The Rational Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by 624, Nov 17, 2011.

  1. xBleedingGreen62x

    Feb 9, 2005
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    I'm one of Marks biggest supporters but man, this is getting old.
  2. statjeff22

    statjeff22 2008 Green Guy "Most Knowledgeable" Award Winner

    Jun 4, 2005
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    I agree with these. I was on an airplane for the first half, so I'll have to take your word for how bad it was. As far as the second half goes, there is no defending Sanchez - he was horrible. This was the year he needed to take a step up, and he's taken a step back. However, the rest of the offense was also horrible. The offensive line is just plain bad. The receivers were not getting open. The running game was mediocre. There was yet another killer turnover on special teams. And please don't tell me that the defense gets a pass because they only gave up 10 points. They had Denver on the 5 yard line with 5 minutes to go and them having one timeout, and shit the bed. Leonhard missed yet another tackle. And whoever called an all-out blitz against Tebow, leaving no one on the outside, is out of their mind.

    I think it's time to accept that the Jets just aren't a very good team this year. Not only don't I see any way they can make the playoffs, at this point they might not even win 9.
  3. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Positive =/= this thread.

    People are really missing the point....acting like I posted "I know it was a tough loss....but it wasn't that bad!"

    Not at all what I'm trying to say.

    It's just a waste of time going through all the bitching to find the few real posts hidden every 3 pages in the other threads.
  4. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    The Patriots hangover would be hard to deal with, on 4 days of rest. In fucking Denver.

    Tebow has one good drive at the end. Did nothing the entire night outside of that.

    Sanchez............. well.............
  5. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    You should know better than this by now. Even after a win everybody fudges their huggies in sadness.
  6. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    Continuity = 2011 NY Jets worst nightmare... It's only going to get worse when Shotty is canned but it HAS to be done...
  7. Sweet P

    Sweet P Banned

    Nov 9, 2011
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    I just opened up that GQ spread and took a dump on it! This shit bothers me for days....but hey the sun will rise tommorow right!?
  8. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Wayne Hunter, Braylon, and Hartsock. Wow - I can't believe the drop off from 2 players. We really miss Edwards, especially in the run game.

    I can't fault the defense this game. They were gassed by the end of the game. 7 3 and outs is a pretty good showing.

    McKnight has fumble-itis.

    Sanchez should be burned at the stake for that pick 6 but there should have been more points on the board regardless...
  9. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    And not just the offense. We let bullshit ass Tebow march 95 yards when it counted. Rex is supposed to be a defensive guru. This is the D he and Tannenbaum fielded. And TEBOW, a college QB, made this D look so pathetic that Rex figured this game was over after that TD. So it's not just the offense and Sanchez (who I blame a LOT). Defense failed. Special teams FAILED. Seriously, WTF?
  10. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    Smith doesn't understand he needs to cover someone until the guy already has the ball....Sanchez isn't good enough, period.

    On a scale of 1-10 on a mental level, I would suggest that 10 of out offensive starters are at 7 or above....Mark is at 2.

    Leonhard got a hard on and tried to get a safety on that lateral pass Tebow threw...if should've jsts made the tackle.
  11. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    YOU are like my 3rd favorite poster, real talk. And you're a Jets fan thru and thru. But this is the rational thread. Rationally, do you see THIS team winning THIS YEAR's super bowl? And if so, what have you seen this year that gives you that confidence. I'm a fucked up alcoholic. I clearly don't see the forest for the treees. I admit that. So I'm looking to you to disprove my pessimism. I'll watch EVERY Jets game for the rest of the season, hoping this team wins every game. But I don;t see this team winning this year's super bowl, which is all I want. Tell me I'm wrong. PLEASE.
  12. Chrebet86

    Chrebet86 Active Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Its lookin pretty bad, but just say the Pats lose next week, and the Jets get it together. Were right back in the same situation we were before tonights loss.

    Thats as far as my optimism will go, Ill never count the Jets out because of the situation or the math. However I will count them out because they keep making the same mistakes.

    The O-line is bad, tio the point that it doesnt seem like it can be fixed, moslty for pass protection but they arent opening up any huge holes all the time either.

    That means we gotta change our offensive philosophy a little bit. 3 step drops and a quick pass. Its like they are forcing sanchez to be a pocket passer, let him roll out or something, anytime he hangs back there in the pocket I cringe.

    Mcknight looked dan good tonight, minus the fumble. Get a healthy LT back and get Mcknight much more involved in the offense, and if shonn green can be shonn green.
    Combine that with some patriot losses and I think well start doing alright again.
  13. perfectpackage99

    Jan 16, 2005
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    disaster, we stink plain and simple, we need to make some major changes in the off-season.
  14. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    It doesn't matter if Smith understands what his role is....he's not fast enough to cover anybody at the Safety position.
  15. The Green Dude

    The Green Dude 2008 Best Avatar Award Winner

    Jun 3, 2004
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    Look at the Patriots schedule... where do you see them losing more than one game the remainder of the season? The way we have been playing we are swimming up stream for a wildcard spot the rest of the way thru at best.
  16. zace

    zace Well-Known Member

    May 27, 2008
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    I think that was the biggest problem, we really did not upgrade our offense. I like Greene in the Marion Barber role, but not as a starter. We need to upgrade our running game as well, That would set things up for us offensively.
  17. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    What really angers me is how tentative we are on offense. In our play-calling, in our decision-making, and in our complete lack of physicality. We don't take risks and we play scared. We have yet to make a big play on offense - one first quarter TD - it's all dink and dunk Schotty ball and Sanchez making nervous reads. Everything we do is geared towards not making that big mistake. The defense knows it so they sit on it and what do you know? A big mistake happens. Something needs to change and to me, it's easier to get rid of Schotty than it is to give up on our QB and start over.

    On D, we play great for most of the game but then we have these colossal melt downs when it matters most. A lot of that is due to our offense and special teams putting all the pressure on the D, but in the past, the D sucked it up and won the game for us. Not now. That blitz on the TD was horrific.

    Specials teams - You can't keep turning the ball over.

    It's all so disappointing, but we are 5-5, have a 10 day break, and return home to face a team we dominated at their house. Go Jets.

    Oh, and Fuck the NFL.
  18. Chrebet86

    Chrebet86 Active Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    Shit happens, we seen it in the past, and weve also seen it in the present, like within the last 5 days. I understand its a longshot and trust me, I dont feel very good about it at all, but a 2 game swing isnt the worst situatio in the world.
  19. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I think you need some time off
  20. Cynic

    Cynic New Member

    Oct 18, 2009
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    I hate to say it but you sunshiners are so ignorant that you'll need the Jets to miss the playoffs to wake up. When that point comes you'll either

    A) Be louder then anyone in your outrage with the team
    B) Cry in a corner

    So I say be quiet.

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