Assuming that Sanchez sticks around...

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by jetsown22, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. jetsown22

    jetsown22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    What about the stats that Mark Sanchez is last in or near last like Qb Rating, pass completion, ints, and ypa which those "elite" qbs are 1st in? those don't mean anything right? To even put Mark Sanchez in that comparison in those qbs league is "retarded". I guess lets only bring up the stats hes halfway decent at forget the stats hes the worst at because they make him look bad right? Then I guess all the bad stats are someone elses faults.
  2. Martin is the man

    Feb 5, 2005
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    0.6 completion % lower Flaco, 3 more int then Flaco, 0.7 Qb rating lower then Flaco

    But you know what keep trying to pick out the stats that support your darksider opinions
  3. jetsown22

    jetsown22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    I meant 29th in the freakin league, you think thats acceptable. Notice how I said Flacco is dogshit to. If you wanna compare dogshit to dogshit thats fine with me, but why are you comparing him to "elite" qbs?
  4. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    How about you compare Sanchez's accuracy, pocket presence, decision making, leadership and game management to the 5 QB's you listed?

    And by the way, what about Sanchez's 5 or 6 stats that put him in the bottom 1/3 of the league? You need to compare those to your 5 to make everything objective.
  5. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    Well he provided pretty important stats (TD, yards, INT, which he listed), but here I'll help you out with the others:

    Eli-77 QB rating, 58% comp, 6.22 yds/att
    Brady-86 QB rating, 60% comp, 6.87 yds/att
    Brees-We diff on his stats here..he posted his 3rd yr stats, but he didn't really play yr 1
    Roethlisberger-75 QB rating, 60% comp, 7.5 yds/att
    Sanchez-79 QB rating, 56% comp, 6.39 yds/att
  6. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    Lol, you can't objectively measure leadership chief. Its not quantifiable. He is well respected by everyone he plays (just from reading quotes from players) and puts in the work he's supposed to. I think most would consider Mark to be a good leader here even if they don't like his play.

    Decision making can be reflected in stats (touchdown throws, interceptions, etc.). Again though, you can't completely measure this fully.

    His accuracy sucks. No doubt about it. As the poster pointed out though, Eli had subpar accuracy in his 3rd year and was able to get it to the 60% mark in the following season.

    There's more than one way to skin a cat. There are stats that show Mark sucks (accuracy), and stats that show Mark is a good QB (touchdowns). You can't rip him by saying to look at the stats that make him look bad without looking at the stats that make him look better than he's perceived to be.
    #126 CurbYourEnthusiasm, Dec 26, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  7. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Accuracy can improve if we get a good QB minded OC to come in and get him working on his footwork more, he needs to step into his throws better. His leadership off the field is good but I don't like his body language at times he needs to start getting in his guys faces more on the sidelines and make guys step their play up like a Leader should do.
  8. Martin is the man

    Feb 5, 2005
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    Mark has many flaws but I've seen great things from him too. The Jets made an emphasis to get better in the Red zone and since then they have improved vastly. He misses throws but his receivers have also played like shit, don't even try to challenge that, Keller getting hit in the helmet, holmes dropping passes, all horrible!

    Pocket presence, what fricking pocket, the o-line has been horrible this year! 37 sacks really, I agree that some where because he held onto the ball to long but the line hasn't blocked anyone.

    Mark needs to improve but replacement is idiotic. His o-line has been terrible, his receivers are on a different page, and Shotty is worst of all

    Jetsown22 comparing dog shit to dog shit is fine but what I'm asking you to do is not look at the stats that support your negative opinion but rather look at his steller play in the Red zone and last time I checked scoring points was important. I can easily point his negative play but everyone here has done that, what I'm asking you to do is take your negative blinders off and look at the positives, his awareness will improve with play time. I just want you and everyone one to see that he's a 3rd year QB who despite his large flaws he's playing pretty well! Also please recognize I'm not targeting you I just want to point this out and you responded to my post, no hard feelings I hope. That blood sucking pats fan can suck it though.

    And MarkyMark I didn't realize there were intelligent posters on this site, thank you for being one of the slim few anyone want to join Mark and I?
    #128 Martin is the man, Dec 26, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  9. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    I agree but that you can't quantify leadership, but how many times this year were the Jets called for 12 men in the huddle, Sanchez calling ridiculous timeouts and Sanchez rushing to get off the play before the play clock expired? Each one of those reflects the QB's leadership and command of the offense.

    As regards to the stats you you keep bringing up, you fail to mention, or ignore, the ones that clearly put Sanchez at the bottom 1/3 of the NFL.

    Look, I'm not saying he is a terrible QB, my point is, the majority of Jets fans continue to use Shotty as the scapegoat for the Jets poor offense. Shotty is only working with the hand that he was dealt.
  10. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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  11. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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    I see your point, but 12 men in the huddle is more on the player who shouldn't be on the field/coaching staff than Mark. The timeouts I agree with, these go with Sanchez. Its generally in the 1st half though, so i let it slide a bit, but agreed he isn't the best in game manager (notice how I didn't disagree with you on that point).

    Sanchez is in the bottom 1/3 of the league in a few categories, no doubt about it. He's also in the the top 1/3 in some stats (passing/rushing TD), and middle of the pack as well (QB rating, QB rating +), which you and many Jets posters here ignore (either on purpose or by accident, idk). My point is some posters need to look at the whole picture, and not just the stats that benefit their point of view.
  12. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    And how many of those 37 sacks were Sanchez's fault?

    Pocket presence is the ability to see, feel and move according how your OLine is blocking defenders.

    QB's are tought in High School that your first move is to step up into the pocket. Sanchez is absolutely terrible in stepping up. His first move when he feels pressure is to move laterally to the left or right. That will definately result in the pocket collapsing.

