17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    Im glad you are happy with your cherry picking arrangement, Mickey
  2. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Shill/ sg3 I honestly feel sorry for you :sad:
    You are either a very stupid young kid or my guess more likely on the money an older guy hanging out in your little Bart Scott jersey--either way you are one miserable person I pity you especially on New Years Eve :sad:
    I hope next year is better for you buddy I really do.

    As for the rest of you ,,17A , 227,,,,Moderators and all the rest of the TGG family --I hope our Jets can two step into the playoffs Sunday but whether you agree with me and my posts or don't or have a PSL or not,,All of you have a safe and healthy New Year and enjoy the time with family friends and loved ones ! :beer:
  3. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    Happy New Year to ALL

    even Mickey despite his spreading his constant lies about me and his fairy tale about "cherry picking" to six choice games this season sitting in lower level or mezz seats and still spending less then the 1050 bucks his season ticket in the upper deck would have cost him leaving him oodles of left over dollars for his family trip to Orlando

    Anyhow, Happy New Year to ALL the Jet fans here at TGG and everywhere
    #12983 sg3, Jan 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2012
  4. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    you two should really look into using private messaging if you are going to simply go back and forth with eachother.

    as much as we love the drama we could surely do without it.
  5. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Alleycat Happy New year-----I try at times not to reply to the Shill but other times he must be addressed because he has told untruths and attacked myself and many others that he needs to be called out on his BS, but I will try to not address him as much and keep the post on topic----my apologies to all :beer:

    I posted this months ago-----OH AND GAME # 6 that is not in this list that I posted months back,,,,, I spent $130 on two tickets ( section 146 row 3 total $260 for that game) do the math and add that $260 onto my final figure and read on----there is life after owning season tickets :)

    As far as I am concerned---I did not renew my tickets ( GAVE EM UP ) . Received some message board taunts from SG3 and a few others for going on a Disney Vacation with the family with the money I saved on Jet tix and for no longer being a season ticket holder. I posted that I would let a few of you guys know how it felt to no longer own the seats once football rolled around,,, and here it is rolling around soooooooooooo

    last year 2010 ( I owned 4 season tickets @ $1050 per ticket ) I spent $4200 on season tix and after the first preseason game was forced to buy another parking pass = total of $475. grand total last year was $4675 on just tickets and parking.
    Last year nite games killed my family fun as my kids are young and could not attend nite games and with the rain and all I ate tickets to boot !
    This year I bought 5 games ( flirting with another but I might be away ). 5 games cost me a total of $1973-(I no longer purchased 4 tix to each game as my kids were still unable to attend them all but the whole family did attend 2 games ( 4tix to each ) all together the other 4 games I bought 2 tickets to each -plus 5 parking passes (x $ 35 ) = $175 for a grand total of $2148.

    4675 minus 2148 = $2527 I saved on tickets this year!

    I am in no way taking a shot at anyone who still has season tickets and goes to games, whether they sit in the upper bowl or have a PSL ,all I am saying is it does NOT suck to no longer have tickets in my name and speaking for myself " I am quite happy I never considered purchasing a PSL"

  6. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    you know i wrote up a message to sg3 and then i realized that if i just say it to sg3 then i should probably use pm myself... so i had to throw you into the fray too.

    it was half tongue in cheek to sg3 as well. i actually enjoy the banter back and forth...
  7. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    and let me say-I enjoy being in the fray :beer:
    Happy New Year all--------:)
  8. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Yes. Happy New Year to all! Now that our team has ruined Christmas AND New Year's Day for us...

    Glad the Thanksgiving game was last season.

    '12 was Joe Willie's number, so maybe next year will have a charm to it. We can only hope.
  9. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    I get it now, Mickey

    you saved money by throwing your kids under the bus and just taking yourself to 5 games

    You're right

    anybody could probably put money in their pocket using your method

    I apologize for not factoring in your selfishness
  10. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    No SHILL you don't get it at all,,your reading skills are as bad as your social skills :)

    You paid THOUSANDS of dollars for a PSL

    I did not pay for a PSL

    You sit in your seats

    and I sit right next to you or possibly an even better location :lol:
  11. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    You guys are all fuckin unbelievable. Both of you are happy. Instead it's constant name calling.

