Makes multiple references in today's press conference, so if you're going to the game, be loud as fuck.
The fanbase is not like the Chiefs or Ravens. The last time Rex asked for this against the Pats, Brady took 2 timeouts due to crowed noise. The Jets are going to need all the help they can get against an opponent who is going to come out guns blazing.
Yes. For a variety of reasons (high ticket prices, poorly designed stadium, etc.) we don't get as loud as a lot of other fanbases in the NFL do. That said, the last time that Rex asked Jets fans to deliver against the Pats, we made Brady piss his pants. Hopefully we can bring it again on Sunday night.
That dude needs to die. But seriously, the crowd better be loud as hell. I would be if I were able to go to the game.
I have had season tickets since 2005 and have never been this excited about a home game. I live in the heart of Pats country (Amherst MA, home of UMass and all the D-bag college kids that come with it) and I am looking forward to making signs to display on the windows of my car when I make the 3 and a half hour drive down to the meadowlands. I'll be as loud as I can at this game. This is a turning point in the franchise, and I can not be more pumped about a game at this point.
This game is gonna be sick. I'll be there and I'm bringing the noise. Pure silence on offense and mass hysteria on defense.
Thank you. Im a STH, and every game (and in every section) there is an idiot yelling "COME ON GET LOUD" while we are on offense.