Im sick and tired of these mindless Jet fans bashing Sanchez

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JohnnyThaJet, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    trying to make sense of your posts.

    you're always blaming anyone but sanchez. you claim it because the offense only throws three step outs or short passes. you then blame that on shotty.

    then you go on about the right tackle being a turnstyle and the oline sucks.

    which is it? the oline or shotty. seems to me shotty can't call plays, block, throw the ball and catch it.

    i'll agree it's time for shotty to go and the oline has regressed, but that has nothing to do with the oc. that's on the GM.

    but then again, sanchez is what his ranking says he is, bottom tier QB.

    heard all these excuses years ago with the noodle. it was the oc, the head coach, the oline, but never the qb. how did that work out over the years?
  2. titan999

    titan999 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    Allow me to summarize this thread:

    Sanchez sucks.
    No he doesn't, the team is worse and the OC sucks.

    I would like to offer another option:

    The team, the OC, and Sanchez all suck.
  3. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Saturday's stats

    Manning 9 of 27 for 225 yards 1TD and 1 Pick 5 FD passing
    Sanchez 30 of 59 for 258 yards 1 TD and 2 Int 14 FD passing

    Take away that 99 yard TD pass that had NOTHING to do with Manning (a 10 yard pass that the Jets defense turned into a 99 yard Td) and Manning was 8 of 26 for 126 yards 0 TD and 1 INT with 4 first downs. Manning was horrible and completely neutralized Saturday. How do you come out of that game comparing Manning favorably to any NFL QB?

    You should be embarrassed.
  4. jetsown22

    jetsown22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    What Quarterback has been succesful passing against our defense? Did you honestly just compare the giants pass defense who is one of the worst to ours? If you would rather have Sanchez then Eli Manning you are on shrooms.
    #84 jetsown22, Dec 26, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  5. LeonNYJ

    LeonNYJ Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2008
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    Whether you think Sanchez sucks or not, the fact is he needs a legit year with a different coordinator. If the Jets kick Sanchez to the curb but keep Schotty, IDK how I will ever be able to root for this team again (I can live with them kicking both to the curb).
  6. titan999

    titan999 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    While I don't advocate embarrassing or shaming anyone, I find it quite ironic that you feel the other poster "should be embarrassed" when you are basing your entire argument on the massive sample size of one game.
  7. Section 336

    Section 336 Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I completely agree -- I was so pissed when Schotty was given a pass when Mangina got axed, and then Rex kept (or was forced to keep) him.

    I am not a Sanchez hater or blind supporter. While I think he should get an opportunity under a different OC, should he and Schotty go I could accept that.

    But if Sanchez is let go but Schotty given a pass - I really think that after 40 years of being a fan that I would be unable to root for this team any more.
  8. jetsown22

    jetsown22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Also notice how Manning did that on 27 attempts while Sanchez did that on 59? You are demented for even comparing the 2.
  9. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    Anyone who wants to defend Sanchez, humor me with one simple request. Please name 1 good defense that Sanchez has had to beat that he has come up big against. Just one.

    The guy can beat bad teams, and can win a few big games IF the running game and defense is good, and Schotty can avoid having him throw at all costs. In other words he can do what a lot of fringe NFL qb's can do. He just sucks in big spots and against any team with a decent defense. Which means he is not an NFL starter and has to go..
  10. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    That's it in a nutshell.

    In today's NFL, the best indicator of a QB's effectiveness is yards per attempt.

    Sanchez YPA against the Giants was a woeful 4.37.

    For the season, Sanchez is ranked 29th in YPA at 6.39.

    Do you think it is a coincidence that the top 2 QB's in YPA also have their teams at the two best records in the NFL?
  11. jetsown22

    jetsown22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    He sucks vs bad defenses to, he got swallowed by a 32 ranked defense twice this year with all their safeties, and the Giants got eaten alive by Quarterbacks this year. In short he just sucks period. The word is out just sack him once he plays scared all game.
  12. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    go ahead and use ypc against sanchez when a large majority of the pass plays called are 3-7 yard routes
  13. titan999

    titan999 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    As much as I dislike Sanchez as a QB, I can live with giving him one year under a new OC to see if he shows he can be a consistent and effective QB in the NFL. What I don't want, if he again sucks under said new OC, is to hear a whole new bevy of excuses about the need to "give him time to learn a new system", etc. As far as I'm concerned, next year should be his last chance. And the Jets absolutely need to get a legitimate back-up QB, either a veteran FA or a potential young star in the draft, to light a fire under Sanchez and give him competition, since unbelievably the geriatric coach-in-waiting we have now is not doing the trick.

    Of course, I would shed no tears if both Schotty and Sanchez are gone after this year. However, I'm a realist and I know this will not happen.
    #93 titan999, Dec 26, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  14. REVISion

    REVISion Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
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    Honestly it's beyond me how someone could NOT see how awful Sanchez is just by watching a few of our games. I don't even feel the need to fully lay it out because I truly believe it's THAT glaring. In a nutshell, he panics in the pocket far too often, locks onto receivers, doesn't go through progressions, throws into heavy coverage FAR too often, takes too many sacks (throw the fucking ball away), fumbles too often, and throws too many picks.

    Turnovers are one of the biggest indicators of who wins any given game, does any QB in the league have more turnovers than Sanchez this year (picks+fumbles)? I'd be surprised.

    I honestly don't see how you can watch our games and not see that Sanchez is playing like horseshit most of the time. He gets happy feet in the pocket like he's under heavy pressure way too often, even when there is little pressure. Dude has absolutely zero pocket awareness or feel for the rush.
    #94 REVISion, Dec 26, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
  15. jetsown22

    jetsown22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Yeah thats the thing also he has a 55% completiion rate on 3-7 yard pass routes. And its consistent year after year. While every quarterback who passes for a higher ypc has 60%+. Maybe Shotty is not such a moron afterall and he is afraid to use this scrub?
  16. JFToLong

    JFToLong Banned

    Dec 31, 2008
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    Your football IQ is less than Sanchez jersey number.
  17. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    thats the qb the jets drafted. i wonder if schotty ever watched the guys college tape, cause he sure doesnt like to use him the way pete carrol had loads of success with.
  18. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    This is a perfect example of why Shotty continues to be a scapegoat for the Jets offense.

    Sanchez is barely completeing 50% of your so-called 3-7 yard routes.

    Do you want him to start calling 15-20 yard pass routes? Sanchez completion percentage would probably fall below 20%.

    Shotty is calling plays given the talent that he has to work with.
  19. jetsown22

    jetsown22 New Member

    Dec 13, 2011
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    Ya everytime he lets Sanchez unleash it he throws it into 5 defenders, if you were Shotty would you trust a innacurate qb who makes the worst decisions out of every qb in the league not named Rex Grossman?
  20. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Considering this is only Sanchez's 3rd season, and all the problems we have on the o-line and no speed at the #1 receiver position, I'd say Sanchez has had a hell of a season. For those comparing Eli to Sanchez take a look at Eli's first 3 seasons which were terrible. First year he wasnt a starter till about 3 games into the season and finished with a terrible 48% completion for the year. 2nd year as a full starter subpar 52.8%. I think people have been watching too much Tom Brady/Peyton Manning and now think all QB's should play like that. This is only his THIRD season give Sanchez a fucking break hes 4-2 postseason 9 TD's 3 ints and hes accounted for about 30 TD's this season. ANY QB would do horrible throwing the ball 59 times with this o-line and the giants pass rush. Eli got outperformed on saturday btw he played terrible if you don't count Cruz's lucky ass catch and run because the DEFENSE can't tackle for shit not because SANCHEZ can't tackle.

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