Make a statement...CUT HOLMES NOW

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sweet P, Jan 5, 2012.

  1. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Yes he has a mouth but it's currently attached to someone's backside. :lol:

    And that was why the Passing Attack was virtually non-existant this year. Yeah the O-line sucking didn't help but I can safely say that had we re-signed Braylon instead of signing Plax, we MIGHT HAVE been able to win at least 2 more games(or more...maybe) and try to make some noise again in the postseason.

    One thing about Braylon is that HE RESPECTS AND LISTENS To What Mark has to say in the Receivers meetings and the Huddle on the field. Holmes obviously never did respect Mark. It was all about getting paid(which he did) and now just coasting through the rest of his career doing his job half-assed.

    That's why Tanny MUST get Braylon back. He could sign him real cheap since Braylon has ZERO leverage at this point as far as contract negotiations go. And at the same time, he could go sign a WR in FA or draft one(michael floyd).

    Once he re-signs him, I bet you the offense will get it going again. :beer:

    Well said, lakersmetsjets49ers. Nobody would ever mistake Braylon for being a Saint(not even a New Orleans but it's now apparent that he was more important to the passing game than many here realized. Getting him back(since it's now really feasible and possible) should be one of the top priorities, IMO for Tanny.
  2. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Uh, he was pulled over at 5:15 am on a Tuesday during the season for illegally tinted windows, and blew a .16, which is twice the legal limit.
  3. Struckanerve9

    Struckanerve9 New Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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  4. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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  5. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Yeah it wasn't.

    If it weren't for the Tinted Windows excuse given by the cops, there would be no DUI.

    But anyway....What's done is done.

    Bring him back, Tanny!!! :)
  6. JetD

    JetD Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Rex Ryan...and he alone should fix this fucking mayhem going on with the team....I dont like Holmes, but we are stuck with him i think...............Rex.......were the fuck is your big mouth now....................BE THE MAN........BE THE COACH!!! we all thought you would be
  7. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    I was just playing devils advocate to the guy who started this thread.

    I wanted Braylon over Holmes since the Jets were forced to decide (use search and you'll see my posts).
    I still would like Bray back but the Jets absolutely fucked themselves with Holmes.

    Do I want Holmes? No.
    Do I think Holmes has to stay? Absolutely.

    The front office really has no choice here. They made it clear getting rid of veterans they want to save money. So I can't see them burning 8 million bucks.

    All I can say is Tannenbaum really needs to have an outstanding offseason and hope the team makes the playoffs or he's gone.
  8. ILL-AL

    ILL-AL Active Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    He wont get cut, but I can see him getting traded for a fifth rounder! lol
  9. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    I think that, depending on Braylon's knee, that all Tanny needs to do is get Braylon back and the Passing game improves to what it was in 2010. It wasn't exactly Points-galore but it got the Job done. :)

    Also...getting another WR either through FA or the Draft will also help.

    Oh and get a friggin' RT that can protect Sanchez, PLEASE!
  10. grkmanga31

    grkmanga31 Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2009
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    i dont think he gets cut or traded. He's too talented, and the contract is too detrimental to the cap to cut him. I think they solve it in house.
  11. JoeWalton

    JoeWalton Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    I miss guys like Wesley Walker, Al Toon and Rob Moore. All professional receivers who went out and did their job, displayed nothing but class and were a positive influence on the team. This is what happens when the Front Office sells out and fails to implement certain standards and picks up any trash they can find off the street in the hopes of fielding a winner.
  12. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    Best offensive player on the team. You don't trade or release your best anything.
    You could say the coaches quit on him in the Dolphins game too, considering all the plays we had designed around our best offensive player.
    He's an asshole and baby, but the guy's a talent you won't get a chance to sign or draft again.
  13. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Toss some Wayne Chrebet in there as well.
  14. Play Like A Jet

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Santonio Holmes single handedly won the Jets a bunch of games last season.

    He got the PI call against Denver, put us in FG range against Detroit in OT, scored the game winning TD against Cleveland with 16 seconds left in OT, and scored the winning touchdown against the Texans.

