This wont be popular, but its time to get rid of this clown...all he is is a big blowhard that cant deliver. He sort of reminds me of our fat ass governor of NJ. all the talk week in week out and then the team comes out playing like a bunch of retards leaving us questioning whether they even practiced at all that week. lack of dicipline everywhere, penalties, turnovers, stupid mistakes. makes excuses for all his players when they screw up. Rex is like a parent that makes excuses for their kids when they continually fuck up. They say speak softly and carry a big stick, well rex does the exact friggin opposite, and not only do we suck, were the laughingstocks of the NFL when he says the shit he says and then we suck the dick that we do.
can the guy who has brought this organization more success than it has seen since the vietnam war... makes sense,
He did almost everything outside of making to and winning a super bowl. In the past 3 years. Last time that happened?
It won't be popular. Year before Rex? 4-12. He goes 9-7, 11-5, and 8-8 with 2 AFC CG appearances. Did this year suck? Sure. But he talked up an average team as a Super Bowl contender. They finished average. All his talk did was annoy you and lots of other people, but the team was still an average team. I, for one, love his attitude. He says things that other people think about themselves and their teams. What's the big deal? Good for him. What I hate more than anything are the teams that say they'll let their play talk for them. Well, they do that by beating us, and then they start chirping. If you're going to talk after, talk before too. That's what Rex does. Nothing worse than seeing people gloat after a victory against the Jets because Rex hurt their feelings. This team needed humility in the worst way. That's his only fault. They believed him a little too much. But if you want to be great, you have to think you're capable of being great. They just aren't great.
I think you are completely out of your mind. You are exactly the type of fan that makes this fan base so bad. Horrible thought, horrible thread, and horrible fan.
Not quite there yet. But when Rex was rambling saying he wont have captains anymore basically because Holmes is a jackass, that literally made zero sense. It's becoming nauseating how Rex refuses to at least publicly acknowledge pathetic and underachieving performances by some of our players.
It's ok to be mad at Rex and the way he handled this season, but when the anger subsides - you realize he has still done a lot for this franchise and can be a great coach in this league. Schotty has run out of second chances here, but Rex still has a few to go.
I agree with you on Rex. I fuckin HATE that fat muther fucker! I'm tired of his big fat mouth and his pussy crying bullshit. The guy is a fuckin coordinator not a HC. He knows nothing about building a team because if he did he would realize you cant change the players every year and keep bringing in new ones and expect to have CHEMISTRY! I've hated Rex since last season. It's impossible for me to listen to this guy talk. THIS COACH MAKES ME HATE THE JETS! He is a total embarassment to this organization and this city. I do however differ with your opinion of Gov. Christie. him I love.
its ridiculous because everyone would rather suck his cock than admit hes a blowhard who spends more time talking than getting his team ready
Rex definitely gets a few more chances, but if things don't get better, there has to be a statute of limitations on the 2 AFC title games. I'm guessing if they miss the playoffs next year, fans will start to be less forgiving. Hopefully that won't become an issue.
Rex has flaws, just like Christie, but overall, they are a lot better than what came before. And they have given hope to situations where little existed when they assumed their positions. Rex needs to STFU and start holding his players accountable, but the guy is generally liked by his players, can motivate them, and can win big games. His main problem now is that he knows nothing about the offense and trusts an OC and a QB who are mediocre at best, and awful at worst. But to say he needs to go is lunacy unless spoken out of frustration and with a bit of tongue and cheek.
Really? The first two years I would say he had his team ready to play above their own potential. He got us to TWO STRAIGHT AFCCG. I would say he has backed up his words until this year. So please, stop being so dramatic and get your head out of your ass. You want to can a guy that has done more as a HC then any HC we've had in many years.