Lions should try sending some blitzes. According to Football Outsiders, Brees was least effective when facing 6+ pass rushers.
Both teams clearly stealing from offensive genius Brian Shottenheimer by successfully running that fake end around. That Shotty is an innovator.
It is absoloutely amazing that Brees NEVER has anyone in his face when he drops back in the pocket. The passiong lances his OL gives him are amazing. The lack of our OL being able to do this is a HUGE reason why sanchez gots so many passe knocked down this year. When Brees bootlegs / rolls out he is also 7 to 9 yards from the line of scrimmage - gioving him an optimal line of vision . Watch the passing lanes when they show the replays from behind Brees....It's too obvious not to notice.
Being a Jets fan my whole 38 years of existence has been brutal, but Lions fans have only had 1 playoff win in 53 years. Just...WOW!!!
i still really do enjoy watching vilma play... so glad his legs have held up for him and he has gone on to be a superb performer.