Peyton the answer?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DemoIsland, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Nilton

    Nilton Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    I dream every night that I will wake up 1 day with a quarterback the likes of Rodgers, Brady, Manning and Brees.
  2. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    That's pretty gay.
  3. Nilton

    Nilton Active Member

    Oct 21, 2011
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    I'll take 1 for the Jets. :lol:
  4. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Next time you complain about someone's IQ, try spell checking. It makes your posts less hilarious.
  5. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Apparently you'll take 4.
  6. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Its actually 4....He gave 4 names
  7. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Completely disagree with this post. Sanchez right now is rattled he can't get his feet set in the pocket and defenses are sitting in tight on everything blowing up the run game and the quick passing game.

    The HC has been telling him for 3 years don't blow games. The OC has pulled the Defense in to the point he is getting his ass handed to him and everything we want to do is taken away.

    He needs to drop back set his feet and throw the ball down the field. Exactly like he did on 4th down to Turner. He set his feet and let the ball go. It was accurate and drilled into a tight spot. He wasn't over thinking. Until Sanchez drops back and starts setting his feet and throwing the ball down the field the D is going to be crowding up stopping the run, beating his ass on the short slants and pushing our O across the field instead of down the field.

    Sanchez can do it Rex needs to let him know he needs to do it. The don't screw up, ground and pound is no way to develop a top NFL QB. Shotty needs to get his head out of his ass and start pushing the ball down the field.
  8. stinkyB

    stinkyB 2009 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    This is a good point...... If there's any silver lining to gets being out of playoff contention, is the ability to say "fuck it" and let it fly.

    A common theme for many young prospect QBs taken early in the draft are that they are drafted by bad teams that were drafting at the top for a reason. They have nothing to lose, so "fuck it", let it fly, and see what the kid has. They look bad initially, but it often pays dividends down the road.

    Sanchez never had this development opportunity as he came into a GOOD team, and was hancuffed to not lose games, until they had to. Nothing ventured, nothing gained...... The JETS defense is no longer stout enough to carry the whole team....... time to say "fuck it".
  9. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    Thats the myth about Brees though. Brees showed potential in SD too. Can anyone, even Sanchez's most ardent supporter, say that at any time in his Jets career he has looked like someone who could turn into Drew Brees?

    As for Sanchez, changing the OC (which I have already said probably wont happen even after this season) changes the system, but doesn't make him better. The guy has no touch, makes bad decisions, sits in the pocket way too long, loves to audible into screens and other dumb passes, is way too turnover prone (at the worst times no less), and generally plays scared. The only part of that that a new OC can fix is getting rid of short routes when its 3rd and 8. Other than that, Sean Peyton cant solve the other problems that Sanchez has.

    So, the organization really has to think long and hard about Sanchez, especially if Manning is out there. He might be young, but truth be told, personally, I see nothing in his game that makes me think he will ever be a good starting qb who you dont have to hide in an offense, let alone a great qb that you gameplan around.

    Also, to that last point, as much as we all hate Schotty, and rightfully so, he has never had a great qb to work with for 16 games. He had Pennington, who had limitations. He had Clemens, who sucked. He had Favre, who was good for a majority of the year, than got hurt. And now he has had Sanchez who if we are being honest, is not that much better than Tim Tebow, if at all. So, while the offense has sucked, it's not like he has had much to work with at qb either.
  10. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    Even when Sanchez isn't rattled, he has never shown (other than in 2 minute offenses) that he has a complete grasp on playing qb in the NFL. I get it sucks to hear, and I hate that the QB of my favorite team is not very good, but it's the truth.

    But the problem with your statement is saying he is best when he doesn't have to think, and can just play. Unfortunately, with defenses being complex, you cant be a qb who cant process information, make adjustments, read the defense, and make plays. It's literally impossible to succeed if you can only play in a simplified offense.

    As for taking off the training wheels, I am not sure why anyone would want that. The guy is bad, and makes dumb decisions when they only allow him to operate in a conservative offense. Maybe the coaches dont let him do more because they think he cant handle it. Maybe, just maybe, what they see in practice scares them so much that they feel their only chance to win is to limit him to short passes, with no room to think, and pray that he doesn't turn the ball over.

    And that leads to the main problem I have with how this team is assembled. If they dont trust the starting qb, why the hell is the back-up qb Mark Brunell? If your starter sucks, you need a guy who can come in and give the team a spark. Mark Brunell is clearly not that guy...
  11. al_toon_88

    al_toon_88 Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2005
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    No. Sign Matt Flynn right after the Packers win the Super Bowl. At least he's sort of an unknown commodity who's shown flashes in limited action. That would give more hope.

    Sanchez is playing his way out of town. As much as I hate to admit it and hate the stupid cliche: "He is what he is."
    #331 al_toon_88, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011
  12. MiamiDolphin

    MiamiDolphin Active Member

    Oct 26, 2011
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    I am not convinced the Colts will get rid of him..... I think they will trade the pick for a bounty of picks and make some final runs with Peyton.

    The ONLY way Colts and Peyton go separate ways, imo, is if his injury is too much. In that case, no other NFL team will want him anyway or he might just retire.
  13. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    No young QB is going to have a complete grasp of the position that's why they have to learn. the problem is when you start focusing only on the 10 yards in front of your face across the field and stop looking down the field the D squeezes everything up and that puts more pressure on the run, the short passing game and the pass rush.

