Why is Callahan so teflon when people talk about the failures of the Jets offense? His unit's awful play is the root of all our problems. I also don't understand this attitude. Even if you believe that bringing Holmes back was a mistake, in what universe is Braylon Edwards the solution to that problem? He got run out of town because the coaching staff hated him, and their decision was justified by Edwards having such an awful season that he was released with one game to go. What do people think, that if Edwards had stayed in New York he would've magically remained healthy and productive? I'm all for going after a deep threat at wideout...I just want a good one. At this stage, there's no evidence that Braylon is worth the trouble he causes.
What makes you think that the coaching staff hated him? Where has it ever been known that he was ran out of town? He was a F/A, he wasn't ran out of town. He was released by the Niners because it wasn't a good fit, they play a very conservative style of offense because of Alex Smith. That does not suit Edwards skill set, his injury also played a huge role in developing chemistry with, Smith. Then you throw in the fact that he is only a one year rental anyway, why would they keep him? It does not mean that he would have been awful here, it does not mean that he would have been hurt if he was brought back here either.
The Jets could've had Braylon back for peanuts this offseason, and they chose to let him walk. There's got to be a reason for that. It was widely rumored at the time that the organization was fed up with him (and Edwards himself tweeted that he felt the Jets didn't want him back.) As for his time with 49ers, it's not like the Jets didn't play a conservative style of offense during Sanchez's first two years.
i've noticed that holmes gets caught from behind too. but just a quick google search for their 40 times, i found that santonio ran a 4.35 and braylon's at 4.45. either way, it's not much of a difference. both are fast enough to get down the field.
Oh snap we waived Eron Riley, hopefully making room for the greatest Jet reciever since Keyshawn to come back
I think we would all like the Braylon from last year back. He wasn't in very great favor his first year here with some of those bad drops he had. I'm not sure if the guy we saw last season will ever be seen again.
Of course not. Holmes is quick and has a deceptive burst in the open field, but Braylon has the long legged stride of a sprinter that Holmes will never be able to compete with.
at least one other site is talking about it as well. Not saying I am expecting it to happen... But this is the NYJ's. http://www.ganggreennation.com/2011/12/27/2664691/wr-eron-riley-has-been-cut
Braylon + Peyton Manning = Superbowl even if we keep schotty, not like it matters...see jim caldwell..peyton will call each play and run the team..just like brees and rodgers have receiving depth...imagine peyton as our qb and his options holmes, braylon, plax, kerley, keller
You're assuming a lot, saying the team "hated" him. The Jets had a bunch of valuable guys hit free agency at the same time this off-season, and there was talk of Braylon getting a three year deal before the night club incident scared teams away. I suspect the team would have been glad to have him back if they knew it would require only a one year deal to sign him.
Edwards was Rhodes best friend so that kind of tells you what his character is... that said I'd love to bring him back. Always gave 100% for the Jets...
I'd be keen to bring him back on the cheap...It is a little strange how much more effective Sanchez was down the field with Braylon as a target