624 was distraught over losing his boy friend Mr E. Hey 624, if youre watching, its me I miss you. Enjoy your Sanchez posters
Petro, You do a great job with the site and it is the only Jet site I visit constantly. If someone doesn't like it they should just be man enough to go elsewhere. Keep up the good work. Thanks Teedee83
I think people sometimes take things way too seriously and get way too upset about things. I see it from time to time where people have forum drama and I always wonder how it spirals out of control to that point. At the end of the day if you disagree with someone that it’s making you do irrational things, just let it go. That’s kind of a lesson in life, not just a rule of thumb for message boards too. You have to find a way to coexist even if you disagree.
Thank you. I myself am a member on a couple of non-football forums and from a regular poster's perspective I don't really understand some of these people. If I didn't like something about a forum, I'd just leave and join another one. Maybe I just don't have that much time on my hands for all this drama and e-martyrdom.
a little of this, a little of that, with a few tips sprinkled in for good measure. I'm assuming he meant tips about how to run the board, otherwise I don't know what tips he was talking about. how about you? got any idea on what other tips there could be he was discussing?
Thanks for all the effort. I've easily learned more from being on this board over the past few seasons than I have from many years of watching sports commentary on TV and watching games. :beer:
From a strictly business perspective, wouldn't it make more sense to keep drama on the site, which would attract more daily visitors, thus increase the chances that the ads will be clicked? As the quality of posts decrease, so will the number of lurkers who visit the site to get some insight.
Is a perma ban really necessary? I've been banned from certain boards in the past and 99% of the time it was because I had way too many and logged onto the internet. I don't even know this Mr. E but I can see how things spiral out of control and one bad night of drunk posting can get way out of hand. Maybe the guy was wasted and took things too far? Give the guy a week to cool off and think about the error of his ways. Or was this the last straw in a long line of inappropriate behavior?
If you'd ever been on the wrong end of one of his holier-than-thou "You know NOTHING about football, DIAF" responses to a legitimate post you might feel differently. The guy obviously knew a lot about football but has zero respect for anyone who didn't worship his opinions.
He and I sparred way back in the day, but I could handle it so it really didn't bother me. Knowledge should be the only thing people care about on here, not feelings.
Like I said, if it were a repeated pattern of abusive behavior then a perma ban may be well deserved. If it were just one bad night, then it's another thing.