I just wanna gauge where everyone stands regarding Mark Sanchez

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DanR, Nov 19, 2011.



  1. I'm still a shareholder

  2. I sold all my stock the night the Jets got Tebowed

  3. I sold all my stock before the Broncos game

  1. steves850

    steves850 Active Member

    Apr 21, 2009
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    I've always been a strong supporter of Sanchez but it is growing thin. No none of the losses are completely on Sanchez but he has missed some pretty open targets and made some terrible decisions. I haven't giving up on him but I can't defend him as strongly as I once did.
  2. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    ^ This. Exactly this. Our offense is a joke more due ot who is running it than anything.
  3. gsulli5861

    gsulli5861 New Member

    May 11, 2005
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    I'm in with Sanchez. The offensive supporting cast last year was much better. I don't blame the Jet's for not signing Braylon but Plaxico is a downgrade. Plax is great for the red zone but does little in the middle of the field. Another WR is a big prority. Mason not working out hurt. Losing JCO hurt, but again, he wanted out. Kerley will be really good next year. The OL must improve.
  4. Footballgod214

    Footballgod214 Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2005
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    I'd like to see Sanchez in a different system before I stick a knife in him.

    I think Sanchez would do well in a ground and pound offense with a top defense where he's not called upon to win game after game with his arm. Oh well.
  5. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Really............who couldn't do well with all of that???LOL
  6. SettlerDawg

    SettlerDawg Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    You do realize that Sanchez either switched to that play, or did not switch out of that play, because he read that the Patriots were blitzing. The Patriots faked the blitz and only rushed 3, and were able to cover almost everyone (McKnight was open). The design of the play is to quickly get someone open, who could then get one yard after the catch to get the first down. It was more of a good play by the Patriots, rather than a bad read by Sanchez and the O-line.
  7. titan999

    titan999 Active Member

    Dec 21, 2008
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    I feel the same way about Sanchez as I do Phil Hughes of the Yankees. Both were highly touted, but have proven to be wildly inconsistent overall and downright awful at times. All I hear in regard to both are excuses, and blame towards others for their crappy play, and I'm tired of it. Schotty appears to be a mediocre OC, without a doubt. But it can also be said that his plays are at least in response to Sanchez's limitations, and trying to hide his many weaknesses and prevent crushing mistakes. Schotty will probably take the fall after the season, and then we'll waste at least another year watching Sanchez play the same under a new OC. At some point we're going to have to stop with the excuses and conclude that he is not a good NFL QB.
  8. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    100% agree with this.

    I happen to think Sanchez is going to be a very good player in this league, but there is certainly a chance he just isn't going to be anything more than average. But we'll never know until we get a competent offensive coordinator in here who doesnt have a resume full of underperformance and limiting his quarterbacks.
  9. DanR

    DanR Active Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    Pretty much.

    If Mark gets a new OC, there will be another excuse waiting for him.
  10. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Probably true. I cant wait to see the responses coming in later on saying Sanchez didnt get enough "time" with the new OC when/if that time comes too. If he stinks up the joint the rest of the way and still is bottom 10 QB, i wouldnt completely give up on him but start looking for his replacement and give him some competition next year. Mark Brunell is far from any competition....
  11. TheGreenCantona

    Dec 14, 2010
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    I will continue to bitch about him but I am for Sanchez being our qb next year.

    If they want to continue to build a 'dynasty' they will need to have patience with Sanchez and build elsewhere. If you want to pick another qb, take a low pick and see if you luck out.

    But I do not know what I would do this summer with the extension, the hardest descision of the Rex era.
  12. blackssmagic

    blackssmagic Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    In all honesty I am affraid this exact situation is going to happen. If Mark sucks with a new O.C. then its going to be "well its a new system"....at what point do you move on?
  13. MaximusD163

    MaximusD163 Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2011
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    So who saw the monster late hit Sanchez took from Von Miller in the second half of the Broncos game? Sanchez was actually doing quite well before it, at like 18 completions off of 21 passes or something (from memory) but there was no flag on it even though it was one of the worst displays of roughing the passer I have ever seen. Mark took a long time to get up, and was clearly in a lot of pain. I saw after that how jumpy he was, and thats when he went to shit. It's easy to say he has to stay poised, but I'd like to see anyone step up and make a good pass in a blitz after a hit like that.

    EDIT: Did not see other thread about this before, but the point stands.
    #54 MaximusD163, Nov 21, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2011
  14. NJBeliever

    NJBeliever Active Member

    Aug 14, 2010
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    He can't move in the pocket. Has zero presence. But most importantly, he cannot read a defense. Its painfully obvious this cat cannot do an NFL progression agains a real defense. It's pathetic. He reads one receiver and throws. Period. Even when he does his sorry pump fake left, you know he's coming back to the right to force the ball to santonio on a skinny post. All scripted. This is why he can't thrw to his receivers downfield. He sees a look from the D and cannot assess it. If the look from practice is not there, he's checking down or taking yet another sack.

