I didn't see a thread calling out this piss poor performance so thought I would waste a bit of cyberspace. Am typing this as Wayne Hunter commits another bone head mistake and Babin's 3rd sack...thanks Wayne... This is horrendous! All these threads about win and in etc...talk about pre-mature. I think talking about this team in anything other than the exact minute we are in is pre-mature. This is not on Rex Ryan at this point. As a coach you can only do so much. You can't play the game for them and if this is the intensity level and focus of a team that is playing every game for a playoff spot then we don't deserve it. 9 penalties (tying the season high) and we're still not half way through the 3rd quarter. Disgusting... As it stands now and from what I've seen we aren't beating the Eagles, good possibility to lose to the Giants and the way the Dolphins are playing that is pure speculation at this point on that game as well. Exceptionally sad state...and with this much talent there is no excuse.
do we still control our destiny after this loss? we are tied with bengals now and dont know if the Raiders are going to win
Distinct possibility.....?? I'd say, Cman, that 8-8 is a VERY good possibility at this point. Control our own destiny...no...we have too many tie breakers that do not go in our favor as far as I can tell Moot point, though, I would be shocked if they win one of, let alone both, of the remaining games.
We have to win and this is what we put on the field? Our D allows 31 points in 3 quarters? And the shotty offense, Screens worked last week so the EAGLES preped for them and guess what? We come out screening like crazy...lol. P-R-E-D-I-C-T-A-B-L-E! and why the fuk did we punt after our 1st drive of the 2nd half? Cro gets us to the 40, Mark moves us a few more yards and it's either a lonFG or go for it...guess whta? NEITHER.
the bandwagon is filling up quickly, jets fans are the biggest whiners. before the game it was a given the jets were going to walk all over the igglets. now the reallity comes back to hit jets fans in the face. this team can beat the bums, but if a team puts up a fight it can go either way. this jets team has taken a step back this year! no afc championship game this year. maybe not even the playoffs.
It was a given? Who said that and when did they say it? This team has NEVER, EVER, beaten the Eagles so I don't understand your statement at all. Please elaborate.
mezzavo if it is not on Rex, and the team has talent, what you seem to be saying that it is a failure of leadership, or character. If so how do you fix that. Personally I think they lack talent at OL and DB, and maybe DL. But I see what yu are saying, how could they come out so flat with so much to play for. They were never in this game.
Especially since its our new look SOJ's on the field playing this season.. You can thank Tannenbaum for this fiasco. Overestimated this team's talent going all the way back to the end of the 2010 season up until today and hopefully, re-evaluating this offseason. Tanny can't afford another fck up like this last offseason
Here's what frustrates me about this team: 1. leading the league in fumbles-- that's a discipline issue. 2. leading the league in turnovers returned for TD's (by the other team)-that's a decision-making, and discipline issue (as well as some bad luck). 3. This team seems to have no soul-- a few TDs down, and they fold. Had opportunities to come back and make this a game today as late as the 3d quarter and just plain folded it up both offensively and defensively. Oh well, they do need to draft higher for a change.
I would lean to your reference to character...as you aptly supported the statement in your second paragraph. A team with the playoffs on the line wouldn't have come out with such little passion and focus.
Oakland aren't going to win out and I *think* we have the tiebreaker on Cincinnati. I think we'll probably be in IF we win the last two. Big if.
When a team comes out flat in its biggest game of the season, isn't that a failure of coaching? Hasn't coaching been suspect for the Jets the entire season? P.S. Who thinks the Jets will beat the Giants when Tom Coughlin's job is on the line?
Jets hold the tiebreaker over the Bengals. Would also need the Raiders to lose to the Lions, Raiders, or Chiefs. Play around with this: http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/playoffscenario