm sure a hefty price tag.
    Mike Tolbert - Great feet, great hands, breaks tackles.
    BenJarvus Green-ellis - Doesn't do anything elite, but can do everything well. Not to mention this guy has NEVER fumbled the football!!!
    Micheal Bush - I would love to see us get this guy and I'd say he'd come at a reasonable price.

    BRAYLON - Bring him back! Why did we ever get rid of him?
    Pierre Garcon - He needs some coaching up he's still a raw talent but talent he does not lack for.
    Brandon Lloyd - This is another Price depending player, but you can't argue about his hands they are sick.

    Kareem McKenzie - Older yes, but a solid player.
    Jared Gaither - I agree with this also, not a bad choice.

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