What needs to come as a result of this loss

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by JohnnyThaJet, Nov 18, 2011.

  1. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    What needs too come as a result of this loss

    Lets hope that somehow, some way, this lights a fire under our asses as a team and a franchise. This management and coaching needs to learn we must revamp this team if we want to become competitive and successful in this league for the coming future.

    -We must first take the initiative to go through the coaching staff and let go who truly needs to be let go. I think Rex is a great Head Coach, he has taken us to 2 straight AFC Championships, so please shut the fuck up all you bandwagon foney fans who want to fire him. As much as many will disagree and blame most of our offensive whoas on Sanchez, we need new play calling and some trickery added too our offense, not some play calling that even most fans can spot before each snap. For all you Schotty fans, his plays are replayed over and over, face it. Our team needs too build an Offense that plays too Marks strengths but also keeps the run game going, we've lacked that this year and look what we have done, fuck the short screens that get picked off almost half the time. We need the deep ball back as well, it was a huge part of this offense and now has gone down the drain. Its a shame too, I miss those 50+ yard completions to Braylon.

    - The Jets need too make a big splash next season, whether its FA or the draft, this team needs another play maker on offense or defense, either in the pass rush department or wideout. We need too start building through the draft again like the mid 2000's. Draft smart and conservative like we always have. That is the only way we can stay successful and have a vast amount of youth, which is needed drastically for us too get too the promise land

    - We need to start thinking with our heads again in the off-season. The RT situation is dreadful, Wayne Hunter wasnt the answer and Tanny should of known that in the beginning of the season. I just dont get how this team thought that Hunter, Smith, and Mulligan were NFL starting caliber players? If its obvious to fans it should be even more so for someone who makes a living out of it.

    - Plax, he is an up and down average player. I dont hate him, he has been great for the Jets in the red zone, but going into the season with him and Mason was such a huge cluster fuck of a decision by the management. Next season I believe we should retain him, but only keep him as a red zone target and nothing more. He just isnt #2 material and its unfortunate. He needs a different role if brought back.

    - Im sorry too say it but Rex has too stop blitzing the box with the lack of pass rush we have on this team. I swear everytime we do that late in games we get torched. Its something that needs too be adjusted.

    - Lastly, we need too stay confident in Mark as Jets fans. Yes, i know the sky is falling. Yes, I know you think he is the worst QB in the NFL but he's not. He's in his third season. For you all too think he should of won a SB by now you are insane. He is a solid QB and with time could eventually prove all the doubters wrong, I believe in that, truly. The term franchise QB, as I have stated previous, is completely overrated and silly. To expect him too have a ring already is a joke. The greatest statistical QB in NFL history, Peyton Manning won his first in his 10th year. Drew Brees won his in his 9th season. Those out there deemed as "Franchise Qbs" like Phillip Rivers, Tony Romo, and Matt Ryan have yet too win a Super Bowl, yet get a pass. Maybe Sanchez hasn't been the stat giant of our time but he has a clutch gene like no other, and I have full confidence in saying he is the leader of this team and has the ability too lead us too a championship.

    Sorry about my rant but its just some key point we need too know as fans, a team, and a franchise.
    #1 JohnnyThaJet, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011
  2. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Honestly, I would like to give a more thorough reply, and I may tomorrow, but I am totally exhausted. What I will say though, is that people do not realize how much Rex is getting out of this team. Particularly the defense. He is truly making something (more than just something) out of an average, maybe even less than average defense. His time management skills are still spotty and he has things to learn certainly, but anyone who wants to can him is a goddamn fool and knows minimal about football.

    And enough bitching about what he says to the media. Who the hell even reads that shit anyway? That shit is for people who don't actually watch the game and need a side story. I care about what he does on the field and hes done a hell of a job. He is also one of the few personas in the league who actually speaks his mind, and that is refreshing.
  3. eddieandthejets

    eddieandthejets New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    I couldn't agree with you more. Schottenheimer has got to go asap! Been saying that for three years. And my god, we need a pass rusher. I don't know how we get by the Pats without one.
  4. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    If this team makes a big splash next season, it'll have to be in the draft. We don't have the money for a big FA.

    That's all I read. It's not that it's a bad post; I just don't fucking feel like it.
  5. jets_fan_in_fishtown

    jets_fan_in_fishtown Active Member

    Mar 6, 2009
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    that's not true.

    and i'm willing to bet Sanchez will restructure his deal.

    I believe we actually have cap space right now(7-8 mil), and don't expect to see Calvin pace or BT back...at least not in their current deals. I also expect Bart Scott's contract to be restructured. Right now we have a lot of money tied up in our LBers, most of whom are 31 years or older and in decline. that will absolutely change

    that's not even mentioning what's going to happen to plax
  6. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Thank you for some type of rational thought that isnt negative! I agree, Rex has made wonders out of players like Mike Devito, Sione Pouha, and even Eric Smith (on special teams of course). Just look at what he has down with superstar players like Harris and Revis. He wasnt the one who drafted them but he has pushed them over the top as truly special players. He believes in Mark, and I love that because the kid is still so raw yet has been successful but all the media wants is a Superbowl.