    Can he win games? Yes. Has he made big plays in the past? Definitely. But the problem is without a seriously dominant ground game, his flaws have been exposed. This season, can anyone name 3 big plays he's made??? Even 2? He's just a below average NFL Qb. By the time his contract is up he'll be a backup with potential a la his mentor Matt Leinart.
  15. JetsUK

    JetsUK Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2003
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    I am holding stock but mainly because its value has fallen through the floor and there are no willing buyers - hoping for a recovery some time soon.

    The thing is if you watch a lot of other nfl games you will see almost every other QB make plays just as bad as sanchez's its just we only obsess about our own QB's failings (of which there are many I admit)
  16. ugggghhh

    ugggghhh New Member

    Nov 14, 2011
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    The problem you guys have is that under a new OC most likely Sanchez will improve at least slightly, and then you'll have people thinking under year 2 he might really break out. So although I think you guys have to stick with him for another year, I think most likely thats going to mean at least 2 more years.
  17. Brunell's Debt

    Brunell's Debt New Member

    Jul 26, 2011
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    I think that, for better or worse, we should stick with Sanchez for at least two more years--we owe it to the team to not blow things up and rebuild while we still have a window to compete, and we owe it to ourselves to figure out how good Sanchez can be.

    That said, I have serious questions about his long term potential. You can't just blame Schottenheimer for all of Sanchez's problems; Schotty isn't helping things, but Sanchez has shown terrible pocket presence and decisionmaking that fall squarely on his shoulders. He's been making mistakes that a 3rd year QB shouldn't make.

    I used to think Sanchez would be a top 10 QB in the NFL. Now I think he's going to end up in the middle of the pack (which is alright, but not what one hopes from a top 5 pick.) And I fear that, if we don't upgrade our O-Line and running game this offseason, he could take a big step back next season.
  18. Cman68

    Cman68 The Dark Admin, 2018 BEST Darksider Poster

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I'm all for letting Sanchez play out his rookie contract as a starter. Long term, I just don't think we'll be getting any ROI out of Sanchez until he's well into this second contract. We're talking year 6 or 7 of his career. Why so long? He came out of college too damn early and didn't get to sit and learn behind a quality veteran like Chad did with Vinny or Rodgers did with Farve.

    Now if the Jets were smart, they would use these intervening years to shore up and plug all the leaks with DP's instead of trade ups. I would abandon the "win now" philosphy until the OLine and the Defense were overhauled and retooled.

    Ryan could also use this time to re-evaluate his management style and improve as he's a 3rd year rookie HC and honestly, hasn't progressed much either.

  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    That pretty much covers all the main points. Except that I don't follow the Yankees. Heh.

    Regarding the poll, i chose the middle one and not because I am certain Sanchez cannot improve going forward. I took the stock sale metaphor literally in that I would sell stock in a company I thought it less likely than otherwise that it will return an above average profit. Perhaps that is not the standard intended by the OP, or by others here.

    In other words, I agree with those who say it is unlikely the Jets will cut him loose this year or before next year's over. I would say in fact that is very unlikely. But that is more imo about the team having too much invested in him and in a fear of going forward with an alternative than coming from a clear eyed assessment of what his prospects are going forward.

    As the above quote alludes to, those here who blame Schotty for Sanchez's limitations are engaging in a quite obvious exercise in wishful thinking. They also understand how much the team has invested in Sanchez, as I do, but have some almost romantic notion, like a new OC would be some prince wondering through the forest who would, metaphorically, of course, "kiss" Sanchez's career and jump start it in a more positive direction, as if the sliver of poison apple would be removed by such an approach. It is really quite fanciful stuff to pretend that Schotty is to blame for all or even most of Sanchez's problems.

    Even the discussion above about that play in the NE game has a surface veneer of plausibility, but ignores as others have pointed out that Sanchez did nothing to improve the execution or play call himself. He is quite capable of killing plays on the line. He just doesn't do a good job of selecting a better play for the most part.

    His poor footwork, holding the ball too long, not seeing other defenders than the one assigned to his target come off their assignments are all attributes attributable to him that Schotty can take no credit for.

    I therefore obviously expect no material improvement if the OC is replaced, but am resigned to that happening, and to the Jets wasting another year with Sanchez, at least. I will instead hope to be proven wrong by him. I would like that very much. But I am certainly not counting on that happening.

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