Sanchez and Schottenheimer are a joke.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by AirStrike, Nov 14, 2011.

  1. JfaulkNYJ

    JfaulkNYJ New Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    tim tebow is completing 44% of his passes, and has a QB rating of 81.6

    since his qb rating is .1 better than mark's, he is better than sanchez according to your logic right?
  2. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    Well they should be fired too! But clearly the body of work that they used to make that determination was incomplete to make this kind of decision.

    Let's look at this from another perspective for the folks who want to attack people for having a different view point. What has Sanchez done that makes you think he will deliver on the promise? Give me (Again a body of work) over a period of time that has you so convinced he belongs among those elite QBs Jetsfan2 posted.

    Because my premise is that his best days are not when he adds anything, but when he just doesn't scr*w it up. Contributes in a very Dilferesque manner...
  3. chris5533

    chris5533 Well-Known Member

    May 31, 2003
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    Im on the fence with Sanchez, but the idea that all the jets problems fall back on him is simply unfair. He is a young qb who still developing and at times shows great promise. The play calling is awful, he asked to manage the game which is one of the most difficult things to do. This never allows him to get in a rhythm. The jets need to start designing game plans that help him develop confidence, not schizophrenic ones that are hurting everyone. when were running well, we pass, when were passing well were running. I think its no coincidence everyone seems to be confused by Greene and Sanchez seeming lost this season.

    In 3 years he has taken the Jets deep into the playoffs 2x, hes wins more games than he loses. I think its a bit early for the i hate Sanchez mantra on this board, especially considering some of the obstacles he has to overcome. (bad play calling, and some bad personal moves) he can definitively improve and hopefully he does, but to make it like hes a bust and the jets need to go in a new direction already is laughable. (seems as if allot on this board believe that). what the real basis for that? who would you want instead of Sanchez?(with in reason) hes in his 3rd year not 8th. I think everyone forgets that.
  4. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    I NEVER said that he was the only reason that we are we are at this point in his career. He was not on the field Sunday PM when Brady shredded us before half time, & then again a few more times in the second half. AND; there it is, as I am writing it. In New England I bet NO ONE is EVER worried about Sanchez "shredding" them. They might be worried about our D, or Welker being stranded on Revis Island, or even Rex's tactics, but NEVER Sanchez. & I think in year three we should know that we have something special, and WE DON'T PERIOD Any of the top QBs in the league had shown something by now, he has not, & it is my OPINION; why is that laughable?? I think it is laughable, sad, & sheep-like that you don't demand more for your team!! I want more. As a season ticket holder I AM SICK of the promise. I want results from the most important position on the team.

    Hmmm', top 5 QBs; Brady as their QB (Most Likely Bye first Round) A Rogers for Packers (Clear Favs to win the SB AGAIN!) Brees - Division leader by 2 games & contender to represent in SB; Romo & Brees both duking it out for Division lead. Our pathetic number 18 (NUMBER F'n 18 YAAAAK!) guy; already duked out by the division leader. & WE HAVE A BETTER TEAM EVERYWHERE ELSE!!! Why is this so hard for knuckle heads to grasp?!?!?! Bahhhhhhh
  5. Jets007

    Jets007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Schottenheimer needs to go after this season! His Play calling is just too predictable. As for Mark Sanchez, give him another two more years and if he doesn't improve, let him go!
  6. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    What will you know after 5 years that you don't already know after 3 years?

    He already has 47 NFL starts which is a very good sample size.

    He has only shown slight improvement since his rookie year and he will never be a top 15 QB in the NFL.
  7. Namath3

    Namath3 New Member

    Nov 6, 2011
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    Perfectly stated by a Pats Fan!!!!!!!! Sometime I guess you really are too close to the forest for the trees! Thanks for your insight.
  8. jetsfan2

    jetsfan2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Exactly he is being paid and was drafted with high expectations therefore he is a huge bust, Also the Jets are built to win now not in two years shleprocks, in 2 years Bart Scott will be washed up, Revis will want 30 mil a year, and our offensive line will be in their 30's and on the decline. Hell I wouldn't be suprised if Mangold holds out soon as he has so much leverage. How is Sanchez being paid more then anyone on our team? Wtf? If I were Revis id be insulted.
    #148 jetsfan2, Nov 15, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2011
  9. tank75

    tank75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    seems to me you just gave yourself away as being PatsFanTx...
  10. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    I have been saying this since last year. This Jets team needs to do it either THIS YEAR or next at the latest. They do not have the luxury of time on their hands. Guess what too, you will more than likely have new receivers next year too. No receiver wants to play with a shitty QB.

    Cut your losses and dump Sanchez, for god sakes. the fact that he is getting 14.5 million dollars this year kills me, he is not even worth 1.5 million.
  11. jetsfan2

    jetsfan2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    as the thread says both Sanchez and Shotty have to go this offseason.
  12. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Jets (or any team for that matter) can't do a damn thing about that as it was part of his rookie contract.

