How does Rex stay blame free?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KWJetsFan, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Rex doesn't avoid blame from me at all.

    I absolutely love him but, and I've posted this before, you can't proclaim yourself as a defensive genius and offensive ignoramus in the same breath and be the head coach of a team.

    You have to be able to take away autonomy from the coordinators.

    My question is then if the coordinators have all the autonomy (and I'm going with this notion stricty because Schotty is completely autonomous) and Rex can't control the locker room, what is he doing?

    I really want a tremendous off season for Rex and the front office to redeem themselves in my eyes.

    This includes:

    1) Josh McDaniels as an OC
    2) A new QB coach - whoever McDaniels wants
    3) A RT
    4) A Weapon TE
    5) Safety
    6) DE
    7) OLB
    8) Back up competition for Sanchez
    9) Replacement for Westy when he retires.
  2. Ben Had

    Ben Had Active Member

    Nov 19, 2011
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    This is what I have been saying for the past 3 weeks. Posters on here will go over the edge when you ask "why does Rex let this happen". Very easy to blame Shotty and Sanchez.
  3. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    This team COLLAPSED down the stretch. Rex deserves the blame for that, yes.

    Whatever ploys worked in the past, burying the football, saying it's me vs. Belly, and so on may have gotten the team's attention and gotten results but they failed this time around.

    Really, the only things that mattered is that this team lost too many talented players and tried to plug in Mason, Plax, Hunter, in place of quality players like Braylon, Cotch, Brad Smith and Woody.

    Tanny got arrogant and too cute with the roster, and it was a disaster. The way that Rex managed the team this year clearly failed as well.
  4. Kentucky Jet

    Kentucky Jet Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    it is sad. Rex is the teflon HC. Its time for him to stop the Bluster and BS routine and become the headcoach. If he can't do it, then Mr.T has to step in and do his job!
  5. fdcnyc

    fdcnyc Active Member

    Feb 3, 2008
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    Rex deserves blame and I think he getting it from the media if not the Jet fans. I love Rex and I think ultimately he's a good coach . That being said he does need better leaders in the locker room . Holmes as a captain is a joke. The crazy part for me if even losing to the better teams this year all we had to do is beat Denver and Miami . If we win those two games its a different season . Next year if this team losses to teams they should beat I think Rex might be gone.

    Before everyone gets into every game is tough in the NFL , just wanna let you know all the good teams beat those average to bad teams. Of coarse there are upsets and a few crazy games through the year but for the most part its true . How are we not 10-6 ?? Miami and Denver losses should not have happened.
  6. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Lets see Man was axed after 3 years after the collapse of the team. Herm was axed after his preaching went stone cold & the players tuned him out. Now we have RR 3 years of promise & what do we have to show for it nothing right? Now it comes out that he to lost the team down he stretch this year so why should he not be axed also? What he did 2 seasons back or even 1 season back has should have no bearing whatsoever on determine if 2 deserves the axe.

    As a off shoot his dad was a big mouth just like RR & BR NEVER won a SB as a HC
    Maybe RR BSing has finally been tuned out by the players. For sure it has in Holmes case anyway. :sad:
  7. week17magic

    week17magic New Member

    Dec 26, 2008
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    McDaniels would be AWFUL! Look what he has done with the Broncos and now the Rams. Tom Brady makes all of his past and present Offensive coordinators look like geniuses. Cough... Charlie Weis ... Cough
  8. Justwinit

    Justwinit Active Member

    Aug 19, 2005
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    I believe it was the KC game, the Jets started the game with a time out. A Time OUT.
  9. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    He doesn't... I'm getting so sick of him being such an emotional cry baby.

    Grow some balls you obese whiny girl... otherwise how can a team of men take you seriously!?
  10. Mambo9

    Mambo9 Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    Cough Kyle Orton... Cough cough Matt Cassell.

    That said McDaniels doesn't even know how to spell RUN GAME so no way I'd want him here.
  11. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    yeah, let's get McDaniels. of course you have to ignore the fact that the Patriots offense has been as good or better since he has left, and he has never been as good anywhere else. please explain what about his accomplishments not linked to the Patriots indicates he is such a great coordinator that we should sign him.

    it is easy to blame them because they are directly to blame for the specific execution. obviously Rex Ryan is in charge of them and is responsible for them being in that position, but to think that has to be pointed out when criticizing their performance is a outright f'ing stupid as blaming Rex anytime a player makes a mistake on the field because he is the head coach and is ultimately responsible for them being on the field to make that mistake in the first place.

    it certainly is sad, not cute, that you can't even begin to dispute my position that you don't comprehend that criticizing other parties in no way equates to absolving Rex.

    you start a thread about blaming Rex and still haven't even defined what inabilities you are blaming him for. pathetic.

