Amazon is shipping this to my door tomorrow. I have an hour invested into Dark Souls, 3 hours invested into MW3, Battlefield 3 unopened, Mass Effect 1 & 2 unplayed and borrowed from a friend, now this. Too many games too little time /firstworldproblems
I played Dark Souls for a little while, but deemed it "UN FUN" so I stopped. I don't mind a challenge, but it was just too fucking tedious.
The problem is I work and go outside too much. Haven't had time to play these games yet outside of a couple of hours on weekends
Well, this game is as awesome as I thought it would be -- but maybe More awesome than I thought it would be. /awesome.
I didn't get to play much this weekend, due to out-of-towners visiting. But I started on the dark brotherhood quest line, and I'm hoping to score some fly armor to improve my stealth skillz. Cant wait to get home and play some more! /CANT WAIT!
this game is pretty awesome. Bethesda improved a lot of aspects from their previous games (with the exception of voice acting, using the same voices over etc, enemy AI and a few other things) i like how your companions don't actually die permanently like they do in fallout 3 and fallout NV. nothing sucks more than when those guys get stuck and a horde of mobs just rips them to shreds in literally 2 seconds. one thing i wish they would change in all Bethesda games; the whole inventory management system and being able to pick up any useless shit. I know it's realistic being able to take literally anything from anyone and having weight limitations but it's also frustrating and not fun. Even when you figure out what's useless and what isn't, you generally want to try and take back as much armor/weapons so you can sell them off. so much of my time in this game so far is spent shuffling/discarding items or transfering to my companion. it's always easier when you get a house because you can store stuff but even then you're always fast traveling back to gather ingredients/etc.
Your companions don't die permanently in Fallout 3 or NV. They just go unconscious until there are no more enemies nearby. EDIT: Though I play on PC so don't know if it's different on consoles.
Just got this last night, can't wait to finish off these stupid exams on Thursday so that I can just play it non stop. I like the new HUD and menu systems.
I'm hoping to buy this over the weekend. Only reason I've been holding off is that I've been participating in the closed beta for TOR.
I remember them dying pretty easily in 3(unless you got Dogmeat after installing Broken Steel, then he had 500000000000000000000000whotehefuckknows HP). FNV used the unconscious format instead, unless you played in Hardcore Mode in which case they died every two seconds. I love the balance in this game, though. They'll hit bleed-out before going to zero so long as they're attacked by someone else but a few careless shots from your arrow/bow/spell and they're done. I think it does a nice job of tweaking a combat system that has been otherwise fairly lazy for some time now.
Hey. Could a person who has never really played an RPG game get into this? Renting isnt an option because well..... there is no where to rent from.
Apparently putting a bucket or kettle over a vendors head in a shop makes them blind to anything you steal. Time to get my theft on.