    It will be interesting, however, to see how the Jets handle Sanchez's next contract.

    If they think he is the QB of the Jets future, Sanchez will get long-term extension during this off-season with one year remaining on his original contract, kinda like they did with Pennington's $64 Mil extension back in '02.

    If they Jets do not extend Sanchez prior to this contract expiring, the writing is on the wall that he is not their guy.
  13. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    So true and I highly doubt the give him any extension at all.
  14. Mr3rdDown80

    Mr3rdDown80 Member

    Jul 28, 2011
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    i've been supportive of sanchez from day 1. but this year its getting a little harder to back him up.

    i believe though, that you can't make a final judgement on him until you try him with a new offensive coordinator. schotty needs to go, period.

    he has a couple good games and then goes back to the same nonsense.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE do not re-sign him after this season.
    i don't know who will take his place but anyone is worth a shot. he's had more than enough time and more than enough different talented players to prove he's capable of putting together a consistent offense.
  15. jetsfan2

    jetsfan2 Banned

    Nov 14, 2011
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    Rex needs to make a statement and bench Sanchez atleast 1 quarter next time he does something stupid, the quarterback is supposed to be the smartest player on your football team what does it say about you when your coach says "that was the dumbest play I ever seen"? Sanchez is a huge liability for this team because with all the hype he had and all the money he is making its hard to admit failure(see gholtson) and part ways. The only reason why Rex didn't bench him last year was cause he was drafted 5th and making so much money. If it was a 7th round pick playing like Sanchez Rex would have benched him. What really pissed me off last game was him yelling at Keller when he overthrew him by 20 yards and almost threw a pick, way to motivate your players bonehead.
    #155 jetsfan2, Nov 15, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2011
  16. PatsFanTX

    PatsFanTX Banned

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Not sure you can blame Sanchez for that one. It was obvious Keller broke off his route early instead going to the flag where Sanchez threw the ball.

    Only time you break off a route early like that is when you are the hot receiver when the opposing defense is blitzing.

    That was not the case on that play.
  17. ugggghhh

    ugggghhh New Member

    Nov 14, 2011
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    I posted this in a different thread but it didn't really get any response so I wanted to see what you guys think. If your not supposed to double post then I apologize, and again this isn't supposed to be an attack on anyone just giving my opinion on your situation because it was so similar to our situation with Chad Henne...

    Hello all,

    I just registered on this forum to give my insight on Sanchez. I first want to state that I am a dolphins fan. I know you guys probably think I'm just a troll or something, even though I'm not exactly sure what that is, but the dolphins had a very similar situation with Henne. There were fans that thought he just sucked and would always suck, and others that thought it was more the offensive coordinators fault. I was one that thought he had talent but the offense around him was horrible. Henne and Sanchez also had very similar issues. Staring down recievers, constant checkdowns, boneheaded interceptions, and horrible pocket awareness. We got a new offensive coordinator over the off season and the changes were incredible. Even though he stats weren't great, mainly couldn't score in the redzone, the guy was a completely different quarterback. He was scanning the field, limiting his interceptions, and was doing a great job of moving around the pocket and avoiding sacks. Again, I'm not saying he was incredible or anything, but for the first year under a new coordinator he did a complete 180 and his play was top 15 qb material as opposed to bottom 10. My point being I think sanchez could do the same thing. A new offensive coordinator can make a HUGE difference. I think you guys gotta give him 1 more year under a new OC and also bring in some sort of decent compitition to get him motivated. If he still sucks after that then cut your losses and look for somebody else. But I really think you do have to give him that 1 more year under somebody new. I probably wouldn't be saying this if Henne didnt do better under our new coordinator, and alot of you will probably still think he sucked...but I'm telling you the changes were incredible over just a year. Like I said still not great but he really did look like a new quarterback. So thats my opinion on your situation because like I said it was very similar to ours. And I know jet fans hate dolphin fans and vise versa but I'm not here to rip on you guys or anything just trying to give my honest input.
  18. ScotsJet

    ScotsJet Active Member

    Jan 3, 2004
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    Keller does this a lot.
  19. Levenhagen

    Levenhagen New Member

    Oct 2, 2011
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    "Stop bitching about sanchez, the OL basically did not protect him at all in the first half, shonn greene and tomlinson cant catch a ball, causing the first interception.
    Honestly, his only (terrible) mistake was the INT in the end, but damn, the pats were already 14 pts ahead, this loss goes for the D and the OL in first half
    And so what if sanchez called the timeout? Aint this supposed to be the best defense rex? it should've stopped brady, no excuses"
  20. TheGreenCantona

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Of course the qb rating isn't perfect, but you have to admit that the "he is winning game away from home in play-offs" carries far less accuracy.

    The mere fact that he is in the proximity of Tebow on his third season should ring a bell for you!

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