    I hate too say it but Sanchez is like Eli before the Superbowl, all they looked at was the negatives, over and over again. Then, he won and Superbowl and has become more confident and borderline elite. Now Im not saying Sachez needs too become Eli but he must certainly learn from him. He dealt with media bashing after media bashing until he finally shut them up. I truly believe Mark has the capability, with help of management, too shut the mouths of ever non doubter.
  7. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Yes he does, we need someone who will adjust too Mark. Schotty needs too learn from Albert Einstein and his definition of insanity, " doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". He needs too learn that in order too be successful something has too be changed. And for the organization, it must be his job.

    And yes we need a pass rusher badly. We need too land a big one in the draft, like Courtney Upshaw for example.
  8. OPEC

    OPEC New Member

    Apr 25, 2009
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    trade Sanchez for an autographed glossy of Selma Diamond
  9. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Understandable, after a tough loss I know how it feels not wanting too read a big blob of info.

    I agree the splash must be made in the draft but we do have money too spend. the Cap from this year transitions over too next year, we need too utilize that money too sign a big time safety, IMO. Then go too the draft for the rebuild aspect as well as pass rusher, young wideouts, and Oline prospects. I have stated it many times in my draft threads, as have many others on this board, I just dont get how the organization doesnt realize it yet. Astonishing.
  10. swifty1021

    swifty1021 New Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I trust this FO, we will get better.

    Oline, RT, needs to be addressed.
    Resign Leonard, Pouha, and maybe Pool
    Draft smart, not FUCKING trade them away.
    Get a STARTING caliber safety, not a ST ace who can't cover.
    10-15 carry RB to partner with Greene (hopefully it's Powell)
    New OC, figure out if Sanchez is the real deal or not he's got 2 years left on his deal.
  11. mystikol

    mystikol New Member

    Mar 26, 2010
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    It's really hard for me to take your posts seriously when you consistently don't know the difference between to, too, and two.

    I agree that we need more than just a good draft, though.
  12. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Fuck it, its late. The too, to, and twos debate can come later. My fault, its whatever.

    Just look back at the drafts we've had in the mid 2000's, besides Ghost, its produced some great players. We need another one of those ASAP.
  13. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Making a big splash and blowing our wad on one big FA would be a massive mistake when we have so many holes and questionable depth. We've spent money on some key positions. We need to address our other issues with well placed mid-level money and solid drafts.
  14. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    99% agreed. The only thing i can counter point with is that we need to sign a better safety than Eric Smith. One that can cover and make some plays. I have said Mike Griffin would be a solid for that but if money is the main concern I'd love too see us bring in mid level guys like Cliff Avril, Dashon Goldson or Reggie Nelson at safety, and a RT like Kareem McKenzie or Demeitrus Bell, although he may get a big contract. Guys who can come in and provide us with more than just a stop gap option. Possible replacements at positions on the team or someone too fill in for a while as we groom some.young guys for depth or replacements for the future, like Slauson.
    #14 JohnnyThaJet, Nov 18, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2011
  15. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I think it's clear the 1st thing we need to look for is a Right Tackle, I think we may have to go the FA route but there really aren't a lot of quality FA's at RT next year so we may have to gamble in the draft. The only safety I'd look at (well there are two but I doubt one makes to FA) LaRon Landry being the one I don't think makes it to FA but Tyvon Branch is an underrated SS and I think he'd fit in well with our system although he's not great in man coverage he's still an upgrade over Smith.
  16. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Branch would be a good replacement for Jimmy not for Smith. We need a solid cover man , if we are going to make a big contract deal with anyone in the off season is Griffin from the Titans. He's only 26 and would play at another level if playing along side Revis, Cro, Harris, and a future pass rusher.
  17. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    It's apparent that guaranteeing Scott & Pace & whoever else's deals for 2012 in exchange for cap room we didn't use was stupid.
  18. 1968jetsfan

    1968jetsfan Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    I'm going to have to agree with almost everyting, except on Sanchez.
    I've kept an open mind on him despite having reservations about having drafted a socal QB with very limited starting experience.

    But this is the NFL, he's half way through his third year and he continues to make rookie mistakes, He manages the clock poorly, head falls out of the game. Yes he's had pressure this year but even when there is no pressure his passes are inaccurate and often late as he's slow to recognize open receivers and as such between high throws, throw's behind the receiver, late throws to the receiver, these all substantially Reduce YAC.

    He makes bad judgment on throws, and while people like to blame receivers for a couple of tipped picks, they wouldn't have been tipped by the reciever IF they weren't high and or behind the reciever.

    I dont give Schotty a pass, he needs to go.
    But I don't give Sanchez a pass either, I've watched him long enough to see he's just not seeing the field and it's still moving far too fast for him. He's missing wide open receievers and slow to recognize coverage, all in excuseable for a 3rd year starting QB.

    Sorry, but he's Pretty much another Leinart.
  19. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Schotty has to go.
  20. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    good post schotty and Pick seis are the problem with our offense.

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