    Let's get back to the stadium which is what this thread is about? Anyone definitely dropping their tickets for next year? Any guesses on what ticket prices will be? Anyone going to upgrade? Try for PSLs on secondary market?
  12. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Keeping my PSL seats but I won't be happy if Schotty is still calling plays for the Ny Jets!
  13. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    besides, when you have to read posts which describe a PSL as an expense that has no value when, in reality, it is an asset that you pretty much get back a return on your investment for when you sell it, its time to just chalk up such posts to ignorance of accounting principles, put that poster back on ignore forever and, as 337 so ably said, move on to stadium topics for the 2012 season

    IMO, there will be more opportunities next season for Upper Tier season ticket holders in stratospheric rows or in the endzone to move down to better locations on the sidelines or to prime upper seats and still have no PSL investment

    There will be a few dropouts from PSL locations due to moves, job losses and deaths but it will be relatively insignificant and those LL and Mezz level seats will be quickly resold with those levels remaining sold out

    Club Seats will remain available (the ads for great seats referenced as some sort of evidence that there are "oceans of seats unsold") with, I'd guess a few hundred less available by the beginning of the 2012 season

    Pretty much a status quo for Jet Life in 2012 from what occurred in 2011
    #12993 sg3, Jan 2, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2012
  14. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    "besides, when you have to read posts which describe a PSL as an expense that has no value when, in reality, it is an asset that you pretty much get back a return on your investment for when you sell it, its time to just chalk up such posts to ignorance of accounting principles"

    I am quoting the above because the poster /SG3/ the shill who posted it looks at PSL's as an investment-----I also call them an investment A VERY BAD INVESTMENT as if you think you are going to get back any return you are very much mistaken---they are and were WAY over priced and anyone who bought one with the intent to sell or who has buyers remorse and needs to sell will be lucky to break even-don't take my word for it go see what they are selling for lotsa luck:lol:

    PS Any guy that puts up a post as SG3 did in the "HOLMES" thread condoning what Holmes did yesterday and actually says and I quote " I SALUTE HIM " for his actions---well thats you SG3 in a nutshell nice job buddy--------His own team mates can't stand him yet you like what he did and expect kids to look up to this piece of crap--Collens post in that thread was on the money about you :breakdance:

    I cannot see the Jets raising prices on any upstairs tickets--NONE ! They can not justify it after yesterday they would be out of their minds. Anyone with a PSL will indeed be raised to make up for the losses / differences :sad:
    The only way Woody and company can ca$h in this year is if they made a bigtime splash alla trade or FA ---SEE Manning ----and I cannot see that happening---just my back on topic thoughts:)
  15. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    That's what it's sounding like. I'm hoping maybe they want him to become a head coach and not be on the hook for the $3.2 million they'd owe him in 2012 so they won't fire him just yet. Who knows.

    If I don't get an upgrade on my seats I'm done. I'm in the 15th row and there's too many different people each week around. I notice a lot of the same people each week in the lower rows. Also less problems erupt when you have the same people around you every week.

    Also the Jets were lucky this year the were some good matchups (Cowboys, Giants, Chargers, Patriots). Next year the schedule isn't as good as far as matchups with tickets selling for a lot of money. It will be hard to raise prices on seats in the uppers. While I'd like to see prices drop I highly doubt it happens.
  16. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    337 I would be shocked if they dropped prices but as I said I cannot see them justify raising them . I cannot see them burying Holmes and or Shotty publicly as who would want either of these guys if the JETS did not "talk them up " ? That said the sooner they get rid of Shotty the better for us amd him to get another job elsewhere before all the jobs get filled.
    PS I know it looks as if we are stuck with Holmes but I hope and pray he has played / dogged his last game as a Jet !:eek:fftopic:
  17. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    assuming that CBJ is continuing with his namecalling, personal attacks as always

    thankfully with "PERMAIGNORE" I don't have to see or read his lies and baloney anymore

    Like ALL Jet fans, I'm looking forward to a better 2012 season and enjoying the games from my great seats at Jet Life Stadium
  18. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Yes, this year was one of the best home schedules in recent memory. I guess its that way every four years when the AFC East matches the NFC east. This year the only "downer" was probably Jax.

    Next year isn't as appealing. We get the Raiders at least, which ought to suck for those in the upper half of the third tier. That could be "the fight game"

    My prediction is that ticket prices remain the same for '12.
  19. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    if there are any increases they will be small ones as they were last year and none for the Upper Tier.

    as for the schedule

    not as attractive but a lot easier with the 4 teams from the NFC Worst on the tab -- Niners -tough but then you get the Seasicks, Rams and Cardinals to go along with them
  20. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    its always sad when the last home game is played, I will miss the tailgate and the walk up to the game. For a team that went 6-2 at home, it sure did not seem like a successfull season at home. We played 2 good games, both against crappy opponents. I hope everyone in the UD hangs in there and scares the Jets into upgrading your seats. Its the beauty of sitting in gods country. It mad my season more enjoyable.

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