It was fun seeing him take off his helmet before yelling at someone on the field and then getting his face bashed in.
His teammates all seem pretty annoyed by him to be honest. "Hey guys! Did you see my celebration!???" No thanks, not if they start testing for HGH.
What a self-absorbed douchebag. I'm sure everyone on his team walks the other way when they see him coming so they don't have to tell him to STFU.
that actually jumped out to me. especially when hes talking to Demeco Ryans on the sideline. he just has this look like "thats cool.....stfu"
He looks like that annoying dude who nobody wants to sit next to because he never shuts up about himself.
either way as mentioned he will be suspended again once they start the HGH testing. i find it funny someone with steroid problems is saying "wow my arms look beast. yeaaaa" numerous times on a football team where plenty of guys are built well
That was actually hard to watch. What an idiot. His was mostly his teammates who were blowing him off. #66 Shawn Lauvao mixed it up with him - he's probably been sick of dealing with him when he was at ASU & Cushing was at USC.
what a brain dead steroid freak retard. he is completely obnoxious. like the little kid who is trying to make all the big kids like him. this is what happens when you coddle athletes their entire lives, they never grow up. this douchebag will end up retarded and broke.