Full summary of recent events - attacks, conspiracies and bans

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Petrozza, Dec 9, 2011.

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  1. Brunell's Debt

    Brunell's Debt New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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  2. hiker

    hiker Well-Known Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    I haven't posted much in the past year, and some of that was wondering what I would say that would paint a target on myself. I never wanted to have to fit in with the cool kids as being a requirement to post, but its been headed in that direction for quite a while now. Not to say I have anything against those guys, I do like them...well, most of them, anyway. (Nothing good to say about James Calvin) I've gotten much amusement out of Mr.E's over-the-top attacks, and though it never happened, I might have even had some fun with it if he had ever put me in his gunsights.

    But I'm not planning to look those guys up, it sounds like a mutual grievance society over there; if I want to deal with constant bitching, I can just go home to my wife every night.
  3. 88toon

    88toon Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    I have been on this board for quite some time and consider myself one of the old timers. As you can see by my post count, I really don't post a lot on the board. I do however, come around a lot to hear/read peoples views on things, get updated on whats going on with the jets etc. I don't belong to any other board, sports or non sports so I believe TGG.COM is a very unique part of my sports life.

    I actually come on this board and have started posting more recently since some people have been removed. Over the years, as Petro mentioned, the board just got to be a handful of bullies and Mods that backed them up that come on and just trash peoples opinion or tell everyone how much they know. I think the board now is refreshingly mush more about debate, opinions, and conversation while before it was internet tough guys and their buddies spending their whole existence on the board trashing people.

    Petro, this board is #1 and you do a great job. Glad to see you've cleaned out the garbage that was starting to take the board down and frankly, kept me from posting a lot.

    Hope everyone sees the changes as positives and continue to post intellegent conversation and debate.
  4. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I remember when she was just a girlfriend. We go back a ways, my friend.
  5. Talisman

    Talisman Active Member

    Apr 26, 2009
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    I'll let JE's previous post respond to that.

  6. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Wow. I didn't know this much happened in the last few weeks. I must have missed out a lot.


    If any, I didn't feel bullied or threatened on this board. I might have bullied some unsuspecting souls - that I admit I am guilty of. That aside, this board is a message board - if we all agree on those issues unanimously, then this board doesn't need to be there in the first place. It is truly tragic that some people just fail to realize that.
  7. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Wow...Petro, All I can say is this place has been a great website for us Jets fans to vent and discuss other topics.

    I got your back dude!
  8. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    The point is this thread isn't meant to be a debate between the two boards.

    but beyond that, what that Petrozza said is in dispute? anyone who has watched this nonsense unfold can see what he said is true, and Soss just outlined it perfectly above.

    a group of posters believed that they had a value to the board that entitled them to do as they please. when the mods told them to knock it off they began whining about it, and then decided to create their own board. in the meantime the realization that the board did not value them as much as they felt they were deserving caused them to lash out like little children, whining about every warning, ban or decision made that they didn't like because they should be the ones dictating such.

    and when they got their board up and running they then used TGG services to solicit members.

    but this thread isn't about giving those members a forum to dispute any if those things. anyone who cares what members of another board think can certainly go to that board and discuss it. but this thread is about TGG and is meant for members whose interest in TGG starts and stops with TGG. I don't care about what members of another jets forum think any more than I care what a Fin fan thinks, and to believe those ex-members should be able to enter into a debate about this where no debate is intended isn't relevant to what this thread is intending to be -- TGG's explanaition. anyone who cares about the otber side's position can certainly go to them and get it.

    I don't know why anyonne would care but to each his own.
    #88 JetBlue, Dec 9, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2011
  9. southsidejet

    southsidejet Member

    Jun 9, 2004
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    About time the usual suspect were rounded up.

    My football knowledge is average so I avoided much in the way of posting when the wind blew in a certain direction. 25+ you say I'm not so sure
  10. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    This is a very good point... I noticed alot of the posters who left were frequently banned from time to time and brought back and were engaged in the dealings of the site.
    I just thought Petro was good buddies with them as well...

    No one should attack the owner and his website that was established to be a resource for us Jets fans...This is the #1 Jets board and I respect alot of the posters opinions here. It is a pity that alot of people decided to buddy up and bounce.

    I think we will see alot of those people come back either registering with new usernames or apologizing for abandoning the site
  11. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    My Napoli 82'ers are greater than your Bergamo Lions....

    I was actually a Boars Bari fan but they went defunct.
  12. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    We're perfectly satisfied being an "average football knowledge" guy's forum.
  13. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Below-average guy like me hangs around here just fine. Being average IS a privilege!
  14. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Bang on, excellent post.
  15. TorontoJETSfan

    TorontoJETSfan New Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    I always felt that the bullying was just too much over the top. Perhaps it's an age thing but (being in my 40's), I saw the tone that was exhibited in pretty much all the forums was not necessary. You can dis-agree, but c'mon..in many cases, the personal attacks went just too far.
  16. BamaZeus

    BamaZeus Member

    Dec 19, 2002
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    Yeah, shame that some folks have to ruin a good time for the rest of us. I have come here every few days, if not more often for the last 10 years, just to check in on news, and to make the occasional post, not to be a keyboard bully. I'm 1000 miles away from New York, and this is the best site for me to connect with other Jets fans.

    I enjoy good, witty internet banter like anyone, and participate freely in it on TGG, but when it starts gravitating to personal attacks on the owner of the site and other users, that's when I back away and let the "experts" duke it out. I never really pay any attention to the board feuds, because it's not like I know any of these people in real life, and if this is how they act in public, I sure wouldn't want to. It's just a pet peeve of mine seeing people cause so much drama over something so insignificant in life as an internet message board. I never get involved, because frankly I have no need for such drama in my life.

    But, for those who want to bring down a damn good website because they can't act like civil adults, "don't let the door hit you on the way out".
  17. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Good riddance Mr. E! One of the most arrogant, rude, obnoxious posters you will find on any forum.
  18. rholt168

    rholt168 Active Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    Yes, in terms of anyone can go onto that board, but no in terms of discussing TGG. There's zero mention of it, or the things that went on.
  19. rinvesto

    rinvesto Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2009
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    Good Job petro. The group of posters here who attack posters for posting their opinion needed to be dealt with.
    Hope the new moderators put a stop to it
  20. Jets-N-Terps

    Jets-N-Terps Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2010
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    I can't believe I wasted 5 minutes of my life reading about internet forum drama...

    What's worse, the fact that people are genuinely upset about not being able to post on a forum anymore, or the fact that I spent time reading about it?
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