The Offense Has Regressed, Mark Sanchez Has Not.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Organized Chaos, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. NJJ_Jersey_Jets

    NJJ_Jersey_Jets Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2011
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    Stupid that the idiot pundits are trying to compare him to the elites. If you compare him to his fellow 1st rounders/young QBs (Ryan, Flacco, Stafford, Freeman, Bradford), he's in line with them.
  2. NJJ_Jersey_Jets

    NJJ_Jersey_Jets Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2011
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    Why in the flying fuck do you fucking care what he's getting paid? Does it really fucking matter?
  3. Mr. Brightside

    Mr. Brightside New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Is there a particular reason the press are out to get him?
    Even Zack Follett slammed him and said he gets an easier ride because he is the "golden boy from Cal"
  4. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    yes, it matters. In case you didnt realize, theres a salary cap in the NFL. For Mark's stats, we can be paying Bubby Brister 3 million a year. Get it? Pretty simple actually. Its early in teh morning so Ill ASSUME you would have eventually realized that on your own.
  5. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    The press is "out to get him". Theyre just being honest.
  6. Mr. Brightside

    Mr. Brightside New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Are they? Seems like he gets a rougher ride than most.
  7. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    I think its just because we're sensitive to Jet related stories. Im sure theres articles floating around ripping Joe Flacco and Josh Freeman
  8. gsulli5861

    gsulli5861 New Member

    May 11, 2005
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    I like Sanchez and believe he can get us a Super Bowl win. I do not trust him, at this point.There is, however, no doubt the talent is not as good on offense. Wayne Hunter like the rest of the offense is terribly inconsistent. Matt Mulligan makes at least 2 poor plays per game. that 2nd TE is a Key position. Losing Cumberland hurt. Plax has had his moments but rarely gives you anything in the middle of the field. Braylon was much better. I do understand the Jets did not know that Braylon would get no reasonable offers on the open market. Resigning Braylon was not the Jet's fault. The running game has been a real dissapointment and Greene needs to share in the dissapointment. We need to get bigger plays out of the running game. The defense will need an OLB and Eric Smith is fine in the role of a S/LB. You can't asked him to play man to man. Plenty of work to do but the Jet's have a good core aqnd a good coach.
  9. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Agreed. Lets ace it, Tanny and Rex DRAMTICALLY over estimated the talent on this team which translates into us having many holes/weaknesses......OL, pass rusher, safety, coverage LBs, all arounf TE to name a few
  10. fltflo

    fltflo Active Member

    Mar 6, 2008
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    BINGO !!!!!!!! In a Nutshell
  11. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    Schotty's offensive gameplanning hasn't changed much (if at all) since Sanchez's arrival. When we as fans can predict which plays will be called with accuracy, it won't take much for opposing defenses to figure it out either.

    Sure, there's been some regression....but keep in mind, Schotty's system hasn't evolved either. Our opposition has a good idea what's coming before it's even called.
  12. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I agree that he hasn't regressed, but honestly it would be hard to be worse than he was the last 2 years in the regular season. This was bound to come to a head eventually and would've last season if he didn't Tebow 3 or 4 games in the middle of the schedule. Whether or not its "fair" no one should've believed that he was all of a sudden going to become a consistently good QB, especially with the lack of RB production and OL issues, least of the all the Jets.

    That said he still sucks and is incredibly overpaid, so I'm not sure what all the Sanchez defenders are up in arms about. He's been stuck in the bottom of the league in passing in terms of starters since he got in the league.
  13. Ohio Jet

    Ohio Jet New Member

    Sep 27, 2009
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    This post made my day!!! I just realized I haven't regressed in my ability to be a NFL starting QB this year either.
  14. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    He's paid so much he shouldn't need blocking.
  15. ajetsfan4ever

    ajetsfan4ever Active Member

    Jan 21, 2006
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    two days after the broncos loss, and no one is mentioning the fact we played without kerley, L.T, and greene.
  16. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    He's just not tough enough to throw off pass rushers and still make passes. Trade for Big Ben!
  17. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    Kudos - This is as sane and accurate evaluation of Sanchez as I've seen in Jet land. Not as good as you hoped or expected, not as bad as some have claimed.

    On the negative side, right now he's just an average QB at best. But on the plus side he's shown he can occasionally come up big on the biggest stage. That can't be discounted.

    As entertaining as Rex has been, and how much he's contributed to making the Jets relevant both nationally and in the NYC market, his act is starting to show some wear.

    His guarantee to .win the superbowl is one thing. Every HC has that goal in mind, Rex just added the hyperbole to give it spice. However is claim earlier that this was the best roster he's ever had, shows a lack of vision that should be troubling.

    You didn't need to be a football genius to know that the Jets were weaker on the OL, WR, and RB. You didn't have to be more than a casual observer to note that the OL depth was non-existent, the pass rush wasn't happening, and this team had the potential to blow up from the inside. Cmon, Santonio Holmes as a Captain?

    The Jets are in trouble at this point, not only for this year, but it isn't going to get easier going forward, as I pointed out in another thread. However I will offer this one bit of hope for my ailing Jet fan friends. Back in 2001 the future superbowl champs were ALSO 5-5 after 10 games after they had a home loss to the Rams. They didn't lose another game that season. Well while the Pats have an easy schedule coming up, so have the Jets. Who knows what can happen. The Pats just went from a sinking mess to division locks in the span of a single week. Think about how the Jets can turn this around over the next 6 :wink:
    #37 patfanken, Nov 19, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2011
  18. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    Yeah, I wanted to dig up his fumble numbers (lost and not lost) and also his sacks/pressures for the past 3 years but it was pretty late last night and I've lost the motivation at this point.

    Totally agree with this, and pretty much everything else you wrote. I just think the word "Regression" is being thrown around and it's simply not true. Sanchez is improving. He is still just average (sometimes below, occasionally above).

    As you mentioned, and other people have brought up, you expect more out of your first round QB in year 3. It is a kick in the balls to see guys like Andy Dalton and Cam Newton perform as well or better than Sanchez is and it's only their rookie season. Still Sanchez is slowly getting better, even with declining talent around doesn't make a great headline but it's the truth.

    He may never develop into a top 10 QB. Maybe he just ends up being like Matt Hasselbeck, a QB who is as good as those around them, has one or two good years but never becomes really great.

    That is an interesting observation, he's mostly throwing short this season and his completion percentage still is bad. I hadn't really considered that.

    I know a few of us (me included) chalked up part of his high incompletion percentage to the downfield shots with Braylon last season.
  19. releasesanchez

    releasesanchez New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Yes is anyone else missing the face that Sanchez and Holmes are taking up nearly 25% of our salary cap and yet our offense sucks? In the past 3 games Holmes has a little over 100 yards receiving combined! And you can only blame Sanchez for that. We spent all this money on our incompetent offense yet we were cheap to fill holes like Mulligan and Eric Smith and Wayne Hunter. So if Sanchez was performing like he was being paid we wouldn't be having this conversation.
  20. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Spending $18 million a year this offseason on Holmes and Cromartie hasn't really worked out. Cromartie has been fine, but we could have used that money to fortify the team elsewhere. That was the problem with getting so many guys at the end of their contracts, you can't keep everyone, and nobody is getting a hometown discount.

    Sanchez's salary is irrelevant. He's the #5 pick in the draft, of course he's going to be making a lot of money. The real question is, will this guy be the quarterback of the future? I'm still leaning towards yes, but I'm starting to have doubts.

    Saying he should play like he's getting paid is just dumb. Would that be nice? Sure, but under the old rookie scale, high picks were always overpaid. Sanchez is among them, plus he's a quarterback.

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