    Buress and Holmes can get down the field. Our TE is not that big but he has excellent speed. There is no reason to allow Defenses to cheat up and defend the first down marker. That's what our scheme is doing. It's killing our entire O. We have to go down the field not across the field. That will open everything up. When things open up you can dictate and when an O is dictating the QB gets his feet set and makes good throws. Sanchez needs to be allowed to do that on first and second down with our basic package.

    The guy is as good as Ryan, Flacco, Stafford and Freeman. He needs the coaching staff to let him grow.
    #333 Biggs, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011
  14. StreetFighterJet

    StreetFighterJet New Member

    Aug 19, 2008
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    That's the problem though, will Rex actually concede the season sooner than later? I fear that as far as we are still mathematically alive he's going to keep pushing for it and probably not allow Sanchez to let it fly.
  15. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    The only way Peyton Manning is not playing for the Colts next year is if the advice he gets from the doctors is to retire instead.

    Whether the Colts Luck out or not, and that's a completely different kettle of fish to fry, they're not going to choose to play without Peyton Manning is he is available to play.

    Ok, now let's say that Bill Polian is nutz with a capital N and decides to try to unload Manning for picks or something. First of all that's going to be the Titanic of all cap hits because only $23.6 million was on the cap this year. There's a $28 million option bonus in the contract that the Colts have to pay off and put on the cap immediately if they trade Manning. There was also a $3 million roster bonus in addition to his $23 million salary in 2011. That means the cap hit for the Colts in trading Manning would be an immediate $28.6 million on the 2012 cap.

    Ok, so now you have a nutz Polian going to Peyton Manning and saying please, please, please take the trade to the media hellhole that is NYC and play for a team with holes on the offensive line and in the coaching staff, and BTW you're going to be playing with Santonio Holmes and Plaxico Burress.

    Manning would be laughing so hard by the time Polian got that last bit out that he'd probably snap that giraffe neck in two and make the whole thing irrelevant anyway.
  16. colleen74

    colleen74 Member

    Oct 14, 2010
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    I don't like Peyton Manning. He has a sixhead and he talks funny.
  17. milcus

    milcus Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2011
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    I dont know, a lot of qb's get it by year 3. And if they didn't they at least showed flashes of getting it (and I dont mean a game or two, or a 2 minute drive, I mean a month of good football). Sanchez has never shown that. And he has never shown any ability to do anything against a great defense like Pitt or Baltimore.

    As for throwing it deep, you are correct. That is how to create space, and that is how most qb's do it. However, again, what if, and I truly hate defending Schotty but I feel like I have to here, Sanchez is even worse in practice when they let him go deeper into the playbook? We all assume that it it Schotty being conservative, but what if adding extra responsibility makes Sanchez play even worse? Lets remember that when Penny, Favre and Clemens were the QB's here, there was still a lot of short passes, but we saw deeper throws a lot more often than we have this year. So, it might just be that the coaches have no faith in Sanchez.

    Now, you may be right and a new OC leads to a new player, but I for one do not want to waste another one of Revis's, Mangold's, Brick's and Harris's prime years. So, if Manning is out there, I want the Jets to do whatever it takes to get him, and if it is feasible, to cut Mark Sanchez.
  18. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    I was pressed for time and was posting from a phone and so I didn't conclude my Campbell comment.

    The Jets do not currently have a backup who can play. Some players respond if they have somebody pushing them. Sanchez might actually play a little better if there was a real threat of losing his job.

    I don't know if Campbell is going to sign somewhere in the offseason to be a #1 QB. He may have to accept a backup job. If that were to be the case, the Jets might be a good landing spot for him. If Sanchez were to struggle out of the gate in 2012, Campbell might take over at QB. I still think Campbell can become a winning QB in the NFL. He can be a good passer and is smarter than Sanchez. Jim Plunkett, Rich Gannon and Trent Green are three QBs who got tossed around early in their careers and played for multiple teams and multiple coaches. Then all three eventually found good systems and they all had success. Campbell is not a shitty QB.

    As for now, Sanchez is not playing well. Some of it is his fault and some is the line's fault. I don't think Brian Schottenheimer is helping much either. If Sanchez were to get injured, the Jets will truly go into the tank because Mark Brunell cannot play anymore.

    I believe that Sanchez needs five good linemen in front of him (unlike a guy like Roethlisberger who can get by with 3 decent ones) and he needs a good running game. He needs everybody around him to be very good because he is not very good. When the Jets drafted Sanchez I thought if he reached his potential he would be like Phil Simms- you know, a nice, solid player who you can definitely win with but the rest of the team has to be really good because he is not spectacular.

    A lot of the stuff Sanchez does wrong is not excusable anymore. The first pass he completed to Dustin Keller on Thursday night was terrible. It might have been the worst pass he ever completed. Keller was open right away and Sanchez hesitated and hesitated and let Keller take four or five more strides before he threw the ball. By that time Keller had a defender all over him and was tackled shortly thereafter. The decision making on Sanchez's part is simply not good enough right now.
  19. jetlife21

    jetlife21 Well-Known Member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    Sanchez? The idea seems ridiculous right now but if we can trade for Peyton Manning we need to do it at all costs. I'm tired of watching The Pats wishing we had an elite quarterback ourselves. Sanchez has potential but for now he just isn't cutting it this season.
  20. felker

    felker Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Manning looked like crap early in his career too. Certainly no better than Sanchez.

    Brees had some good years in SD. But he jumped to a completely different level when he got to NO. This was exactly the time when he got away from Schotty.

    Until you change OC you will have no idea what Sanchez and the Jets offense is really capable of. Trying to rebuild without that information is a huge potential waste of money and talent.

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