Not sure if anyone else heard this.. but.. A few weeks ago Antonio Pierce said the Jets won't make the playoffs and that they will finish 3rd in the AFC East.. This morning? He predicted the Jets to WIN the AFC East :rofl::rofl:.. make up your mind you dumb fuck
The Jets have gone to, and lost, 2 AFCCG's. The only way you gain respect is by winning. That begins by winning the division, winning championship games and winning Super Bowls. Nobody ever remembers who loses in conference championship games.
I was hoping someone would call him out. Soxxx gets off on the Jets losing and when we win he acts like he's been saying this for so long. He is the only thing keeping Milcus from winning least knowledgeable poster award.
I think who participated in Conference Championship games is pretty memorable. I personally only have trouble remembering a few since 2000 which is when I started really paying attention to the NFL. This opinion of yours is probably centered on the fact that your rival has been to two straight without getting over the hump.
what happened to soxx?? lol I really want to hear what he has to say after that post completely backfired and shit all over his face.. LO fucking L and the media changes their mind like I change my underwear. Everybody changes their minds on a week to week basis. I wouldnt be surprised if the Jets are out of playoff contention in the eyes of the media at another point by the time the season ends.