    Just watch Rogers, Brees and Brady when they drop back, their first step is always up, and not left or right.

    Why do you think Brady struggles so much when he gets a pass rush that is from up the middle instead of the outside?
  13. CurbYourEnthusiasm

    CurbYourEnthusiasm Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2005
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  14. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Agreed. However, it's clear after 5 years and 3 different QBs that Schottenheimer should also be replaced.

    5 years of this "brilliant, young mind" and they've had a better than avg offense how many times? 1? 0?
  15. jetsown22

    jetsown22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Pennington never had high expectations, Favre was injured and still played better then Sanchez. But I agree any idiot who lets Sanchez throw 59 times should be shown the door.
  16. Martin is the man

    Feb 5, 2005
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    I can not argue with you several are his fault but many, many are not! I agree he hasn't stepped up as often as he should but there have been several times where nothing would matter. I think a short offseason, Hunter's below sub par play, and Mangold's injury have really hurt this once steller o-line. They seem out of sync on stunts and are often beaten. Also straight speed rush often beats hunter. Watch the Eagles game or the Brancos game Hunter was beaten off the snap every time, you can step up to the point where you look like your trying to Jerry Sandusky Mangold but if a linemen is beat that bad stepping up doesn't mean shit. Hunter has been beaten like a marching band drum all year and it has nothing to do with steping up a lot of the time.

    And I'm not as concerned about passing 59 times I'm more upset with the fact that every time something starts working Shotty abandons it. Several games this year (Pats, Giants just to name a few) this has happened it's painful to watch Shotty's play calling which allows for no rhythm and he tries to get to cute to often, he needs to go.
  17. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Good post, and I pretty much agree with you.

    However, Hunter continues to get scorched with defenders beating him (he is just not that quick) from the outside in. Rarely have I seen a spin move or whatever where Hunter is beat to the inside.

    To my point, if Sanchez is stepping up into the pocket, instead of moving laterally, he buys extra time.
  18. Rawrk

    Rawrk New Member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    i had high hopes for sanchez. i spent the last 2 seasons defiantly arguing with my buddies that he would become a good qb. this year was supposed to be the payoff. the year where i could go up to them and just rub it in their face that they were wrong. it never happened.

    he hasn't regressed really. i know a lot of people are throwing that around. i don't care for his individual numbers. here is what i know.

    i rarely.. if ever, have fun watching the jets offense. some of that falls on schotty. some of it falls on mark sanchez. every single week is another struggle to move the football. there isn't even a threat of a big play. this is a boring, incompetent offense.

    they are ranked 27th in yards per game. that's ridiculous. here are some of the teams that are ahead of us in that stat: chiefs, cardinals, broncos, buccaneers, dolphins, vikings, titans, redskins and raiders.

    our offense is more talented than most, if not all, of those teams. every team on there has had multiple qbs starting games throughout the year because of either poor performance or injuries. most of them have also had multiple starting rbs. but they are still outperforming us.

    i'm tired of hearing about chemistry or the lack of talent surrounding sanchez. other offenses go through the same thing with less talent and they are still better than us. that is not a real excuse. neither is the shortened offseason. every team went through that.

    seriously, when is the last time you had fun watching the offense for an extended stretch of games? some of it falls on schotty but some of it has to fall on sanchez's shoulders too. he just doesn't seem to be able to carry an offense and from what i've seen, nothing really suggests he'll ever be able to.

    yeah, that might be fine for a "ground and pound" team. but as the 5th overall pick, i expected more than a game manager who excels at playaction.
  19. Martin is the man

    Feb 5, 2005
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    I agree however I believe it was the KC game, for example, Justin Houston came on a straight rush right up the middle because Hunter over extended. He has had so much trouble with outside rushers that he is forced to cheat (which is why he has so many allowed sacks, false starts, and holdings). This again goes back to my reason for placing most of the blame of Shotty. If you have a player who is struggling you should never allow them to block on an island alone. Chip, double team, do what ever it takes, but Shotty's incompetent ass hasn't corrected it. Also I've seen Shotty's play designs where he has asked Mulligan to block on an island too, which as many of us know isn't Mulligans strength (its run blocking, where he actually isn't that bad but thats a fight for another time). Mark has struggled, I can't deny it, but he has received little to no help from his idiot offensive coordinator.

    PatsfanTX you seem like an intelligent football fan and I appreciate our discussion but come on man you know as well as I do Hunter's flaws could be covered up at least a little bit with better game planning yet it hasn't. Yet another example as to why Shotty must be replaced before we can accurately evaluate Mark as a bust (which I feel he will never be because he has been a average to solid QB thus far and has done more then Penny and Farve combine already, IMO)
  20. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    to be calling out everyone that disagrees with you morons, is being one yourself!

    you bring up all the other qbs stats except you leave out many stats you don't want posters to see.

    were all those qb's in the bottom 1/3 tier statistically all three seasons? i'll bet not!

    you talk about his playoff record, but the run game and defense is what won for the jets in the playoff. 200 yds passing and very few mistakes during those games make him a good game manager. not the reason why the jets won.

    have you watched this years games? for three quarters they played like crap before shotty was forced to air it out and run risks. sanchez is great at 3 and outs, i'll bet he's close to leading the league.

    your arguement is flawed and you choose only the stats that make sanchez look good, which were in hindsight because of a great defense and run game behind him.

    you talk and compare sanchez with the elite of this league. i seriously doubt anyone on this board is foolish enough to believe sanchez belongs in the same breath as manning, brady, rogers, brees or rapelissberger.

    put down the crack pipe!
    #140 joesmoe39, Dec 26, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011

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