Sanchez vs. Schotty - If you could only dump ONE, which one?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by HackettSuxTNG, Jan 3, 2012.


If the Jets could only dump ONE of these two, who would you choose?

  1. Mark Sanchez

  2. Brian Schottenheimer

  1. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I understand your point here, and to some extent it has real merit, but I think it is also true that, standing alone, a decision to draft a first round player, even one traded up for, should not amount to a capital offense if it doesn't work out.

    Instead I take it you are at least in part also referring to the involvement of the GM and HC in continuing to support a Qb who (for argument's sake, and objectively speaking) is a detriment to the team.

    On that second point, I don't admire it but I understand why Tanny and Ryan would stand by Sanchez for at least one more season. First and foremost despite my own view of the odds, there remains some chance that Sanchez will improve sufficiently to retain him for a couple or even few more years.

    But I don't think that is the only issue here. Tanny and Ryan are personally invested in having picked Sanchez. They fear it will make them look bad if the pick does not work out. I don't think it has worked out as well as expected, not by a long shot. But it's human nature to put off acknowledging failure, particularly where that failure is concededly less than completely obvious.

    I just don't think the odds favor the likelihood that Sanchez will ever develop into a top NFL Qb.
  2. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    He's only in his 3rd season and has won big games. He has had many 4th quarter comebacks and has played at a high level in the playoffs. He can make all the throws. He needs to get better at going thru his reads, but this year he got killed playing behind that swiss cheese OL.
  3. Nilton

    Nilton Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    Along with schotty goes cavanaugh or whatever. Sanchez played scared with wayne hunter at RT. His mechanics got poor, and the jets havent had a losing season under him. fix the o line and a better RB.
  4. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Anyone who chooses Sanchez to be dumped in a dump Sanchez or Schottenheimer question obviously has not watched the Jets since 2006.
  5. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I also on reflection think this poll should have been worded "had to" dump one or the other, since obviously in the real world the Jets do not have to dump either. And may well not dump either, if the statements out of Jetland have any cred at all on this subject.
  6. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    Heh. Ftr I have watched every single game for a lot longer than that.


    Too funny.
  7. Roger Vick

    Roger Vick Banned

    Dec 18, 2011
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    Regardless of how we vote on a website, the bottom line is that Rex and Sanchez are both going to be here for at least two more years.

    Hopefully, Schotty will be catapulted soon and replaced with a good OC. But, unfortunatlely I don't have a lot of confidence that the Jets will dump Schotty, and even less confidence that they will replace him with someone good.

    In any event, next season the Jets will focus on fixing the problems with Sanchez and the offense. And, as a result, the performance of the defense will slip and the team will fail.

    Pettine will then become the scapegoat, and Rex will throw him under the bus at the end of the 2012 season, buying him and Sanchez another year. By this time, Dallas will have come to the realization that Rob Ryan is a total fraud and will shit can him. Rex will take Rob on as defensive coordinator and together the two will promise great things in 2013.

    After 2013's failure will come the big confrontation. Rex will try to save his hide by throwing Sanchez overboard, and Sanchez will be working behind the scenes trying to get Woody to axe Rex.

    It's still too early to tell, but my feeling is that Woody will then extend Sanchez and fire Rex, replacing him with a strict disciplinarian type of coach. That coach will enjoy early success, and will be lauded by fans and the media alike. But, after some initial success, the wheels will come off, and the cycle of Jets life will begin anew.
  8. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    its a package deal. both of em should go.
  9. ouchy

    ouchy Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    What do we have to do build an army around Sanchez before we can evaluate him? He is likely never going to be on a better team then he was on last season (2010). ANd that team was carried by defense and the running game. Sanchez was a mediocre game manager. A Kyle Bollier. Our biggest liability.

    After 3 years. THREE YEARS!

    Do you know how many young QB's I have seen in the last 3 years that show more potential then Sanchez (here is a clue - we lost to one on Sunday). Our QB with 48 starts still plays like and behaves like a child.

    I am sick of our SPOILED Candy assed QB. Personally, I want a man to lead us onto the field next season.
    #29 ouchy, Jan 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2012
  10. Struckanerve9

    Struckanerve9 New Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    Sorry man, but Sanchez's stats just don't back up your opinion of him. Remember an offense is more than one player. Where was the run game? The O-line ranked in the bottom third of the league (40 sacks). The WRs were slow and old (Plax) or whiney underachievers (Holmes, Mason). You want stellar numbers from a QB who has to rush his throws and when he isn't running for his life, his receivers are loafing?
  11. Struckanerve9

    Struckanerve9 New Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    You know how many 3rd year QBs I've seen take shit like your piling on Sanchez than turn it around and have huge success? I'll give YOU a hint. One plays across town. Another plays in the Big Easy.
  12. Struckanerve9

    Struckanerve9 New Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    Package deal huh? So what were the first two years with Schotty before we even drafted Sanchez?
  13. Struckanerve9

    Struckanerve9 New Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    Wow...that's some Nostradamus type shit there.
  14. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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  15. Sanchize0829

    Sanchize0829 Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    I think Sanchez. Just hear me out on this.

    Sanchez has regressed over his 3 years with the Jets. He has no confidence, he has the pocket presence of a 2 year old, and he makes too many mistakes. Schotty has no business having Sanchez throw 59 times, but I really do not think he is such a horrible offensive coordinator. I just don't think he fits with Sanchez. If the Jets could get Peyton, then I think Schotty could be successful because he wants to throw the ball 59 times, something Sanchez simply can not do.
  16. Struckanerve9

    Struckanerve9 New Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    I think his point was that Schotty has been the OC since 2006, whereas Sanchez has only been here since 2009. Schotty's failures have a longer history.
    #36 Struckanerve9, Jan 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2012
  17. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    His upside is the guy that threw 3 tds & no ints in a victory over the 14-2 PATS in Foxborough in the Playoffs......

    His downside is the garbage we saw on Sunday......

    The prudent thing would be to see which player the JETS really have on their hands (while on contract)
  18. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    So if our OC gets a top 5 QB we can be successful? That doesn't bode well for the OC if he needs a top flight QB. Also, where has Sanchez regressed? The O line, run game, wr's have regressed and Sanchez has improved his yards, and TD to INT ratio, and completion% and QBR.
  19. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I have to agree with his regression..... You can keep the stats for fantasy football, and baseball.
    While numerically he has improved, especially in the TD dept, I still think he regressed some this season.
    He never had the "numbers", and I don't think he will ever be that kind of QB. What he did have was moxie, and the ability to step up in the moment. That was gone this season. Yes, much of it has to do with getting pounded this season, but his psyche needs to be stronger than his body.
    Sometimes getting an ass kicking is good for a man...Hopefully it has that effect on him and he toughens up, and becomes that kid with moxie again, otherwise he will be 1 contract QB as a starting QB with the NYJ (and most likely anyone else)..... and become another David Carr
  20. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    I have to disagree with the regression because the team as a whole regressed but he improved his TD to INT ratio and completion percentage. He limited turnovers in the RZ too which was great. He stepped up against SD and Buffalo and WAS. I agree this year he lost something confidence wise. The hits piled on and he started to feel pressure when it was not there and rush throws and reads. But in spite of all this, he completed more passed and scored many more touchdowns with only a gradually increase in attempts.

    Would you rather keep Schotty and let Sanchez loose according to the question? Just curious.
    #40 displacedfan, Jan 3, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2012

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