How does this affect the draft?
Great news as far as the Jets are concerned, as it means Miami won't get him but I have to admit I thought he was as good as gone. Hopefully he doesn't have a little Matt Leinart in him.
Not ever having been any sort of athlete myself I cannot fathom the mentality of players going back for their senior season when they are almost locks to go as a top 10 draft pick.
Heartbreaker. Now there are 5 teams that will draft in the top 10 with only 2 worthy QB'S of the pick. Colts, Browns, Skins, Fish, Bills. The Bills got a great shot of jumping ahead of the Skins and Dolphins though viewing the rest of the schedule. This decesion screws us more then it does any other team.
They can get out of that contract by releasing him in March. The penalty would just be paying him a little over 10 million for this season. We screwed our draft position anyway by winning and the Dolphins and Skins blowing their games. We will probably draft Courtney Upshaw now with the 10th or 11th pick,