    Rex deserves blame for all the issues, because he is the one that put the team together. obviously Schotty's failures begin with Rex not taking action until it was too late. obviously team chemistry start's with Rex's handling of the team. those go without saying.

    Rex's blame is inherent in every problem with this team as the head coach, so there simply is no need to point it out.
  12. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    Tanny should get the axe if anyone he made these chocies

    Tanny should be the one to get the axe,he made these moves last season and is the reason this all happend this way.we got rid of our core alot of veterans left this year.Taylor,Ellis,Jenkins,Cotchery,Richardson,Woody,not to mention Smith,Edwards, i mean wtf it ruined our team and is the reason we suck now.Shotty certainly didn't make these calls.And what about these draft busts every year. Those guys were the core of our team without it you get the product we had this year a disease
  13. Green Lantern

    Green Lantern Active Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    How Does Callahan Stay Blame Free?!

    Offensive lineman guru/genius, whatever.
    This guy signed off on having 4 out of 5 lineman to protect a franchise QB?
    Wayne Hunter has no business being on an NFL practice squad, he is that bad.
    And Callahan enters the season with HIM replacing the clearly undervalued behemoth Woody?!
    I'm pretty sure we could put a sack of potatoes/garbage pail out there and throw a jersey and helmet on it and that'd be as good as Wayne Hunter.
    I know Tanny makes personnel decisions and Fatty signs of on it but, at some point Callahan should have set fire to the building to get their attention about the gaping hole that needed to be replaced, OR....

    This asshole said "Wayne's my guy." Maybe he thought he could fix him or make him or mold him or whatever. Maybe he (and Fatso) thinks he's more talented than he actually is.
    I think Bill Callahan had to support the decision to go into this season with Wayne Hunter, at the very least. And as the Oline coach, THAT was the biggest problem this year.
    He deserves as much or more of the blame as Schitty.

    When a baseball team can't hit, you don't fire the pitching coach.
    So when an offensive line can't block or protect (and again, 4 out of 5 of em that can, doesn't cut it), the o-line "master" should be taken out to where they buried that Patriot 45-3 ball at the Atlantic Health facility.
  14. LongIslandBlitz

    LongIslandBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
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    I dont blame Rex he was the same way his first two years only this year he overlooked alot of things. I can gurantee you The Giants beating us and knocking us out of the playoffs is gonna light a fire under him. Next year will be back and better then last year
  15. NYJFan10

    NYJFan10 Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2007
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    lol how do you back into the playoffs at 11-5?

    As far as Rex, of course he gets blame but like someone else on the first page said, it isn't time to replace him. He had two good years and one poor year. Hopefully he'll learn from some of his mistakes this year (being too lassiez-faire with what's going on in the locker room and the playcalling, making Holmes a C).

    Schotty's been here long enough and hasn't been able to get it out of Sanchez in three years so it's time for him to go. If Sanchez doesn't start growing up next year he'll be out the door and Rex'll be on the hot seat.
  16. Danny@ATL

    Danny@ATL New Member

    Jan 25, 2010
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    Rex Ryan is soft.
  17. nyJETS0511

    nyJETS0511 Banned

    Aug 25, 2003
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    Rex is making the Jets ............"the official slapdick team of the NFL"
  18. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Well, for those who have been looking for Rex to stop being a jolly ol' soul and tear into the team, apparently he did just that at this morning's meeting. And then finished up in tears.

    I'm ambivalent. If Santonio was the pissy little cunt these last few weeks that everyone seems to be suggesting he was, this just strikes me as so much wasted motion. Too little, too late. In 2010, after the team got creamed by the Patriots, Rex buried a game ball and rallied the team behind him. This came three weeks too late.
  19. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Apparently he cried during his speech to the team this morning.
  20. displacedfan

    displacedfan Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    People like to misremember facts here to fit their argument. You can't back into the playoffs when you clinch a berth in week 16...
    Agreed that Rex is getting the blame, but nobody is focusing on him because we don't want to replace him just year. Nobody expects the front office to get rid of him, most fans don't want him gone, so no need to speculate about his future. We know he was at fault, we want to keep him. Schotty and Mark on the other hand, are going to get a lot more blame here because people want one or both gone.

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