How does Rex stay blame free?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by KWJetsFan, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    ...thats because Ryan and Tanny used the EA Madden Football approach to building and coaching a team. Just plug n play!!
  2. But that's exactly my POINT. He's saying what he BELIEVES to be true!If you want to blame him for having too much confidence or having blind faith,fine. But he's not this wild trash talking super bully many portray him as.
  3. Jetsetter

    Jetsetter Active Member

    Aug 16, 2004
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    Rex did not "man up" at his post-game presser today. "I don't know", "I didn't see that", "I didn't hear that". What a pile of crap. WTF? HE DOESN'T KNOW WHY HOLMES IS ON THE BENCH??? Aye, aye, captain! What a crew he and Tanny put together.

    Which reminds me, is there any reason this side of Brad Smith why Mr. T should get a pass for this season? The man can't draft quality players, can't keep quality players and can't replace departing players with quality players. Tannenbaum should get fired along with Schotty. I want to see Rex with different coaches and Sanchez with a new OC and see what happens. Another season like this and the Jets can clean house.

    So this is what I get from Woody for my high-falutin' PSL...Same Old Jets. Thanks for making me fell like I wasted my money again. FU, Woody!
  4. AlbanyJets

    AlbanyJets New Member

    Dec 24, 2011
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    I really, honestly don't even know what you're trying to argue anymore. You seem to be claiming he's not a liar (says what he believes) and he's not some "super bully."

    That' and all, but has nothing to do with what I said. I was responding to someone who said he had given the team an "identity" and pointing out that the identity was a terrible one. It doesn't matter if he was saying what he truly believes or not...the way he's given the Jets an identity is by woofing when he and his team can't justify it on the field, which has made the Jets a bit of a laughingstock.

    I don't think Ryan is a "bully." I think he's pretty dumb about the things he says.
  5. akibud

    akibud Active Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I feel bad for you dude, but I think Ryan is as culpable as Tanny and Shotty. He obviously is not a smart coach, he might be a good defensive minded coach, but not a people manager.
  6. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    1. The opponent was not NE, true. Still, they play them twice a year. Why give him bulletin board material? Why not just say good things about Manning? As you said, "the opponent was the Colts". Why involve Brady? Just stupid and uncalled for. And no, I'm guessing Brady wouldn't agree with that.

    2. He is not a sinister bully, but it is another example of a guy who needlessly runs his mouth. That isn't a slip. Is Norv going to come here after that shit? No. And Norv would be a GOOD OC for the Jets.

    Rex's mouth isn't as bad as some make it out to be, but it IS a problem at times.
  7. SteelCurtain96

    SteelCurtain96 Active Member

    Nov 7, 2004
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    Outsider here. I think you can trace a lot of your problems to how your quarterback played this year.

    Every week I seemed to read about Sanchez throwing a pick 6. 3267 yards, 24 TD vs 15 picks. a 79 rating and only completed 56.2% of his passes.

    For his career, Sanchez is a 55.1% completion guy. 53 TD vs 48 ints, and a 73.4 QB rating. That's just not very consistent.

    I realize the guy took you to two straight AFC Championships, but a lot of the Jets success lately came on the strength of a strong running game and defense. It masked a lot of Sanchez's deficiencies.

    The Jets ranked 22nd in the league in rushing this year. That's another major reason why the team is 8-8 and sitting outside the playoffs this year.

    I personally like a coach with confidence in his players. They just look a bit foolish when those players come up short. I still think Rex Ryan is the guy to lead the Jets to glory, you guys just need to get some more talent.

    Hopefully a new OC can help teach Sanchez to minimize the mistakes.
  8. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    No way Rex put this team in a position to win!

    He made the biggest asshole on the team a captain.

    He seems to have no idea what's going on on the offensive side of the ball, either in gameplanning or during the game. He didn't even know that Holmes was fighting with his teammates and got benched by the OC!

    His pride and joy defense was a shell of what it was last year.

    Just because he was pissed off when bad shit happened in the game doesn't mean he had them in the right position, but his players let him down.
  9. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    no, embarrassing is the fact that you think since others are blaming Sanchez, Homes or Schotty that they don't think Rex has any blame whatsoever, as if blaming one person for their deficiencies somehow absolves Rex.

    I hate to break this to you, but a discussion about Sanchez or Holmes can be had without discussing Rex, and in no way equates to those people not blaming Rex. they simply aren't discussing it.
  10. KWJetsFan

    KWJetsFan Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    I figured you'd come back to the discussion to embarrass yourself further. So predictable.

    Still missing the point, but keep trying. It's sad, but cute.
    #70 KWJetsFan, Jan 1, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2012
  11. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    I think you'd have to admit that prior to this week's loss, Rex has been given a pretty free ride on this board.

