I didn't give a fuck. Why should I have cared? That game had no implications on my team. I only "root" for the Giants ever 4 years when they play our division. Other wise, fuck them. I don't give a fuck about them.
It's actually completely different. An Eagles loss would've eliminated them from the division race. As of now, they still have a shot. A Washington victory helps the Jets SOV tiebreaker. So yeah...They are completely different.
The difference between Jets and Giants fans is Jets fans are happy with "getting to" a conference championship game. Giants fans want to win it.
No!! Jets fans understood "getting to" 2 consecutive CCGs was better than not, but as fans we want to win every game our team plays... I cannot fathom how you could think otherwise by being on this board for more than 3 seconds... And as far as Midgets fans rooting for the Eagles vs. the Jets and if "we" rooted for the Redskins, the difference is, if NYG fans were smart they'd realize they needed the Eagles to lose , and why would you root for one of your blood rivals in a game where only them losing helps you ?!?!
This Roger Vick guy seems to be the most arrogant SOJF yet. Geez. Every post filled with negativity. Let's not forget the fact that he's been insulting just about every poster on the board.
So, a Jets fan wanting the Jets to actually win something is "negativity"? OK. I might not have the cute avatar that you obviously thought was worth your time to create, but I'm more of a Jets fan and more knowledgeable about football than you are. But, the little dwarf thing is cute, I'll give you that.
I don't hate the Giants as much as I did growing up, but their defeat of the Pats in the SB was a classic moment in my sports life. Spoiling what would have been considered THE greatest season in the history of pro football was the best thing I ever saw. They went from 18-0 to a shitty season in 60 minutes football. Giants or no Giants, any Jets fan who didn't love Belichick/Brady/Kraft being denied the ultimate all-time glory is fucked in the head. That was awesome that night.
If it was only 1:13 they would have won the game. They made a lot of mistakes that game especially on offense.
That 1988 game is one of my all time highlights as a Jet fan. Just a season removed from their Super Bowl, their fans and the local media with that Simms/LT/Parcells team were so fucking cumbersome to have around. They were convinced they were going back and we were just a warm-up, I loved that game so much. What made it better than even a playoff game was that it was the last game, so unlike the real playoffs there wasn't that other shoe to drop on our heads the next week after a big win. We had all winter to savor it. Think positive, people, I hate the fucking Giants and we can do it to them again. They're a Romo bad pass from losing six in a row.
This!!! I've got nothing against the giants except when they play the Jets. For all I care I always root for them when they play the Cowboys because I hate them so much.
New York Post NOTE: The picture with the article is not from the 1988 game, the Jets wore white that day, it seems to be from the December 1984 game, also a Jet "home" game.
I was buying football cards on 32nd street the other day. I got a Joe Namath and Shonn Greene rookie card and the vendor threw on antoher Shonn Greene (not a rookie) for $8. Then the guy says to me you know if the Jets and Giants combined teams they would be unstoppable. He says, imagine the Giants defensive line with our secondary and a mish mosh of linebackers. Danm, they would be nasty. Eli is going to die on Christmas Eve and then rise from the dead 3 days later just like Tupac.
I know what he's getting at. Alot of ppl mention theyre giants fan all taboo when I say im a jets fan as if im supposed to get angry Or they act like I actively root against them. Which is not the case.
Most of the Giants fans I know actually don't mind the Jets, which kind of pisses me off because I hate the Giants.