It's weird I actually thought Heith Ledger would be awesome and he was. I have just always disliked Catwoman as a character, much like I never liked Robin. As for Anne Hathaway, I have no rational reason for why I strongly dislike her. I see what you are saying though and you're probably right.
I thought Heath Ledger was a terrible choice when I first found out he was going to be the Joker. This guy is going to be The Joker? Crazy! I thought. I was wrong. As for TDKR, I think it looks fantastic so far. Only problem I have seen is Bane looks too small. This guy breaks Batman's back. How can he be smaller than him? He must get larger.
Yeah, I thought Ledger was an interesting choice, and I had confidence that Nolan would make a kick-ass film. He has literally never made a non-excellent movie. I'm with you when it comes to not being a huge fan of the Catwoman character (even less of a fan of is Nolan evidently). I doubt this movie will top The Dark Knight, but I fully expect it to be awesome. I'm especially looking forward to Hardy as Bane.
Well, the only real comparable shots we've seen has been them standing around the set. I can only assume that Bane will be getting a healthy dose of CGI.
6 minute prologue will be with MI4 in December if you see it in IMAX. I assume a full trailer will be shown with MI4 in regular theaters. Thats what happened with The Dark Knight and I am Legend in 2007.
Yeah the 8 years after TDK shocked me since it ended in such an interesting way with Batman on the run. I highly doubt he would still be running 8 years later, so I wonder how that was resolved?
To be honest I expected this. Batman had to leave for awhile. If you are only doing a trilogy you have to make Gotham remember what they had, and pretty quickly. Having him on the run for several years clears Gordon from being an accomplice to his escape. I imagine by the time he returns things will be worse than ever, which serves the story.
It's a "prologue" that is in with the trailers for Mission Impossible. There's supposed to be more of a formal trailer along with Sherlock Holmes. Both premiere tomorrow.
I would love to see a quality filmed version of the Dark Knight Returns. I always figured if you could have got Sean Connery (nevermind the accent thing) from around the age he was when he did the Untouchables that would have been perfect.