    Maybe people were thinking to themselves that he deserves blame for some of the issues on the team, but they weren't sharing those feelings on this site.
  12. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Some of you are over-reacting. I guess high emotion can do that, but Rex isn't the true problem. We have all gushed and praised how good our coach is the last couple years. I can't recall anyone saying that Rex isn't the man for the job prior to this season.

    A lot of things went wrong, it spun out of control. Agreed. Rex is to blame for things. Agreed. He is not the sole problem of this team though.

    Rex has brought passion and relevance to this team. We are a team that makes you nervous to play, even when we collapsed this season, no team would want to see us in the playoffs. I know that is would have made any team nervous in the playoffs if they had to face us. That is something Rex has established in other teams.

    Rex is breaking a lot of those SOJ themes that we are all so used to, this season felt a lot like our SOJ seasons, but I have complete confidence in our HC. He has the passion and drive to make this team a SB contender year in and year out.

    The best head coaches in the league have all had disappointing seasons. It happens. Some of you need to realize that Rex is going to bring us a lot more joy and excitement with this team then bad.

    Resetting and learning from those mistakes this off season should make a world of difference.

    I do think a lot of things will change, even with, Rex. This season should force Rex's hand a little. I think he has to address a lot of things and is going to be forced to make some hard decisions. I think he will be forced to get away from that buddy, buddy mentality and fire some people. I think he has to make a statement regarding Holmes. You can not have your players thinking they can just quit on this team, you can not have players thinking they can do whatever the fuck they please. A statement must be made.

    I personally think it is all going to work out. Rex will get this thing right. I truly feel he is the coach that can bring a SB title to this fan base. It's been a long time coming.
  13. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    Hate to keep bringing up Parcells on this, but his players loved to play for him too, yet he was a prick and an asshole to them; and wasn't the least bit afraid to rip a guy a new one, demean a player in public, and cut a guy loose over attitude problems. If you're going to be a "player's coach" in the NFL, you will lose your job in 3 years or less, guaranteed. Rex has to stop coddling everybody, some people just won't respect you if they have no reason to fear you. I said the same thing in a thread last week, and now look at Holmes today. He would never have pulled that shit in Pittsburgh, Tomlin would have shipped him out...oh, wait, he did. Now what are we going to do?
  14. titan999

    titan999 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    It is simply unacceptable that Ryan seemed to have no awareness or control as to what was happening on offense the past two weeks. This says to me that he is failing to grasp the responsibilities of a Head Coach and is still mentally a Defensive Coordinator. Stop your incessant talking and ridiculous guarantees, because your act will fall on deaf ears very quickly. Time to stop being a buffoon and become a Head Coach, or within a year or two you will actually be a Defensive Coordinator.
  15. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    No one stays "blame free", but the blame will be spread unevenly in the press and the ax will fall where the most blame lands. Good luck shotty, I hope you get the Phins job!
  16. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Good post. agreed

    Good post by meandean too, he hit it on the nose.
  17. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    For me the most glaring issues on this team seem to be discipline, how many drives in that 1st half started with us already in a negative yardage situation because of false starts? Really, there were 15K people there and half of them were Jet fans. They kept showing the same 7 Dolphin fans on TV over and over because there were none at the game. The Mulligan penalty was a disaster, oh which one? I mean the facemask. Instant drive killer.

    It's time for Rex to step up, I love him but he needs to take a stand. This loyalty thing needs to end now otherwise he'll be getting himself fired along with them. Sanchez sucked the last 3 games, don't say you have confidence in him because all your doing is lying to the kid.

    Schotty has sucked for a long time, don't say he's not being canned because everybody knows he will be getting it tomorrow. "uhh I didn't realize we threw 60 times last week" forget not knowing but are you even watching the game?

    Again, "I didn't know Holmes was benched" ... really, how do you not know he has been subbed? Are you even watching the game when we have the ball?

    Time to get rid of Leonhard and Smith, Leonhard is a good guy, goes back to your Baltimore days but his best days are behind him. He's slow, can't cover and misses tackles. So what he calls the game for the defense, basically he has turned into the football version of Jorge Posada except Jorge has 5 rings to fall back on.

    The thing that killed me today was him praising the Dolphins like they were the Packers or Pats and they rolled us, the Dolphins did not play a good game, they are not a good team and we sucked once again on offense.
  18. TheGreenCantona

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Say what you want about Schotty, but benching Holmes was a sign of football management and courage that Rex should show. LT and Moore, respected people on the team supporting, what is Rex actually doing?
  19. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I think you ought to immediately go off the green gatorade & use brown sun glasses in the future :sad:
  20. JetsKickAss

    JetsKickAss Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2004
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    Holmes is a cancer who never should have been brought back over Edwards.

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