    How quickly we all forget...

    He had a bad season this year, but he's a Superbowl MVP and a talented WR. He was voted the 76th best player in the league on NFL Network's Top 100 Players List which is voted on by the players.

    Compound all that with the serious cap ramifications of cutting him and I don't understand why he shouldn't be back with the Jets next year.
  15. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    i find this interesting... everyone last year was saying he is the most talented guy on the team he is so talented.

    then this year i hear everyone saying he cant get separation, he is really a number 2 not a true number 1 receiver.

    so i ask you this, which one is it? is he a completely underperforming talent who has become completely useless or is he over rated by many?
  16. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Because when they needed him most, he made himself more important than the team.

    Actually, it sounds like he did that with some frequency this year.

    When the guys in the huddle are telling you get the fuck out, and one of the coaches bench you with the season on the line.............time to go.

    Go be a cancer elsewhere.
  17. jetiron

    jetiron New Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    That is the key question. Unfortunately fans like us don't get to see the detailed game footage with aerial views of the entire play that these teams have on their own games so the coaches can further analyze the game and pinpoint whether it is the receiver not getting separation or running the right routes, or the QB not throwing to the open man, and how whether QB missed open looks etc.. What I do notice though is that Sanchez hasn't thrown those 5 to 10 yard quick slant passes to Holmes in the last few weeks, those are somewhat high percentage timing throws that even in tight coverage, they've connected so well early this year and much of last year including some game winner. I wonder why that play wasn't executed or wasn't in the playbook in the last half of the year. My guess is that the poor passing game is mostly on Sanchez losing confidence in his throws and it snowballed big time in the last three games because it wasn't like we played against top secondaries and an alarming number of Sanchez throws didn't even make it pass the scrimmage with D-linemen blocking his passes.. But only review of aerial footage of the whole play will tell the real story.
  18. GronkSmash

    GronkSmash New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    The fact he is still on the jets is laughable and unjustifiable. The coaches don't even have the courage to publicly criticize him. An elite coach like belichick or Tomlin wouldn't stand for this.
  19. BiG CHoPz

    BiG CHoPz Member

    Nov 23, 2010
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    Judging by your user name you're a patriots fan?

    "September 11, 2007 -
    On Sunday, a member of the Patriots organization was caught shooting video of the New York Jets' bench as the team sent in defensive signals. NFL security confiscated the video camera and videotape, and shipped it to commissioner Roger Goodell, who, in turn, invited Patriots head coach Bill Belichick to New York for a little sit-down."

    So the pats or any other team/player have never done anything laughable or unjustifiable? Would an elite coach have to record opposing teams practices? Stones...something houses. Avoiding losing our best receiver and taking a big cap hit to be able to sign multiple FA's make it justified in keeping him around, but that's just me. Attitudes can be fixed, and if he can get his shit together he'd be a great asset to this team. If he proves next year that he really can not adjust, then i think the team should pursue new options at WR.

    #119 BiG CHoPz, Jan 6, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
  20. GronkSmash

    GronkSmash New Member

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Your powers of deduction are impressive Big Chopz. Yes, I am a patriots fan.

    Where did I say that elite coaches are incapable of committing mistakes? I'd love for you to point out exactly where I said that. I DID say that many other coaches simply wouldn't stand it if a receiver argued/undermined the quarterback and then quit on the team in the last game of the season during a playoff hunt. Spygate has absolutely no relevance to the Holmes situation but if you want to dredge up stuff from 4 or 5 years ago because it makes you feel better more power to you. If you want to argue over whether or not belichick is an elite coach or not I don't really think a Holmes thread is the place for that discussion.

    What do I see? A guy who had character issues in Pittsburgh, went to New York and just continued to have a bad attitude.

    You think he'll magically have a change of heart? That's cute. It really is. I'd say the odds are that he continues to be the kind of guy that has brushes with the law, gets suspended for substance abuse, and wrecks team chemistry.

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